I ad: new Decorator(ret => _flaskCd.IsFinished && Me.HealthPercent < 90 && JadeFlasks.Count() != 0 && !Me.HasAura("flask_effect_Jade"), new Action(ret => { JadeFlasks.First().Use(); _flaskCd.Reset(); })), but no effect,how to set it? help and thy
in exile.cs under #region flasklogic 2 edits are necessary add to the other flask-recognizers: Code: private IEnumerable<InventoryItem> JadeFlasks { get { IEnumerable<InventoryItem> inv = LokiPoe.ObjectManager.Me.Inventory.Flasks.Items; return from item in inv let flask = item.Flask where flask != null && item.Name == "Jade Flask" && flask.CanUse select item; } } then replace the private Composite CreateFlaskLogic() with provided stuff AND - IMPORTANT - put your condition for using the flask as a bool value where $CONDITION$ is inserted as a temporary by me. Code: private Composite CreateFlaskLogic() { return new PrioritySelector( new Decorator(ret => _flaskCd.IsFinished && Me.HealthPercent < 70 && LifeFlasks.Count() != 0 && !Me.HasAura("flask_effect_life"), new Action(ret => { LifeFlasks.First().Use(); _flaskCd.Reset(); })), new Decorator(ret => _flaskCd.IsFinished && Me.ManaPercent < 50 && ManaFlasks.Count() != 0 && !Me.HasAura("flask_effect_mana"), new Action(ret => { ManaFlasks.First().Use(); _flaskCd.Reset(); })), new Decorator(ret => _flaskCd.IsFinished && $CONDITION$ && Jade.Count() != 0 && !Me.HasAura("flask_effect_jade"), new Action(ret => { JadeFlasks.First().Use(); _flaskCd.Reset(); })) ); } i implemented that stuff inside the altered Exile.cs i provide over here: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/exileb.../147097-partially-fixed-altered-exile-cs.html , its commented out in there - the logic. To use it, comment in and add your condition at said place. regards
thy,I am honored you can reply me. Another problem,how to correctly use "destroy chest ability"? I fill in skill name "ground slam",but looked invalid... I have been stucked by kick chest one by one sometimes ,if I can use range of skills, this problem will be solved very well...
There are a few known chest issues we have to work out still. In addition, sometimes the chest breaking ability isn't used because the bot thinks it can't use the skill on the chest. These issues will eventually be resolved, but for now, they are just issues with the bot due to the way the game is setup.