DaVinci - Solo/Group/Raf Questing BotBase This botbase is made by myself and Wigglez. The goal of this botbase is to level any character from 1-90 solo/group/raf. This is a huge project and will be released in steps, atm it's in early development but I made this thread so you can follow the progress and help with alpha/beta testing once we start to release code. Code will be relesed in this thread as we progress on the project. There will be no beta test invite or anything, everyone that visits this thread will be able to beta test. The basic flowchart of this project will be kinda like this : If you have Microsoft Visio you can download the flowchart file here. Or you can look at this screenshot. If you want to support mine and Wigglez work and want to make a donation you can donate to my PayPal and I will transfer half of it to Wiggles. There is absolutly no requirement to donate, this project will be open source, if you donate you won't personally get a beta ver before anyone else, everyone gets it at the same time. So you get absolutly no personal benefits of donating, except for making me and Wigglez (and yourself) happy and make us speed up our work. My PayPal is : *removed by chinajade to prevent abuse by SPAMbots. AknA has been PM'd about problem.*
The beta testing is a long way out but I'd jump for the chance to partake in the guinea pig delight. I'll be watching this thread both eagerly and closely.