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  • [PAID] [Mage] Portal - An Advanced Honorbuddy Mage Routine [PvE/PvP]

    Discussion in 'Mage' started by Millz, Aug 26, 2013.

    1. theatristformallyknownasG

      theatristformallyknownasG Active Member

      Jan 16, 2010
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      questing, raiding, instances, the lot. I have tried changing to assist with no change whatsoever. I'll have another play tonight.

    2. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Boss target dummies ;)


      I'll add force pet attack in (as I needed to do in Demonic).
    3. dilbog

      dilbog Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      I used this routine to get 14/14 heroic.
      Fery few issues but I can only tell you the issues that I have had.
      1: When you get to spoils use king wow instead it got me a extra 100k. On that boss this routine has dps issues in heroic.
      2: You need to be in control of more things like blink, spell steal ect and the routine has a big issue with pause on none combat keys. only way I found around this was to use a steelseries keyboard that lets you macro to any key so I could hard macro the pause and resume into actual modified keybinds for shit/alt ect.. now dont get me wrong if you are a key turner you will prob get away ok but not if you use your mouse to move and the need to int spell on time or in a sequence is to short.
    4. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      1) What's the issues? I'll get them sorted. First I've heard of problems on that fight.

      2) Still on the to-do list :< - It's major debugging work to get that fixed which is why it takes longer than feature changes (which require very little testing). Slowly getting through the to-do list now though.
    5. dilbog

      dilbog Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      Hey Millz
      On spoils heroic it seems to be slow. it dots slow and and skips some targets completely. Tbh I think it's routine bloat, I have noticed it on galakras aswell but because of the nature of that fight on heroic it is not a issue.
      Honestly kingwow is just plan faster on fights with lots of adds because it is so basic it sees something and dots it :) then straight back to full nuke on main target. only way I think you could make yours that little bit faster would be to split the routine into pvp and pve to get rid of the bloat and I dont see you doing that. So thats why I never said anything about it. On the same fight with my shadow priest I have the exact same issue so I use Tuanha's simple routine because it's lighter.
      Let me be clear I have not said anything about it before because the features you offer more than makes up for a few fights.
      If you want some logs and dont mind waiting a few weeks I can sort something out but it wont be this week because i'm doing a clear on another toon.

      *Edit* on the pause issue on none movement keys I know you have it on your to do list but I use other routines that have this fixed and it make life a hell of a lot simpler but one thing you could do to help the issue in the mean time is add your own pause option so pause can be set to another key. I have asked tyrael to add more keys before but got ignored so I wont be asking that again.
    6. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Is it not just skipping targets because of the minimum HP value ? On a fight like that you're better off reducing the HP value to something reasonably low as there's many low HP adds (same as on fights like Sha of Pride).

      It's not from 'bloat' abilities - any settings which are turned off don't check that chunk of code at all. Spellsteal is probably the most intensive spell check in the routine though when activated.

      Logs will make it much easier to determine what's going on. I'll then get in on the fight myself to see if it's happening to me too - but overall the routine runs incredibly quick, so shouldn't be experiencing any form of slowness.


      I think I know what's going on with the pause keys come to think of it. All of the developers used the same piece of code (I got it from TuanHA, but think he got part of it from Mirabis). The code I was given had some mistakes, so I changed it - and I think my 'fixed' version of the code which actually detects mouse key presses is what's causing it to break. I'll disable the mouse checks completely to see if that changes anything.
    7. dilbog

      dilbog Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      Sorry mills thats not the issue I leave them at 0 hp pretty much all the time because the enrage timer is so tight even if a bomb doesnt go off the ticks are still worth something.

      on normal I do not see the issue only on heroic I cant remember seeing it on normal been a long time since I did it normal.

      As for the bloat it was just a idea and tbh there have been a few routines that started out fast and got slower and slower as more features where added so I dont use them (not talking about yours). But for me your routine is a tad slower already nothing that makes me want to not use it but if it keeps getting slower it will be something i'll have to consider. I am not complaining or anything but you asked and I am giving you a honest answer.
      I'm no pro thats what you guys are :) but what I do have is a wealth of raiding experience and I know what it takes for a routine to be of use to me and thats what I judge them by.
    8. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Ah back to the good old rule of disable everything you don't absolutely need ;)

      That manual cast pause code is very intensive (checking every key on the keyboard individually to see if it's pressed, every loop of the routine), as is targeting and facing. Other than that it's just a case of the usual suspects.. framelock on -> turn the TPS up -> turn anti lag #1 off (if enabled) etc.
    9. dilbog

      dilbog Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      I don't know if it's best practice but what I would normally do before I go to a new boss is stop the bot load a profile I have pre set up, save it, stop the bot then restart it. Bty the profile option is one thing I real like I have one for each boss in SoO so I don't have to worry about having anything clicked that I don't need. And when I do a svn update it doesn't get deleted it a great feature.
      Yea I use frame lock and just option 2 anti lag. I run with a tps of 60.
    10. xfirefly88x

      xfirefly88x New Member

      Feb 20, 2012
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      I'll use these settings once I get my invite today and do some testing it out, thanks again! If all goes well maybe I'll even do a video or tutorial using these settings or others!

      EDIT: I was so eager to test this out it I couldn't wait for a que of LFR to proc so here are some Target Dummy Tests.


      AS you can see DPS wise the human element seems ahead and while damage it seems closes, this is just a target dummy test and i'll have to wait for tonight to test the real deal.

      Side Note: The Combat Routine loves to spread dots even to the other target dummys that i am not attacking, thus making it lose dps while trying to 'Spread' the dots.
    11. dilbog

      dilbog Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      A five minute sample would give a more realistic sample of what you are doing wrong. 60 second dps doesnt show actual dps as more of your procs and cooldowns would have been used so bomb damage and frozen orb useage would be shown correctly.
      Also on your sample only do single target and make sure the routine is set to single target to give you a like for like comparison.
    12. samoday

      samoday New Member

      Nov 27, 2012
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      with a 60 second test, you have to take into consideration that procs from trinkets, cloak, and other things may not have went off on your second attempt. Maybe you got lucky and all your procs went off on the first test but they didn't on the second.

      If you are testing on the dummies, you are going to use AOE on them as there are 4 in range. Raise the AoE count up and test again, but test for longer for a more accurate result.

      Personally, I do just over 350k dps on the target dummies with an ilvl that is only 6 points higher than yours using the routine. As far as damage is concerned, I believe it is more important than your actual DPS. You may have a high dps, but your damage done is lower meaning that the boss has more health.

      Just my take on things.
    13. xfirefly88x

      xfirefly88x New Member

      Feb 20, 2012
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      Alright Ill make a 5 minute after this LFR, How do you set the routine to single target?
    14. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      On the tab for the spec you're using (i.e. Frost) disable the 'Use AoE Abilities' checkbox. Make sure you load the default PvE settings file as a minimum before starting.

      Suggest setting up the hotkeys to toggle AoE mid combat etc.
    15. Canintheman

      Canintheman New Member

      Jan 12, 2013
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      Hey Millz

      This is actually the rotation for high end fire mages id say Normal gear and upwards for pve.

      Id like to find a roation that can do what he describe for me in pve else the rotation is "useless".

      From what I can see you did not implement this, but you are also testing it on a very low geared mage if you have that low dps.
      In that kinda gear fire aint even viable compared to the other spec?s.

      The hole point is that mages in my kinda range of gear has so much crit, and if u cast the fireball AND the Pyroblast at the same time the server don't put them in order it just says "hey if one of them crits u get a new pyroblast proc"..so it very much depend on gear.

      Id hope you would consider to change to his suggestions once again.

    16. xfirefly88x

      xfirefly88x New Member

      Feb 20, 2012
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      iLevel 559 Frost Mage LFR Test 1

      This is my first run through of LFR SoO using Portal (01/15/2014)

      ?Immerseus Results:


      ?Fallen Protectors Results:


      ?Norushen Results:


      ?Sha of Pride Results:


      ?Malkorok Results:


      ?Thok Results:


      So far this is definitively a great combat routine for those out there looking to buy it. I, myself, however can not say how well it will preform in Heroic Progression and Normal 25man content Which i raid weekly.

      Tonight is raid night and I will try to record some more (this time with both Burst and Final).

      If anyone wants to add any constructive criticism feel free to do so.
    17. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      As PM'd - Have tried it before, didn't work out very well, but that was ~4 months ago. Will add it to the list as a low priority.

      Today's updates...

      - Manual cast detection now works when the mouse buttons are pressed. <- FAO dilbog
      - Added setting to automatically enable burst mode on target low hp %.
      - [Frost] Added force pet to attack setting.
      - Started implementing DoTManager. Stat tracking should now be working.
    18. samoday

      samoday New Member

      Nov 27, 2012
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      This is extremely low... even for LFR standards. Even your burst is low. I'm not seeing how you, heroic progression and all, would pull these kinds of numbers on LFR. Have you tried the settings that I posted for you? Something has to be set wrong. I was pulling these numbers back when I was ilvl 540 with the premium version.
    19. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      [15/Jan/2014 - Update #2]
      - Fixed an issue with Multi-DoTing.
    20. xfirefly88x

      xfirefly88x New Member

      Feb 20, 2012
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      This is with the bot. Not the human element. And These numbers are perfectly fine for Normals and Heroic Progression I pass every other mage in my guilds raid. We're currently 2/14H. Again I have not record my DPS without the CR.

      If you do not think I am able to do heroic progression by all means. I was just testing out the bot's abilities not my own.

      However I would like to know how i differ from you in LFR, I'm using the settings you posted and it seems to be giving me these numbers, Also it should be noted that I am currently running a Mastery Build since I haven't hit the 12.3k Haste Cap. I follow a lot of Kuni & Akraen's Guides. They're quite useful in detailing caps and builds.

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