I reckon you didnt just cheat on HB with PE (ProbablyEngine) and you use PQR (Priority Queue Rotation) as well, as nobody I know who only used PE (and didnt touch PQR) got banned. Sucks you got banned nontheless though!
*Greets you with open arms and whispers "Do that again, and the consequenses will be far worse than getting banned" *Smiles* Joke aside, Sorry about your ban bud <3
PE is probability engine from ownedcore devs. It was free and great tbh, hand in hand with PQR in that it was LUA based and VERY VERY fast. Even so fast as to block instant casts and basically play back in time in pvp/pve. It was also lower resource than HBuddy. BUT many many many people were banned and it seemed to be very connected to security issues with the 2 bots. No confirmation of course but most users lost accounts. This was a ban wave, hundreds of thousands suspended or banned ( not like honorbuddys 50-100 per month which is LOW LOW LOW compared to anything else)