hey buddies how do you guys trade your currency ? Because I have a tons of currency now and I want to trade it so there will be more space left. is there a site like POE explorer or do I need to use the trade chat?
hey bud, i sell off my currency for virtual "forum gold" currency on d2jsp Forums, u can then use that FG(forum gold) to buy other items in game or use it for other games like diablo 2/3 and WOW, hope this helps
hey buddy first why do you call me a bud ... (this is a bud http://cannabismjseeds.com/img_files/big-bud.jpg ) second thanks you for your responce, but it isn't really what I was looking for ... kind of, but it is still a great tip. BUT! it isn't allowed to post any outside link to other side and it isn't allso allowed to post anything WTB/WTT/WTS related. I need a way to trade somethign like a an alch to a chaos
hi bud, bud is a common abbreviation for "buddy" - as we are at the buddyforums... we are buddies. also, i think there was a site mentioned on reddit some weeks ago which parses the tradechat to generate "currency vs currency" trades, i don't remember the url/reddit-thread though, sorry! regards, a bud
xD well I think I should pay more attention in english class ^^ thanks for this info I will take a deeper look into google now and reddit