Blizzcon is one of the most anticipated events of the year for us. But so far I find it very disappointing. As far as the event they only announced a new class for Diablo 3. This was really disapointing to me and my friends. Diablo 3 is already announced and I was really expecting them to announce somthing better than just a new class. I also noticed that despite having a decent schedule, the events seem very boring. More boring than I remember last year. While its cool that they had a Q & A from the audience reguarding the new raid system, I was hearing the same questions over and over and it was as if the two person panel didnt know what else to say. Also there seemed to be some whiny nerds complaining about how unfair this or that is. Among the other content that was offered was some tourneys that are pretty standard in these events. The Arena and the SC2 tourneys were pretty good but also got a bit boring as time went on. So in that time slot you had 5 streams but it seemed as though you could only watch tourneys. It just doesnt seem like blizzcon is shaping into a memorable one as they usually are. Now onto the player. I am using the online stream and despite the huge pipe I noticed that even when turning it down from HD to SD it would somtimes take 5 minutes to buffer back up. When we started to watch the preshow it must have rebuffered a hundred times and it kept lowering the quality. Now I realise that there are millions watching this stream but what I expect when I pay for the show is for them to have the bandwidth to send the show out. There were times when the screen would blank out and all you could do was listen, or the entire show would stop and skip 2 minutes and you couldnt even go back and rewatch what you missed. I even saw a few signal losses from the feed. Its buggy and doesnt work all that great. Thinking that maybe we had a connection issue I went to the forum and saw hundreds of posts reporting the same thing. There is a little more to go for night one and I am a huge fan of all blizzard products but it seemed to turn into more of a tourney show with a few behind the scenes moments here and there. It was cool to see the 4.1 preview stuff but thats where it seemed to end. Having watched blizzcon since it was first available through DTV I can say that so far its not so great this time around. Anyways, I thought I would share my feelings about it and hope to start a discussion. I know blizzcon isnt over but this is what I am thinking up to this point.
I dont know, I watched bits and pieces of it from some streams on xfire. I enjoyed the lore panel quite a bit.
personally i have enjoyed Blizzcon so far. i did pay for it mainly for the pet but it has proven interesting.
i'd still like to be able to afford to try to watch it. i'd do my best to see it. I agree that it would suck to not see it in hi def if you paid to see it. it's like buying a $30 boxing match to only see it from the back row from a cellphone cam. Blizzcon live at justintv, gogogo! Edit: Channel pwnt!
u rock wuzzery. tyvm. edit 1:.....then it stopped....... edit 2&3 : blizz must be watching this forum. it only took 5 mins or so for the stream to stop after this first post.
LOL noice find. That kid is the biggest nerd I doubt he broke his leg from that, I bet he just wants them to give him like a free plushy murloc or something.