"Arrogance will bring your downfall, but if you are humble, you will be respected." Yes, getting your ass banned in an hour means you know more than we do, lol.
This is your problem, even though i've bought many Sor accounts from him (like 12) and they were fine, yet the key i bought for gold from him was banned. I made it to 70, legit i might add, i was just leveling them through raf with 3 windows open and just did dungeons here and there, got dced and tried to log in and was banned for abuse of the economy. Yet the other key i bought at the exact same time from another seller, the trades were not even 5 mins apart and that was fine. Dodgy keys i'm guessing.
So, basically you're saying it's honorbuddy's fault that you got reported by a player because you were probably not near the computer to catch anything. That sounds like a shame on you! Which would also mean - you don't know more than what you think you do.
This, and not to mention trading that big of an amount of gold could have also triggered a flag, precious's account may have been being watched and they may link anything associated to him/her to a flag.
And we know why you got banned. Stupid Botting. Its not the bot. its the users. Blizzard " I wonder how he leveled so fast " " Lets watch for foul play" " HE IS BOTTING AND GATHERING HERBS" "BAN HAMMER"
Just about everything in this post sounds like a flat out lie, or a very large exaggeration. Banned after 1 hour? Sure! Leveled to 85 in your special spot that noone else knows about in 8 hours with no RAF bonus? I bet! I'm surprised you haven't been banned from the forums yet for trying to sell your key, which is against forum rules.
People like the OP make me lol. "I'm pretty sure I know more than you do", yet you're the one banned while 95% of other HB users who bot safely are fine. The program is not broken; your common sense is.