However this will end or what people believe or don't believe it is pretty amazing how some poeple that don't have any knowledge about a a few seconds find a "hoax video" or something and take this as their reality..amazing how naive people are.It's interesting how gullible people are and how easily they believe things even if they don't have any idea of it. It is a pity that people in advance say "this is not true"..maybe they are just afraid because it would change their "view of the world" but always remember there has been the thought that the world is flat..galileo said it is a globe and the poeple laught at him cause they where to stupid to imagine the possiblity...or like said..they where too afraid to think different then anybody else and didn't wanted to blame theirselves..some pople here act the same. I never wanted to tell anyone what to believe in or at and what not...but as a last sentence..don't believe every shit you see/hear in the news / what politicians tell a passive robot or something..use your brain!
DaSoul, that post can be completely turned against yourself aswell. How do you know for a FACT that all of it is true? You don't. You can believe what you want, but you won't know for a fact that it's not something set up by someone as a joke or a hoax, or that whatever you saw with your own eyes was not something else that looked like something you wanted it to be.
If you read my posts..especially my first one i clearly wrote that some videos look like ufo's but are in real other things, see my example with the flares. But, like also written before...if there is a big glowing orb flying arround, stopping and turning and being pursued by military helicopters and see it with my OWN eyes..then this is something different. I definitely don't believe in every shit on the internet as i have no possibility to check if it is right! that is why my friend and i decided to go to uk..we just wanted to see something ourselves and we did. (Sure i can not prove that this flying orb hasn't been a military aircraft with super secret technique or something..but i can think about it and i'm pretty sure they would not use it in public for fun)
Well I certainly won't believe any of that untill I personally see flying saucers hover above my backyard, beam up my sheep, teleport themselves down and harvest my blood to feed their planet. CY@
Was pretty much going to reply with this. DaSoul, you should read what you just said. You believe in aliens yes? well what you said pretty much contradicts your own statements. You dont have any ideas about aliens, if there real, where they are and such. No one does. Galileo said that the earth and other objects in the sky revolved around the sun, not them around us. EDIT Oh.. Pics or it didn't happen.
Okay i was wrong on the galileo part okay...but the more important thing was what i wanted to say with is hard to say something against a mass of people. And yes from the experience i made i believe that..and a picture wouldn't help you for yourself in any way as there are thousand pictures and you wouldn't know if it is real or i said a million times now..if someone is really interested in this and wants a proof for himself..well, feel free to go there!
I completely agree but on the previous parts of your comment, yes there are thousands of pictures, hundreds of them faked, hundred confirmed on what object they are and only a few of them which cannot be explained.
Any idiot with a video editing tool can make the first one, but if it is real thats pretty freaky. The second one? Someone let go of some wedding balloons..
Fishy, very nice replays. DaSoul, first of all pretty much all people doesnt know many small things, what technology is already secretely in use. Secondly these massive reports about aliens were proved so many times, that it was just a false lies, some made up story, so its natural that people act funny, but its also more funnier how many people dont consider of it as a biger picture, instead they see only small picture and believe this is how it is and only this.
Thank you very much @nexxy i was talking about the crop circle, but hell that's pretty damn interesting. Edit: Also, excellent timing in link that with me cause were learning about all this stuff such as the genomes and such in humans in our Human Bio class. Thanks ill bring this up with the teacher EDIT2: Upon researching i found: ~ Summarised it means. It was human.
so if you think that old skull the starchild skull or w/e is alien lol then i guess this guy is an alien hybrid too. its a known medical condition.
Man your statement is stupid. Who said it was made by night? The Farmer who owns, that property might have lied. Why should aliens make a crop circle like that?! Whats the problem with a few hundred meters long rope? and your calculation is wrong, its not few hundred meters. The crop circles have a diameter 20 Meters I guess. Think before Posting (Germans have a tendency to do the opposite)
Precisely most of these "aliens" are confirmed or still being worked on, and are mainly deformities or mutations caused when the child is growing. The Starchild skull has similar deformities as a disease known as Hutchinson–Gilford progeria syndrome, where the child occurs a point mutation in its DNA. The disease makes the child have slow growth at the start then rapidly develops and dies at an early age (early teens) i think. EDIT: He's right. also, there are buildings that are made in ancient times (i do believe the pantheon or a pyramid, cant remmeber it was on TV) that were created with angles that would of required over 1.6miles to get accurate, yet these people did it with no where near the ability to do that, so in theory anyone could do it with simple tools and make massive crop circles with great accuracy and style with modern tools. So really a few hundred meter wide crop cirlce using rope wouldn't be a problem. Get a sturdy string/rope, pin it to the centre of a circle, pull tight till it has no bow through middle, and start marking.. people in the construction industry do it.