As you all know 15$ a month is sometimes a pain in the a$$, but I found these gold farmers that sell game cards on my server for 5k each. I have already dealed with them and things went great, nothing sketchy happened at all, what do you guys think though would you rather pay 5k or 15$?
I have never been on there site they were advertising in trade, but its *****.com dont know much about them but yea.
even though it wasn't really advertising, i still felt that the site you linked to might cause others form members harm. if a deal sounds too good to be true it probably is. if people ask feel free to do send it in a PM, just don't post it publicly. Thank you, CodenameGamma
what server are you on?? and are they 30 day GC or 60 day?? Because if it's 30 day, they'd have to be bought online and often they're using stolen CC's and that's how they can charge very little. In your payment history does it say online shop next to your gamecard? I'd be careful if I was you.