Some words of advice. Share the average profiles keep the bread and butter to yourself. Help threads get 2 replays profiles get 1,000 downloads good luck!
Good luck! I think that I know what you're doing, but I'd still like to get a straight answer. Anyhow, if you shared that info, some people would probably just hunt you down, so don't answer it in public. Regarding if we think that you'll make it or not, really depends on what you're doing in order to get the gold. So we can't really answer or tell you what we think, since we don't got any information regarding it. It's like demanding an answer from someone that doesn't know the question. Best of luck though.
Just make sure to place the gold in a guild bank where you have acces with another toon, who in the best case is not botting ...
Yup will fix ty also the numbers may be like + - 5k i dont always do the exact count, since the gold is on different chars.
so you're using relogger to bot with 12hrs 1. chararacter + 12hrs 2. character. does it really work? I saw same kind of thing with botanist's 49 DK profile but i'm not sure if blizz is looking for the online time of the character or the whole account.
nobody really knows what makes a red light pop at bliz HQ, im just trying to do it as human as possible, while botting for a very looong time.. Im only using 1 char, the gold has just been sent to a bank alt.
I mean I made 12k on 2hrs with 10hrs worth of farming. So could be doing a lot of things. Bitters don't think outside the box these days. Everyone uses GBP and you think that would be more profit? Less farmed is most gold. Do a little research on your server.
he's most likely running dungeons imo. it's somewhat safe, a stable income and you can set it to relog toons = bot for longer periods but on more than 1 char the only thing that makes me doubt it, would be the "it depends on what character you use" - a good dungeon setup would be dk's or paladins tho :s so with that in mind, you'd also outrule pickpocketing, since only 1 class can farm it.. edit; changed my mind - abit of research gets you a long way. Spent 2 min stalking your account, and i'm know almost 90% sure that you're using a pickpocketing profile (might be private, might not be.) What led me to think so; The amount of posts you made on pickpocketing profiles such as; reading 2 of those posts, led me to know you have a rogue So it's now 100% (up from 90%) certainty that you're using a rogue to pickpocket using a profile from a place that i won't mention but it has a xx? pricetag.. am i right?