I been mining Exile coins and can buy any bot I can dream of. Running cpl d3's atm. Not making very much money at all on this. What I want to know is which game gives highest and fastest profits. I have a lifetime hb key, and 2 wow accounts i dont bot on, because my last experience botting wow only made a little bit of $$ before acct got banned plus it has monthly. But if you feel this is best let me know. Also curious as to PoE, anyone got any info on what they are making on that?
None. Becaus nobody could and want tell you. Botting isn't that easy those daya for making money, because you will need a game where there are minimun amount of botters and no public botsoftware afeble and also there needs to be a high demand for the currency. I want to start in poe as botter But it isn't that easy Fast ban Fast IP-ban No lvling bot for public And the bot is still in beta
Rofl dude, I didnt say I was looking to make a career change. I asked which bot was most profitable that buddy sells. I just bot as a hobby, and to make extra money if I can, why not. I already have a nice paying job that I work 40 hrs per week as a IT analyst. I am not botting to pay my bills.
-_- I have never told you that you need to change career and please give that information that you asked about the bosslands production bots.