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  • Turn Release back on and Put Beta back into Testing

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by russ1979, Jan 12, 2014.

    1. iTunes

      iTunes New Member

      Dec 27, 2013
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      Wow, how did you even get the "Community Developer." You are much more ignorant than I even thought possible. You don't even know that the hooks get broken after every patch, you don't even understand how this bot functions.
    2. MrUnreal

      MrUnreal Member

      Oct 27, 2013
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      Seeing a few of your previous posts , neighter do you :)
    3. iTunes

      iTunes New Member

      Dec 27, 2013
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      I may have made quite a few assumptions, but I believe the majority of them to be correct - considering my previous work in very similar projects.
    4. MrUnreal

      MrUnreal Member

      Oct 27, 2013
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      Very simmilar project ? :) A runescape bot ? :D Are you serious ? :) You are basically comparing a toddler driving his three wheel bike with a proffesional cyclist here mate :D
    5. randomstraw

      randomstraw Community Developer

      Jul 17, 2012
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      Teach me, master.

      Or: If you don't understand what i'm saying indirectly, shut up. Thanks!
    6. w118cmh

      w118cmh New Member

      Feb 10, 2010
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      The problem is you're contradicting yourself.

      If you did in fact work on another botting project (and I have no reason to doubt that, although, as Apoc pointed out, differs greatly in technical scope), then you of all people should be sensitive to subjecting users to functionality that you know could and very well would be caught.

      You mention in your next post that you had to by-pass their anti-cheat measures individually. That's exactly what the team here is doing. They realized an apparent flaw that GGG could exploit to catch users of ExileBuddy. They're fixing it. Which, if the tables were turned, would be exactly what I would do.

      I used to dabble in reversing and writing my own bots (I still think I was the first person ever banned from EQ2 for botting), I have a basic understanding of it. And I, for one, wouldn't even use a bot I wrote myself if I knew there was an inherent flaw, let alone let anyone else use it.

      I wonder how the Apoc of old, like on the Open Bot forums, would have replied....
    7. deductabel

      deductabel New Member

      Oct 22, 2012
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      Program your own POE bot.
    8. iTunes

      iTunes New Member

      Dec 27, 2013
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      I'm not talking about what most people used (SCAR/SRL). I'm talking about a bot that could handle 10+ clients on a shitty PC, using many of the same methods that ExileBuddy uses. In addition to the way the core works, the bot was much more expansive. It could play the entire game for you, without you having to touch it - including every single quest. If you have ever played Runescape you would know how many quests/how in-depth they can get.
      I don't think you have the knowledge to be saying anything indirectly, but trust me, if you were trying to say something - I would understand.

      This flagging/banning issue has been around for quite a while, but they have just now closed support for the working version, why did they do this? The beta has had many problems (such as Area transitioning) for a few weeks now, and it still hasn't been fixed. These are core features of the bot. I would like to trust that the devs could fix these in a timely matter, but if they haven't in the last few weeks, why would I believe we are on the edge of these fixing these problems?

      My personal plan of action would be, in this case (and I think of a lot of devs would agree with me) is just to temporarily close the release version, but still offer the Beta. By changing the Release version to the Beta version (and force-download it to people's computers) you are in-fact selling me an incomplete piece of work.

      From what I understand, they have already fixed the flagging issues, and they are just trying to get the current beta up to speed with the old stable version (area transitioning, not getting stuck, etc).

      Thank you for an actual reply instead of the many other replies nut-hugging Apoc with their ignorance. Apoc may have his reasons that I cannot see, but people trying to defend him solely because they like him does not help his case at all.

      And bear in mind, I don't mean these posts in offense to any of the developers, I just find that this whole situation was not taken care of in a professional matter.
    9. MrUnreal

      MrUnreal Member

      Oct 27, 2013
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      Whale whale whale , look at you big boy , *whale sound* . If you indeed understood the actual software development cycle, you would understand that while the user feedback is rather important , its on the developers to decide on the crucial steps and not on you . Take a good look around and judge for yourself if there are more people like you that havent been flagged and just want to continue botting or people that get insta flagged and cant use the bot at all . All you do at the moment is being selfish . I too have not been flagged and was happily botting , but the change came . So what ? They are trying to solve the problems for majority of the community and the fact it displeases you means nothing . They constantly provide support for their product and attempt to satisfy people that were displeased before you were . Please bear in mind that I genuinelly give 0 f*cks about your claim on " LOOK MOM I DID DIS AND DIS AND THUS I GET TO JUDGE EVERYONE " . There are tons of people on this forum that have fair knowledge of programming and dont feel the need to nag anyone . So just sit back , be patient and for the love of god stop mentioning some stupid ass runescape bot .
    10. iTunes

      iTunes New Member

      Dec 27, 2013
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      I'm graduating in the Spring with a degree in Software Development Management, so I do think I know the actual software development cycle.

      And any bot that I made 10k+ with, just from it's sales - not to mention actual botting, at the age of 14, I think I have a right to bring up.

      Pls learn some grammar.
    11. MrUnreal

      MrUnreal Member

      Oct 27, 2013
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      Oh boy o boy :D Well sorry sir that we are not all lucky enough to be a native speaker . You understood what I wanted to say and thats enough for me . 10k ? :D No not really if it was a monthly sub model with no other product on the market thats quite banal . Majoring ? :) Best of wishes but if you can get a major with your attitude and limited perspective it might just be bollogs :)
    12. iTunes

      iTunes New Member

      Dec 27, 2013
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      Limited perspective? I'm just saying they could have done a better job.
      And there were plenty of other products out at the time (many of which are still in existence) RuneBot and SCAR was our biggest competition - both of which were free. We provided a bot good enough to not only offer a free version, but to sell many copies of a "pro" version.
    13. MrUnreal

      MrUnreal Member

      Oct 27, 2013
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      Kindly reffer yourself to the point I made about f*cks given about "your bot" . The devs did what they thought was good and most feasible for the evolution of EB end of story .
    14. Apoc

      Apoc Moderator Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 16, 2010
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      Again, this is not RuneScape. We decided to pull the old release for many reasons, the main one being that we care more about our user's accounts, than we do about a few bugs that will be resolved soon.

      This isn't our first time around the block. We have the absolute best developers in the botting "niche" here. We've been innovating new botting techniques for years. We were the first to bring about polygon mesh-based pathfinding in a game. We were the first to move away from FSMs and move towards more powerful behavior trees, and HTNs. We are still the only bot out there that has not had a single detection-based ban in WoW. Plain and simple. We've developed 8 fully working (and fully-featured) bots here. They are all capable of all aspects of any game they're created for. However, that didn't happen overnight. Path of Exile is the 2nd hardest game we've come across, to create a bot for (between their crazy usage of STL, awkward UI system, and downright crazy input system, it's a nightmare to work with). I've personally created about 20 different bots for many different games. I've been doing this for over 10 years now, so I'd like to think I know what I'm doing. (FYI; I've been writing my own bots and RE'ing since before RuneScape ever existed, I just find no challenge in RE'ing what is effectively "easy" games. [Java, .NET, etc])

      With that said, we won't bring the release back under any circumstances. We've already fixed a plethora of issues with EB in the last week, and we're working on the last few. (Area transitions themselves aren't difficult to fix, we just haven't added the logic yet) You're free to agree or disagree with our decision. We know we won't gain any thanks from people who weren't flagged and/or banned with the old release. We're fine with that. We all have thick skin, and you won't really hurt our feelings. However, lets keep things civil at least.

      If you have any actual suggestions, or concerns, please, feel free to post them. However, bashing eachother is going to get nowhere. (And I'll start deleting posts soon if it continues)
    15. deductabel

      deductabel New Member

      Oct 22, 2012
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      All drama aside the current version of the bot is unusable. I've found one location that works for botting but even over leveled for the zone the bot finds a way to die (only bot hardcore) or crashes or gets stuck.

      You already have my money though so keep up the good work. :cool:

      P.s. fix chicken asap.

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