Oh I think I understand - you want to be able to drop custom bahaviors into quests and just add the type of behavior for each quest or add a different as is needed. So you want to assign a set of behaviors to override the quest functions to make the bot smarter and better at completing quests... Is that right? If not add me on gtalk (will@arachnidcreations.com) and we'll talk more.
UPDATE: Wednesday 08 January 2014 7:00pm! (PST (GMT-8)) New Version Added zygor profile import, alpha version of DB profile creator, crash fixes, Nav=fly and more!
It would be ideal if the plugin would generate the .xml profile and a basic .cs script file. The .xml is something that could be complete, without the need to adjust anything after. The .cs file would not be complete, but it could have all the mandatory declarations, warnings, #regions for encounters, ... without any custom code (somewhat like the current script for Downfall). This way some of the old raids would need very few additions to make a working script. Maybe add some comments of what goes where. If you could pull that of it would be awesome and I'm sure we would see a lot of new dungeon scripts. The main problem now with writing custom scripts is the lack of a good guide, this could make it much more accessible.
Twist I have seen your YouTube Video on the older setup, are you considering creating a new video for this update?
I'm working on my own questing botbase that does not require profiles at all. So this project is not in the immediate foreground.
In a few hours when I leave work I will post a link that is not on YouTube. 再过几个小时,当我离开工作,我将张贴一个链接,是不是在YouTube上。