Maybe something wrong with your copy, it's hard to tell why because you didn't post log. As my testing on current version, it does Scourge Strike when you don't have rune for Festering Strike
So i just did some 2s and went against a pally/hunter and the pally was using your pally CC. That shiznit is OP! The DK CC was having trouble kicking the pally fake casts! I maybe successfully kicked 1/10 casts!
Hey, TuanHA. 1 suggestion for PvP. Could you possibly have lichborne break fear before desecrated ground and if lichborne is on cd have desecrated break it? Perhaps I'm overlooking something I could change it settings, my apologies if so. Awesome CC!
Damn lol 1/10 chance of success vs my Paladin... lol I think I should nerf the paladin down xD 50% is fair?
Hey Tuanha can you post up pictures of your settings with the new options you have added recently? I'm not sure which settings to turn on or off.. for arenas. Thank you! Also im very happy so far that I bought the all and future routines package, so far I've only used the dk one but I cant wait to use the pally one next! Thank you!
yeah the pally is awesome, had 2 war hammering me in a bg, they still couldn't pummel a single spell and the DK is bloody awesome too, best things I decided to buy after HB
Thanks for help - i deleted the combat routine an dinstalled it again - svn said my combat.dll was in conflict state ( don't know why ) but now it works flawless Greetings
Been using this routine for a little while, but it seems sluggish as in, when frost Killing machine procs or Rime procs it doesn't use the proc will instead use skills that aren't of immediate need on single target such as DnD or horn of winter, maybe I should just reinstall it, trying to decide if it'll be a good buy for the paid version..any comments if anyone else is having these issues, i'm DW frost. - Also allows blood plague to fall off and takes awhile to reapply even with unholy runes/death/outbreak up-
Trying to use this to tank with my blood dk but two things one I get not great dps and more important I am constantly losing threat. Not really sure if I need to change some settings or what everything is default raid settings. Thanks for any advice.
Can we get War Stomp support please and thank you. I like to use it for 20-15% Kill shot or major heal if need be.
Snipit From Shammy CR "There also options to automatically Hex on Focus" DK Needs This with Asphyxiate/Strangulate Please [X] CC Focus Target Logic when There is @focus Cast Asphyxiate First And Foremost its off cooldown send pet to focus cast Gnaw/Monstrous Blow. Rinse Repeat. If out of range good hes not healing. There of course needs to be check "Is target CCed already" This will work to shut down your focus be smart about it setting your focus. (Heals or Off Heals)
Tuanha I was wondering if you could maybe post up pictures of each of your settings tab as they are today? I just started doing 2s today and not sure if all the settings are the best. Seems to be doing ok but not great. Thank you very much! I'm unholy by the way. I loaded the unholypvp file but its set to go into blood at 60% health? Doesnt seem right.