xploitz i think he is with a revolving ganja leaf kinda screams he is either high or defo needs to take a step back.
Also, it deserves to be said: with at least dozens of supposed UFO sightings a day, it's nearly inevitable for someone to get a date wrong. It's similar to saying "I predict someone will die 01/01/11".
I wish he was joking, but this man speaks the truth look up John Todd videos, he is an ex - illuminatist. Ufo's are demons that made a pack with the illuminati.
Something is not true because many important people believe in it... With 6 billion people on this planet, there are bound to be nutjobs and superstitious people in important positions.
I couldn't get past the hawt guy in the black and white sleeveless hoodie at 2:50. Earf? He says Earf? It's EARTH!! TH!!! TH!!! TH!!! I've found some of the aliens, though on these two videos. LARP - Live Action Role PLay http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_ekugPKqFw LARP - Live Avatar Role Play http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yk2vR8w2sjc
I laughed so hard at this comment "ok, so let me get this straight... you guys did hardcore shrooms, TPed a tree, raped a flower, and made a documentary all at once? WHY AREN'T WE SPONSORING THIS???"
it literally took me 10 secs to find a video of the company (xld-sign) who made your butterfly man crop circle. http://www.colinandrews.net/2009-ButterflyMan-Netherlands.html pardon the crappy commercial laden video, but i couldn't bear to even look for another example. please people, don't be stupid. -edit, damnit, i went and did it anyway.. http://www.xld-sign.com/