Is there a way to make it NOT turn the charms into bracelets? everytime i get 10, it does it automatically.. and i'd save bagspace by not doing it :S.. looked through the profile, and can't seem to find anything that should indicate that there is a usage of a built in plugin. edit; must have been tidybags -_-' it works fine!
Whats this even do? lol like what are the benefit of farming these? its for a quest or it makes gold or what? lol tried googling but it seems like its old content that is just trash now..? What is the point of farming so many of them???
You farm Lovely Charms for Lovely Charm Bracelet for which you can get Love Token, which you use to buy a BOE Mount. So yea still benefitial to farm these during the Love is in the Air event.
Does this need to be done in HC for a level 90 or can would it still work as normal? Normal didn't give any charmlets, HC was too hard to solo the boss and didn't want anyone to help cause it's blatant botting space, I can tell which guildies are using this and even non guildies by just doing /who tot and seeing all the 90s.. Can anyone recommend a better profile? Cause at 90 the DK one doesn't work anymore..
Me (85 mage) and my friend (90 pala) are together in the instance on NORMAL and we both get Charms! It's possible he's getting Charms because of me. Profit for both.
May need to zone out of the instance, right click your nameplate and change it to dungeon difficulty: 5 man (heroic)
Seems this profile doesn't work well with singular or tuanha dk ccs. Most of the time it just stands still for longer periods of times, and doesn't do any kind of aoe rotation
Averaging 2400kills/hour, using Singular, no issues at all. Blood DK, ilv 530. e: Using the "fixed" version from page 5.
Avg 2650 kills per hour, singular "out of the box", original profile from OP, frost DK ilevel 485. Averaging about 650 charms p/h, prob just under 4 hours for the mount I think.