Hi, I want to transfer my lvl 80 farmer to a pvp server. Does PvP server slow down gathering a lot with people attacking u or is it alright?
I am on PvP server, farming Scholozar and Icecrown whole day long, getting killed 2-3 times a day max
But since you're asking about PvP server that means you are not on one now - and want to transfer your char to one? You do know that you can't transfer chars from PvE to PvP server?
Yes you can they changed it a long time ago I believe. All my character's apart from one are on a pvp server and I hardly never die on a high population one.
Im on pvp i find that when people kill me they're much less likely to report me. say i ninja a node from an Allie player they just kill me then leave it be, on a pve the generally whine and moan and report me.
/sign I'm, running actually 9 Bots 4 on PvP Realms 5 on PvE the ones on PvP get killed/die more often but the PvE ones have more bothering and anoying whispers in log than the others... so I think it's slightly less outcome but more "secure" regarding reporting... my 5 cents... Greetz B!!!
IMO pvp realms and PVE realms is almost same so i would say go ahead and try, and find ur own experience about it