Okay, so the last few days i've been having some fun with multiboxing with trial accounts. (Having to wait till HB is back on) I have multiboxed a while ago with 5 accounts, but stopped because it was a little to expansive. Now i'm going to a small lan party on friday, and me and my friends tried a few lan-multiboxing things the last few days. I was using PwnBoxer before, which really satisfied my needs, but was only capable of using 10 x WoW as a maximum. Now i've been using ISBoxer, and daamn.. dis shit is awesome! Yesterday tried multiboxing with 16 shamans, all those lightning bolts look awesome, i promise you! (Screenshots below) So what we're first going to do, is trying to multibox with 100 shamans. Not to level, or do anything. But just to try if its possible. And see what level mobs we can beat. Any other cool ideas i could try?
Haha 100 trial accounts ? Dont forget to record that and post on youtube if so! You would get a shitloads of views
Doing this with 2. My main pc (12 x WoW) My laptop (4 x WoW) and at the lan party, we'll be using every pc that we're allowed to use;p
you could always try just making a ton of trial accounts then level 1 multi-box a world boss down. im sure thats never been done before. or you can spell things out in stormwind HonorbuddyRocks would be awesome all layed out.
surely a bunch of trial accounts trying to multibox a world boss would just mean loadsa misses? Don't be disheartend by this comment though as it would be really amusing.
As Bobble stated, that will be alot of misses. but i could try tho. And i guess i'll be spelling that in orgrimmar then;p
2 years ago someone started to yell out "create a level 1 toon and follow us to stormwind" at the end the server crashed after a few minutes in stormwind...it was lagging really really bad =) But the idea with trial accounts sounds funny. For each account you have to take a new email address right?
you know a website where i can make email adresses with 2 clicks then? Already setting up the accounts & char's costs alot of time, and i'd rather not waste time on making email adresses