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  • Avoiding Bans and some personal input!

    Discussion in 'Discussions (no Ban Reports here)' started by Re_Re, Nov 11, 2013.


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    1. Re_Re

      Re_Re New Member

      Nov 7, 2013
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      Hey everyone, I used Honorbuddy for about a year during Cataclysm,and just started using it again,for a week - 10 days,since I came back to WoW. I'd use it for Dungeons,LFR,BGs,Leveling,questing,farming,fishing,etc..

      Now,as someone who has been playing the game since launch and been a very active and involved member of the community,with many PvP an PvE achievements,at first I had my doubts about using a bot : Can I get banned? Will I get banned? How safe and useful is it? - All the things I had no idea about,but feared the worst.

      After practically abusing the bot,for 15 days,being online 24/7 I figured out that if smart,it can be insanely effective and safe!

      Now,let's go to teaching you,and explaining ways of how to secure your botting,and make your experience more joyful in that aspect.

      #1 Try being involved in the community/server in multiple ways,if you are a casual person,with less skill and game experience, try being influential by socializing in a way. Talk in trade chat,be in an active guild where you keep up with members,randomly start interesting conversations,but also make sure you like not to be disturbed - I personally am known to say , and actually not pay attention to chat,or even completely remove it when seriously BG-ing/arenaing/dungeoning.
      I even had moments where I would just close chat engage RPG camera mode ( by ALT + Z ) and farm/fish away for hours.

      Now,you can sometimes ignore everything/everyone in gchat,whispers etc,intentionally,just to reply to a person that appears to actually need you,with that you prove,and convince the doubtful that you are very selective to whom you are replying when focused,and try avoiding contact - stuff like that would make people understand why you don't talk while farming for 5 hours.

      Now if you are a more engaged player,the better,a popular pvp/pve player,in an end-game guild is going to have so much less trouble - which is why,I actually think botting on your main can be safe and better than having random smurfs.

      Back in TBC,while I played on Stormscale I'd at times,get so swarmed by whispers I couldn't possibly reply to over 10% of them ,so I would sometimes just ignore all, and since the old days,people learned to understand that the popular,and better players of a server can be arogant, or just unavailable to reply, due to high interest of others to speak to them - making them more understanding to why you don't reply to their messages when you keep taking their nodes,for a few hours.

      #2 Don't be too scared ! - In cata with the release of OpenRaid I was making huge runs,of old raids,instances etc,stuff like achieving Herald of the Titans,Firelands and ICC runs,etc,etc. And if you push it enough you will encounter issues,like bugs in the game,achievements,gear, and other stuff that generally isn't working as intended.

      - Feel free to make a ticket , and even feel free to bot while you do it, I personally had my bot running a few times I was whispered by GM's and my replies were a minute-two late,and I kept the bot running while talking to over 5 GM's ,which would,even if you in-game act suspicious make them believe you are clean. I mean,who is dumb enough to do stuff like that, and talk to a GM? Right ?:)

      #3 Don't overdo it. - Don't farm the same spot on the same character for 30 hours,it's not human.. I've seen some of WoWs greatest grinders,go insane after farming the same spot for 8-10 hours. Same applies for farming mats.

      Mix it up,change characters, as I just ran one character in the pandaren zones ( my DK - 85-90 in a day,half of which with Kicks Profiles - Which in Pandaria have been working flawlessly even though I've had some issues on other characters in Azeroth and Cata ( Outland seemed very well to me,Northrend as well ) I am very unfamiliar with them and will use Cata zones,as the most recent example.

      Having one character Mine and Herb in Uldum for 20 hours is just asking for a ban.

      Having 2 characters 10 hours each,is less likely but someone might recognize you,and still is pretty unnatural.

      What I would,in that scenario advice doing is :

      Farm for 2 hours in Uldum,maybe do a dungeon or BG in the meanwhile,or during the break,human stuff,maybe chat a bit.
      Carry on with another hour or so.

      Log your alt,farm Twilight Highlands for 2-3 hours,perhaps do a dungeon as well.

      Chill from farming,questbot,bgbot do dailies or whatever,on either of those two,but best on a third character . Only interested in gold? Ok ! Use your third character to do 25 dailies,which seems possible at this point with some great mods I've checked out.

      Finally to finish the day off,farm another 2-3 hours on,preferably a new character,but if you don't have it,one of the previous ones, In let's say Hyjal or Deepholm.

      If you are really interested in only one thing,try other ways of achieving it as well. - While leveling my main to 90 just recently , I did all the new dungeons , because I would afk bot for 2 hours ( checking in on the bot every once in a while,and then I would do a Dungeon, rince and repeat. After I finished leveling I actually carried on doing Loremaster of Pandaria with Kicks profile ,which worked like a charm on 99% of quests. I proceeded leveling Fishing with a few different mods,mainly Halfhill afk fishing. Archeology to max,and then I used ' TheBrodieMans' Plugins to run some interesting things,like some dailies,a little grind, Lorewalker ( or whatever ) thing , and I'm looking forward to playing with this plugin in the future as well.

      I can't think of much more for right now,but these could be some useful tips,so let me know what your thoughts and tips are.

      Also as I am not too experienced with the whole thing,especially MoP in general,if anyone else has some general profiles ( dailies - questing - farming - rep - fishing ) to recommend for me,and others please do so. Shameless plugins are always welcome :)

      P.S. As I was doing IRL stuff ,had to go out,finish up some work,and then went to write this stuff,I wanted to start leveling all my other characters, so after finishing the initial few quests I left my alt warrior afk with Kicks profile,and he is up to 86 and a little over a half,rocking steadily for the past 3-4 hours.Leveling my mining and herb on the way as it is clearing the zones making me money and leveling my character,so props for that,and the initial Honorbuddy settings for herbing and mining to go along with any botbase.

      To end it,big shoutout to the whole HonorBuddy/Gatherbuddy crew for both helping me out with some forum account issues I've had and creating an awesome bot that helps me in stuff I'd lose my mind over,and makes mine and others WoW lifes easier, hopefully they will continue with the great work and improve some minor issues in the sooner time period,and I am personally looking forward to them and creating new horizons in Warlords of Dreanor.
    2. Giwin

      Giwin Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Dec 3, 2011
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    3. Aion

      Aion Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 18, 2011
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      You can still bot 24/7, but not the same thing over and over again on the very same character.
      Do 10 different activities between 2-3 characters, be very social, and do anything for no more than 2-3hours, then change!
    4. Re_Re

      Re_Re New Member

      Nov 7, 2013
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      It's for people who are interested,and/or need help. Also what's the point of that statement,did you even read the OP?
    5. reddewman

      reddewman New Member

      Feb 13, 2010
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      Clearly this posted in the wrong section, or you're trying for a stickey.
    6. Sighthound

      Sighthound New Member

      Sep 23, 2013
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      Be aware of lazy interactions with the GMs, the longer you take to reply them, the more suspicious they get. The game has changed, now the are way more aware about bots than they were on TBC. If you're playing and don't reply them, they gonna investigate you, be certain about that.
    7. humbugz

      humbugz New Member

      Jul 3, 2013
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      yup thats for sure :) they probobly gotten internal education a couple of them how to detect and such hehe :)
      Donno if im extremly luck or what but i've been botting since wowglider was hot and good, i've never been banned,
      even these days i'v lvled up 5 characters to lvl 90 on the same acc using kick, no ban :p + farming mats and such.

      even been reported once:p or more that i dont might not know of.
    8. Vastator

      Vastator Member

      Jul 25, 2011
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      I've leveled over 20 characters to 90, made over 500k gold and I've never been banned. Now, of course, that I have said this... I'll probably banned any moment.
    9. UnicornFart

      UnicornFart New Member

      Feb 14, 2013
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      I meant to hit yes but hit no >< sorry
    10. next447

      next447 New Member

      Mar 17, 2014
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      Did pretty much what you said. Did a lot of switching chars with 2 accts running. Only play for fun.

      I just had two accounts temp banned virtually at the same time out of the blue. I never went too crazy botting. Only used GB maybe 3 times in the past two months no more than 3-5 hours in a session with random spot changes. Never put more than 20 items on AH at once, and also very infrequently. Did dungeonbuddy LFR and used kick's profiles to level some characters up some. Last thing I remember was leveling up two new characters at once for an hour or two. Did LFR the next day. Farmed some isle stuff for 1-2 hours. Then later while not playing, I get my 2 accounts temp banned.

      I watched them virtually 90% of the time. Chatted with people. I honestly don't know what triggered it. Pretty sad and unnerving.
    11. zonpan2lol

      zonpan2lol New Member

      May 14, 2013
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      Okay now try to do what you put in your post on more than 5 accounts at the same time.

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