Hi! I know that I saw a post about this earlier, but can't find it. Anyway could someone tell me how do you boost your alt through instances, like making alt stay away and pull lots of mobs with main and then comeback and kill them. Something like that? What do you need to get the xp? Thanks in advance.
The exp range is pretty long, in most instances you can leave your alts at the entrance. Some instances have some special spots you can kill at for your alts to get exp (like in deadmines)
Best way for me is: 1-10 - Level yourself 10-20 - SFK (you can let the alt stand at start, just as close to the "gates" infront" and it will get XP from every mob.) 20-40 - SM Cath (Pull it all, using killing the dude then aggro bitch until sleep, then run back) 40-45 - Quest+SM 45-55 - Scholo 55-65 - Ramparts ( use one pull metod, check youtube)
i like: RAF x2-5 1-10 quest 10-19 deadmines 20-39 SM's 40-44 BRD 45-54 Stratholme (backdoor --> live side) 55-60 Ramps or BF (ramps faster for me)
This is my setup while I raf 4 accounts together and my 80 prot pally 1-10 Questing using honorbuddy 10-20 Deadmines 2 Hours 20-30 SM cath 1 hour 30-40 SM cath2 Hours 40-45 BRD 2 Hours 45-55 Stratholme 4 Hours 55-60 Ramps 50 Minutes
Log on ur alt, put hb -> Raf mode and it will automaticly follow ur main char and loot corpses while waiting ur killing more on ur main (Requires 2 wow accs ofc.) Atleast it worked like that for me while i was running dungeons.
Always got my alts killed so I didn't bother, if you bot you don't care that much for the crappy drops anyway.