i like pvb. if we join bg with a premade team..just take a rouge/mage..pull the bot army->disengange..run..stealth..repeat=>bot have enough to do to run/move etc..the other palyer can easy win the bg.. thats how I farm honor
I was chatting in BG and said " so many botters " then they kicked me. So funny I was not even botting since I seen about 15 of them all follow each other. I hate bg botters they are the worse since bg botting sucks so much I was just stating the fact that there are so many botters while in chat guess I wont do that again since that is all most people use hb for these days.
Do you think it is wise mentioning that there is botters in the bg chat? There are thousands of people not knowing what a bot is and those people will just think you are a bad player instead of a bot. What im trying to say, its better to not force it out there ( of course most people know about the bots but there is no need increasing it ) Why do you hate people who use bg bots? They are a fellow botter friend ! And to think people would play bgs themself, i doubt there are few of them left ( only new people to the game or people who need gear). If you like the concept of doing bgs and think it is very fun and wish people wouldnt bot it, how about you try to do rbgs? You would have a blast! I am just wondering, why would you try to make it obvious that people are botting? For what purpose? Would you like if other people would use a passive aggressive tone about botting in a place you like to bot? Lets say you grind one place and other people say " so many bots here". People will try to become more aware of the botters then the gameplay itself. Why increase the risk? What is your purpose? Sincerly Prolifik
I dont know about your guys battlegroup, but for me AV and IoC is the major botting runs, and most of them, I admit, me inc are botting. thank god for blacklisting cause now I actually get a winning chance
Bots have basically destroyed bg`s for me. It would be okay if it was halfway decent, but theyre very poor and all do the same thing. Avoid them like the plague!
If BG Buddy was not so basic and crap I would not mind but it is. I only do 1 BG a day for my conquest points. And when you see about 30 bots in 1 AV that suck so much that you might as well just quit thats when you rage. You can also tell a botter from a mile away in BG's why I dont use it
What about just doing arenas ? Hawkone - how about just doing Rated battlegrounds if you want to do bgs?
I actually like playing BG end game, but there are SO many bots in there! I start to rage but end up laughing at the funny shit they all do, and how obvious it is. If i wasn't a botter myself I would probably be pissed lol But I never have and never will report one of my brothers *Edit* and wow how many people are using kicks questing! LCP anyone? It looks like 3 of us are mutliboxes hahaha
Not much diversity in profiles. Bots have become as easy to tell apart from players in WoW as they were in RS, Particularly in Battlegrounds.
That is if you use the built in profiles. However if u tweak around your self while also using a proper Combat routine, you will have a much more pleasant moment Take for example the good combat routine developer who have option to auto target+ auto move. Having this enabled will make the pathing in bgs be alot more random. ( just an example) However, i do get your point very very much. A rewamp of the whole bgbuddy would be utterly beautiful.
If the HB team could come up with random spots fot profiles or 3 or 4 different profiles for each bg then it wouldn't be so bad. Today it was horrible in TP as there were 7 or 8 bots and two real players ... If they ran different profiles/spots then they wouldn't end up at the same spot all the time. Sent from my SPH-L720 using TheBuddyForum mobile app
If you don't like the hot spots make a profile. If you don't like the bot don't use it. If you want to do bg's don't be a random's hero get in arenas and rbg's. They care more about farmers and gold sellers because there greedy.....just NO. They care about the farmers and sellers because they liquidate stolen accounts to sell gold. You think these websites are running HB lol. Wow itself is overpopulated with bots because there should be none. We are all part of the overpopulation. Congrats!
Profiles only get you so far. If you open BG Buddys warsong Gulch file there are start points ONLY! The logic behind BG Buddy is flawed. WSG Should be a flag based game. Ishorde.yes is hordeflagathome? go get alliance flag horde flag is gone go get it back. And so on.
lange schon ned mehr so gelacht will try to translate: im not laughing like this since weeks brilliant stories
Would be nice to be able to write "logic" into the profiles itself and i think it would save the bot devs a lot of development time and give the community more access and control in battlegrounds. I think it would also reduce the risk of boting greatly if players would be able to have "full control of everything" in the bg. Let people have x amounts of paths to 1 objective, let it random between them, if flag is captured go for the flag, if x place is taken either attack another place or defend, etc etc
Yes, I agree, new logic should be created to control the bots from a Hive. For example Hive detects that there are 15 other bots in the BG, Hive assigns bots 1 to 5 to go to Hangar, 6 to 10 to Workshop and 11 to 15 to Docks. Would be a mission to code.
Honestly, I wanted to go in to try to change things and play around with BgBuddy a little to tweak it so I will go where the bots go but not the same way they get there. But I cannot seem to find any of the logic for BGbuddy. The long start for Isles could easy be changed to go somewhere, anywhere.