lolz.... Farming in -- Wintergrasp --- Using Randombuddy, profile reset every 5 mins, all the options ticked.. Farmed for about 1 hour ( just hit level 85 today ) made 0 gold, spend 29k on Battlechest from "Precious -Ownedcore" What does that say? kinda record timing IMO... Fuck this program, take it down, Honorbuddy is completely useless. Absolutely fucking outraged. WTS Honorbuddy Lifetime Sub. PM me.
Mate, grow up! If you cant learn to bot safely, you wont survive long, sorry! There is enough guides on the forum with useful tips for safe botting, go spent some time on this, and hopefully your accounts will last longer! Good luck!
Well,, server side script might be canceled out due to Randombuddys randomness, compared to a Regular profile who just circles. I can however guarntee you 100% that my IP / hkeylocal / "xxxxxxx" in my wow folder is blacklisted. Isnt the first time this has happend, however the email i got suggests a 'Player Report' which is that much more pathetic ><
Leveled 1-85 in 8 hours in my special spot ( NON RAF , NON exp % boost ) , never used AH on the toon, never traded, never even got to fucking send any mail. Never Vendored anything due to Powerleveling myself in 8 hours, my Powerlevel toon got all the mats / itmes which i DE'd.
leveling so fast may have triggered some kind of server side script, especially if raf wasn't enabled, it seems like you were using an exploit to level in 8 hours?
no, no exploit.. I did have RAF enabled, but i did not receive "RAF" exp Bonus from killing the mobs i was killing.. All done by hand, no exploit, no cheats. 100% had farming. i have changed my Home IP almost every time i bot, when ever i start a new session.. Change my IP -- Via ( going into my router login, and the Mac Address - changing the #s around, not the letters ) which in turn changes my IP after i unplug for 10 sec then plug the router./modem back in. that couldnt be it tho, if anything, make it harder for them to "track" me , also IMO rules out being " Blacklisted' unless its my " xxxxxxx " inside of my wow install. or even my HKEY_LOCAL key registary might be it, its how they track people
you bought a battlecrest from ownedcore, and leveled from 0-85 in 8 hours... that screams for a ban lol.
Sorry for your loss dude. But 0-85 was probably the flag for close monitor, the rest just followed naturally. I've been banned for randombuddy too, but that was my fault for running multiple instances on a single PC, so it naturally got flagged and banned. There's many reasons to get flagged, a follow up from GM is all that is needed to ban our accounts.
You know that unplugging the router will reset the external ip right ? No need to change any numbers... And what mac address are you changing ? Not your NIC's mac, that's for sure..
80% of US connections are dynamic IPs and only change when the company feels it's necessary. You can only change them yourself if you change the modems mac address or get a new modem. Comcast / Charter / WoW / Road Runner and many others are the same way.
As far as i know it's pretty hard to change a mac address as it's hardcoded into the hardware. You might be able to spoof it, but not change it for good.
You can easily change a router's mac address in the router config which will change your external IP.
There is a "lease time" with DHCP (dynamic assignment of IP addresses) that's preset by the provider. Usually it's a few days and it's tied to a MAC address. Rebooting your router alone will not necessarily change your public IP address.