上传日志教程如下 http://www.thebuddyforum.com/20013-25991-32508-21512-35752-35770-21306/honorbuddy/107618-a.html
[15:28:35.060 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: 巴塔里烈焰召唤者 [15:28:35.291 D] Garbage collected 1 nav tiles [15:28:36.019 N] [Singular] Casting Garrote on 巴塔里烈焰召唤者.AB1E @ 82.9% at 3.3 yds [15:28:37.183 D] (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Dispatch#111240 failure: '你还不能那么做' [15:28:37.179 N] [Singular] Casting Dispatch on 巴塔里烈焰召唤者.AB1E @ 80.8% at 3.3 yds [15:28:39.172 N] [Singular] Casting Slice and Dice on Me @ 100.0% [15:28:40.269 N] [Singular] Casting Kick on 巴塔里烈焰召唤者.AB1E @ 64.0% at 3.3 yds [15:28:42.266 D] (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Dispatch#111240 failure: '你还不能那么做' [15:28:42.261 N] [Singular] Casting Dispatch on 巴塔里烈焰召唤者.AB1E @ 56.7% at 3.3 yds [15:28:44.239 N] [Singular] Casting Dispatch on 巴塔里烈焰召唤者.AB1E @ 44.2% at 3.3 yds [15:28:45.189 D] (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Dispatch#111240 failure: '你还不能那么做' [15:28:46.253 D] (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Dispatch#111240 failure: '你还不能那么做' [15:28:46.250 N] [Singular] Casting Dispatch on 巴塔里烈焰召唤者.AB1E @ 36.2% at 3.3 yds [15:28:48.232 N] [Singular] Casting Gouge on 巴塔里烈焰召唤者.AB1E @ 28.2% at 3.3 yds [15:28:49.252 N] [Singular] Casting Dispatch on 巴塔里烈焰召唤者.AB1E @ 18.5% at 3.3 yds [15:28:50.208 D] Clearing POI - Reason POI is dead from Combat 看起来正常放技能杀怪的
你确定只放一个技能?log已经显示你释放了下列技能: Casting Garrote Casting Dispatch Casting Slice and Dice Casting Kick Casting Gouge