Well After a couple of years of casually botting I've cone to the point to where I'm no longer willing to risk losing my main account. My question is what is the safest way to get gold and items from my new bot account to my main account? If there is a previous post on this matter forgive me, I am currently using my phone with the tapatalk forum app.
I also sometimes use C.o.D. with stuff like 1 saronite ore etc. No idea what's the best way though, I haven't been banned yet :X
Good to know! I was thinking face to face trades would have been best, but buddy of mine traded an insane amount of gold that way and literally got banned within minutes of the trade... Both accts, his email stated something along the lines of purchasing in game gold was against tos
Did he got his account back? Cause normally if you say that you didn't buy gold they check the trade and if there aren't typical goldseller ip's from china / vietnam / ... they unlock the account cause it is not against the tos to trade gold..doesn't matter if 100g or 100k gold.
He did manage to get both of his accounts back. He got his main account back immediately. And his bot account apparently only received a 72 hour suspension. Which he didn't dispute. Said he really didn't want them to dig deeper on that account.
nothing is safe, i've written a guide on what i do... and even posted a pic. I mail stuff from farmers to a hub, then distribute the hub to the appropriate guild banks via mail, then deposit, then do whatever i need to w/ them