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  • [PAID] Serenity - Richie's Holy Priest PvP Combat Routine [Pro Edition]

    Discussion in 'Priest' started by RichieCR, Nov 3, 2013.

    1. RichieCR

      RichieCR Active Member Buddy Store Developer

      Apr 10, 2013
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      Logs could help.

      The problem is that it's working for me with Tyrael And with BGBuddy as well. My only chance to find out what happens is through your log files.
    2. meilk

      meilk New Member

      Jan 19, 2014
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      please try it and submit a log and explain the problem so he can try and fix it! :) the more of us that submit logs the better chance he will fix it and we get our money's worth...
    3. OhaiDur

      OhaiDur New Member

      Aug 2, 2013
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      Hey just got this, Decided it would be worth it after all, ive used your warrior CR since it came out and its been fantastic, Got a few questions and issues with this after a quick arena session.
      *Does it switch Chakra's too chastise?

      * Interupt spell casts delay(ms), What is this exactly? it baffled me. Cant for the life of me figure out what it is as holy priest dont have an interupt.

      *Reaction latency modifier , Again another thing that left me wondering wth it was, maybe you should have a tooltip for these things for the more simple among us, aka me xD

      *I ran a few arena games, it seemed too be healing fine, but at other times when my partner was in need of critical heals at low hp, i was in no CC, was in Line of sight, it just stood there like a gormless idiot like it wasnt reading his sinking too 0 like a brick xD

      I was impressed with its use of defensives and life swap ect, seemed to be doing a great job till it was most needed, when my partner was dying.

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    4. OhaiDur

      OhaiDur New Member

      Aug 2, 2013
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      So tonight i tried a couple BGs, Same thing again, Sometimes it heals, sometimes it just stand and does absolutley nothing and lets everyone including itself die without casting one spell, Something is srsly wrong with this CR atm, Posted logs, hope it helps, would appreciate a response, I only got this because of how flawless the warrior CR has been for me.

      Attached Files:

    5. meilk

      meilk New Member

      Jan 19, 2014
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      Thank you for submitting a log. Richie needs to look at this! I haven't been able to post a log yet because I haven't been home and had time to run it. I sincerely thank you for posting logs and I am going to post mine ASAP. We paid for this and it needs to be working properly :)

      Eagerly awaiting a response/fix from Richie himmself ( i have been checking the forum but unable to play at the moment, busy w/ work). I really need this to be working by the time I have time to play next week! This CR is the whole reason I bought HonorBuddy!
    6. OhaiDur

      OhaiDur New Member

      Aug 2, 2013
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      Dont worry friend, ive had experience with Richie in the past on his warrior CR, he has always been very helpfull and open too suggestions, i have no doubt he is looking into this, even if he hasnt responded.
    7. Dreadlord

      Dreadlord New Member

      Nov 15, 2011
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      got one for a disc? o_O
    8. OhaiDur

      OhaiDur New Member

      Aug 2, 2013
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      That being said, A sign that you have seen our posts for help and are looking into it would be much appreciated.
    9. meilk

      meilk New Member

      Jan 19, 2014
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      In order to help RichieCR fix this. I have prepared some things. I have fresh installed honorbuddy, tyrael, and richie's holy priest CR [pro edition]. The following is all of the information that i have available for richie to fix the bot with. My setup was BGBuddy on random queue battlegrounds, using Richie's Holy Priest PvP [Pro Edition]. The settings for Richies CR are all on default. In configuration for the bot, i have enabled framelock of 20 frames.

      The files that I have attached to this post are: A screennshot of exactly what my bots output text log are while running this CR with BGBuddy after a fresh install of Honorbuddy, a fresh install of Richies Holy Priest PvP [Pro Edition] which is updated to most current version through SVN Update (revision 43).
      A .txt file which describes, in my own words, exactly what the bot did from the moment that I pressed start, to the moment that I pressed stop on the bot. I pressed stop as soon as round 1 (the attacking round) of strand of the ancients was over.
      Another .txt file which was an error report which came up on my screen in WoW as soon as I pressed stop on the bot. I am not sure if this is a WoW feature or an Honorbuddy feature. If this error report was not from Honnorbuddy, and is something else from my WoW user interface then i apologize. But i am trying to give you every bit of information humanly possible so you can fix this as soon as possible. I copy and pasted the error report directly into a notepad .txt, so you can see the whole thing. A side note about this - i noticed in the error report that it lists what addons i am using. I don't much understand error reports, but you should know that this bot is behaving exactly the same way, whether or not I am using my world of warcraft addons, so this rules out the possibility of my Addons causing the CR not to work with BGBuddy. It is not a personal addon issue :)
      The Official Honorbuddy log This log was taken from a fresh install of everything. Most recent version of Honorbuddy in a new folder, as well as most recent (revision 43) richie's holy priest pro edition combat routine. I selected this combat routine, selected BGBuddy, and pressed start. When round 1 of Strand of the Ancients was over, I pressed stop.

      This is every single bit of information possible. This is the best I could do, short of frapsing the bots behavior and actually showing you - which personally I will not because I don't want people to see my character. Please Richie, I respectfully ask you to fix your combat routine so that it will work with BGBuddy for fully automated battleground play. Not only is it not moving while mounted, or while dismounted, but there are further issues with the bot as well. When controlled by me ( and apparently others, according to other recent posts in this thread) the bot WILL attempt to heal. But it is very slow and not nearly as responsive as it should be. I used your public edition of Discipline priest combat routine prior to puchasing this, and I must say that the public disciple priest version healed MUCH MUCH faster, was more responsive, and hell - more efficient at keeping people alive than this is. So based on that, I can't help but realizing that there is a functionality issue with the healing rotation as well. One of the testemonials for the bot is that someone made 2300 rank in arenas using your CR....but i haven't seen anything that indicates this CR in its current state would be able to do that. The healing is sluggish - often times, party members of mine are at 60 and 70 percent health and yet my character isn't healing them, or doesn't begin healing them until seconds later (and we know that seconds are so important in wow, especially arenas!). I am going to make another reply in this forum, again with fresh installs of everything, but using Tyrael. My next post will attempt to show you the issues and problems that the CR has with slow/bad healing while controlling my own character using Tyrael. I will again give a screenshot(s) of the bot text output, description in my own words, any error reports, and again the official Honorbuddy log for that issue as well.

      Very patiently waiting a fix for this :). I know I speak for myself and all of your other paying customers that we are really bummed that this isn't what it is supposed to be! :) We have to get this fixed, otherwise we are going to have to ask the moderators to put up a sticky post about your combat routines, and how they don't work/don't work as advertised. Believe me Richie, I am positive that it is not your intention for these not to work. I am not personally attacking you in any way or trying to sound condescending. I am doing my part by best helping you diagnose the problem, which will in turn make current customers very happier and future customers definitely want to buy your bot. If this is in working condition I would be more than happy to recommend your CRs to everyone! :D. I have already told 3 friends about your CRs and they have purchased routines for other classes as well. So I am definitely a supporter. Let's work together to get this solved! Thank you in advance.

      Kindest regards,
    10. meilk

      meilk New Member

      Jan 19, 2014
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      This is as promised the other setup. Using Tyrael with Richies Holy Priest Pro. Fresh HB install. I started Tyrael and it updated. It told me to restart honorbuddy. i restarted honorbuddy. This is the mots recent version of richies holy priest pro, revision 43. I am attempting to show you/document the fact that completely regardless of the fact that BGBuddy won't move with this CR, that when using tyraels, the CR is quite slow/inefficient/sluggish. I say that becuase it is an issue that other people are complaining about as well. When i used your public edition for discipline priest it was much faster and more efficient.That tells me that the holy priest PRO (paid version) should be amazingly fast and efficient! :)Your testemonial for the bot shows someone saying they were able to reach 2300 with this CR.

      When I pressed stop on the bot after the game was over, it showed an error log in my WoW game. I have a text file attached with this error log, as well a screenshot of it.
      Note that i do not use any plugins and never use for honorbuddy or any of the other associated bot bases or combat routines.

      I have included a TON of information and proof of the bots behavior for this post, so please bear with me as I have many attachments.
      The attachments are:
      Screenshots of my settings for Tyrael, Settings&Tools for Honorbuddy, and the settings for Richies holy priest pro edition. I use 20 TPS in both tyraels and settings and tools, framelock enabled. All settings for combat routine are default with the exception of I enabled the bot to use DOT spells on stealthable enemies.
      Screenshots of my text output log for the bot, which show the entire update process for Tyrael. ( i was not sure if this would help, but i wanted you to see EVERYTHING)
      Screenshots of the bot text output log for everything which happened during the battleground. This was a short battleground. I numbered my screenshots of this in order, the first being the very last part of the battleground, and the last being the start of the battleground. I screenshotted the text output log from bottom to top and made sure that all information was included. (Again i was not sure if this would be able to help you, but i am trying my best to work with you :) )
      A Screenshot of the error message log which appeared in my WoW game from when the battleground ended and i pressed STOP on the bot. This screenshot will only show the very beginning of the error log, because there is a scroll bar to show the rest. Again, I notice in this error log that some of what it shows are the addons that i am currently using with wow. rest assured that the bot/combat routine are consistent with this same performance each time, whether or not i am using world of warcraft addons (i have tested both THIS setup, and the BGBuddy setup - with, and without Addons for wow, to see if it made a difference)
      A .txt file Which shows you the error message which appeared within my WoW game when the battleground was over, and i pressed STOP on the bot.
      A .txt file Which in my own words, describes exactly every action i took from start to finish. From loading the bot the first time when it updated tyrael, to restarting honorbuddy, then loading everything again. Joining the battleground, pressing START, everything i did within the battleground and what my character was doing, up until i was out of the battleground and pressed STOP.
      LOGS (2) I believe that it created two logs because of the first time I started the bot, and then tyrael updated, so i had to restart it. Just to be positive that you have all the information possible, I have attached both logs to this post. I selected Log Level: Diagnostic so that you would also be able to have as much information as possible in order to fix the combat routine

      This whole process for both posts I have made has taken probable two hours :) . That I hope shows you how much I love your combat routines and truly want you to get this one fixed as soon as possible. I have gone to great lengths here to help you (Richie), myself, and everyone else who purchased your combat routine. PLEASE have a look into all of this as soon as possible and keep us updated. We would truly appreciate it to hear that you're looking into fixing this CR for us, or any feedback really. I am glad to be able to help you with this and that is why I put so much effort into this ;) . Thanks in advance for your help and support here!

      Kindest regards,

      Attached Files:

    11. robotnikz

      robotnikz Member

      Feb 20, 2012
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      Thank you very much for your time and logs to help us all.
    12. RichieCR

      RichieCR Active Member Buddy Store Developer

      Apr 10, 2013
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      * yes

      * It can use chastice/fear to interrupt enemy casters

      * The reaction latency modifier is used when it's trying to use SW:Death to get out of poly/repentance/blinding light. If you feel that it's casting SW:D too early or too late, you can adjust it to your latency.

      * I don't know what might happened. It would be great if you could tell me when in the log that not-doing-anything happened.


      Edit: Disabled smilies
    13. OhaiDur

      OhaiDur New Member

      Aug 2, 2013
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      The logs are in the posts, First post has arena logs, 2nd post has Bg posts, i cant tell you a specific time because it happend all the time. but the logs arent very long.
    14. RichieCR

      RichieCR Active Member Buddy Store Developer

      Apr 10, 2013
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      sorry for my absence, shit just hit the fan at work, we're at the end of our project and I don't even have time to check the forum every day. When I get home I'm dead tired and most of the time didn't even turned the computer on. Just played some with my son, bathed him and went to sleep so I could go on.

      Trying to figure out what's happening when it's not doing anything.

      Thinking about doing a real-time debugging session with one or more of you guys. Playing together while talking on skype and when it happens you can share your screen on skype and let me see what might be wrong.

      I'm in the eu time-zone, the most ideal would be after 10pm GMT+1 (hopefully my son will be sleeping by then)

      It would be great if you could spend some time on helping me find out what happens, because it's working for both me and my brother.

      What language clients you guys are experiencing it? I suspect that it might be some kind of language related stuff.

      Also, it would be great if those who don't experience these kind ig stops could comment too, so I could verify that it's not just my brother and me who don't experience this.

    15. RichieCR

      RichieCR Active Member Buddy Store Developer

      Apr 10, 2013
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      Thank you very much for your efforts.

      Is it happening 100% of the time?
    16. RichieCR

      RichieCR Active Member Buddy Store Developer

      Apr 10, 2013
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      Who can help me today after 10pm GMT +1?

      I need someone who has this issue happening 100% of the time. This way we can make sure that my changes help or not.
    17. meilk

      meilk New Member

      Jan 19, 2014
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      Hello. I am from USA, east coast (eastern standard time, US...not sure what world time i am on) just checking the forum before work. I do use the EN-US client I have both work and school tonight as well as being on a totally different time zone as you, so i don't think i'd be able to help with the live skype session or screen share at any point. also i max my pc out when i am playing too so running another program would probably be lousy. i do have skippage in game already as it is - although the skipping im talking about i don't think causes the bot to be sluggish because even when i'm not skipping...there are just times that my priest herself is at 60% health, nearby in proximity teammates who are at 60-70% also and my char doesnn't even attempt to heal and when or if she does its too late! i was fiddling with the settings and whatever i did made it even worse lol, so i have to do a fresh install. but i am using singular at the moment :( Don't forget about the mounting issue too, that was why i posted both logs.

      I hope someone steps up and is able to do a live skype troubleshooting session with you...truly, because with my busy schedule and timezone difference i know that i won't be able to. thanks for checking in. i'll check back later hopefully someone was able to help out
    18. meilk

      meilk New Member

      Jan 19, 2014
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      i can't say 100, but a lot. there are often times where people are low, my own character included and she kinda just stands there. may or may not 'snap out of it' and sometimmes when she snaps out of it she casts a renew on herself when shes at 40% health...just seems to be something wrong because someone in critical need of healing doesn't need a renew :p

      Someone step up and help richieCR fix this once and for all!
    19. OhaiDur

      OhaiDur New Member

      Aug 2, 2013
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      Hey richie nice too see you trouble shooting this, Did some trouble shooting of my own, i think i found what the problem is for me, So after DLing the drop box link you gave me and setting everything up, The CR created 2 more Richiesholy folders, it split all the files between the 3 folders, 2 werent SVN linked, so i deleted the 2 extra folders, moved everything into one folder, So thats all fixed.

      I also believe i have found out why it has massive period of inactivity, My priest is under geared, id venture a guess that most people who use this are in the process of gearing,
      Wich means that we lack the 4 set pvp bonus "Reduces Chakra CD by 25 secs" wich = 5 sec CD, wich the CR seems to be coded around, So when the CR goes into Chakra; Chastise for the 3 second disorient when you dont have the PvP 4 set bonus, your stuck in Chakra; chastise, wich the CR doesnt seem coded too heal in, this might explain why it works for you and not some of us richie, im guessing you have the pvp 4 set bonus? So you have only 5 secs of No healing, while us undergeared without have too wait 30 secs too start healing again.

      Is it possible too turn off the interupt pvp logic, specificly the Chastise? So those of us still gearing without the set bonus dont need to go through this 30 second phase of inactivity.
    20. OhaiDur

      OhaiDur New Member

      Aug 2, 2013
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      So i went too a Bg, busy atm, all i could do was one, i turned the interupt setting too 10 secs in an attempt too disable it, it seemed todo the trick as i didnt go int Chakra chastise the entire BG apart from once when a warrior was on wich im guessing was a peel tool, Anyway midfight i changed too chastise manual with plenty of people arround too heal, once i was in chakra chastise it stopped casting heals, it let go a prayer of mending and a coupel other instant, but it wouldnt hard cast any big heals even though they was needed, So it seems the problem for me was indeed the lack of a 4 set bonus, Hopefully this is also the issue allot of others wer facing when it was "standing doing nothing" /fingers crossed, and now we know what the problem is we can work arround it till we have 4 set bonus.

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