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  • [PAID] [Mage] Portal - An Advanced Honorbuddy Mage Routine [PvE/PvP]

    Discussion in 'Mage' started by Millz, Aug 26, 2013.

    1. QuitYourJibbaJabba

      QuitYourJibbaJabba Member

      Jan 28, 2014
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      1 - You shouldn't have this set to less than 1.5m anyway. I can't see when in SOO this would be beneficial. Am guessing we can check for MC's but it's just another thing to slow the bot down IMO that isn't "really" needed as the above works fine :).
      2 - You should be able to just alt+x for example, to pause the script. There is no need to tab (ever) to pause the script. Set this in Tyrael. Stopping the script each time you want to pause is crazy :) I probably "pause" the script 100 times in a raid lol.
    2. Stjarne

      Stjarne New Member

      Sep 27, 2012
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      Thanks for your answers, ill try this out.

      Tho i feel so bad playing my mage at ilvl 571 and do less dps then a player 10x ilvls below me. I hate my bot sometimes :(
      And its set up with the proper talents, gems, enchants etc both ingame as in bot with talents that is.

      I so wanna switch to fire, but then i loose 100k dps easy, same with arcane. Iam about to switch main to Warlock with my Demonic routine which i know rocks my socks any day.
    3. damador

      damador Member

      Oct 27, 2013
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      strange woth mage and lock at 520 ilvl i get results as 540 ilvl players. frost is ownage compared to destro lock. always toping lfr ans most flexes
    4. samoday

      samoday New Member

      Nov 27, 2012
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      Fortunately, I don't have a problem with this. My dps is always on top of the meter. Even with the lag spikes I get (which happen very often). I do have the same problem with TuanHa's paid hunter routine. I'm 565 on my hunter, yet his routine does crap for dps. Crap as in barely breaks 200k by the end of the fight. The sad part is, I ask on his forum and I get no reply from him and only smart ass remarks from everyone else. His "customer service" is next to nil compared to Millz. Just glad my mage has no issues, and when it does, they are fixed very quickly.

      On the topic of the lag spike Millz. When playing, i constantly get a spike every 3-5 seconds. It basically freezes my game for a second. Although this doesn't seem to be screwing with my dps, it is kind of bothersome. Any idea what might be causing this? I've used lazyraider and tyrael but get the same problem.
    5. damador

      damador Member

      Oct 27, 2013
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      566 hunter bm spec. one that always worked and is best for raid overall. never had any troubles with tuanha .... remeberr that he maintain more routines than milz and it take some time to hunt and neutralize bug
    6. samoday

      samoday New Member

      Nov 27, 2012
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      I know he has more than one routine to work with. I also have his Pally routine and it does wonderful when healing. The dps aspect is a little lacking, but im not asked to dps very often so it's "excusable" lol. But when I ask how people are putting up high numbers, and what their settings are, I get nothing but "L2P" or "Know you class and quit sucking" but no response from Tua himself. I also understand that most of his routines are more for PvP. I just don't understand how people can say it is good for PvE when i am always dead last in dps by atleast 100k. It's sickening.
    7. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      My pretty poorly geared frost mage (ilvl ~520ish) destroys people much higher than me. Kinda think your setup might be a bit off - do you want to post a log file so I can see if there's anything obvious that's wrong?

      Can you post a log from where you've had the lag spikes? If you can stop (or even toggle pause) the bot after the lag spike happens (so that it puts a marker in the log) that would be great - easier to see what's happening when it's pausing.
    8. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Disable manual cast detection for now. That's what's causing it, just not sure why yet.

      Good stuff!

      Agree with QuitYourJibbaJabba, in SoO you shouldn't have DoTs at less than 1.5m anyway. It's already checking for HP, so don't want to add a check in for HP and aura, when the HP value itself is enough to stop it DoTing players.

      Pausing should be done via the hotkeys in Tyrael/LazyRaider/Raidbot, not alt+tabbing out to stop.
    9. QuitYourJibbaJabba

      QuitYourJibbaJabba Member

      Jan 28, 2014
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      I've ranked top 10 for both frost and arcane using this profile so it certainly shouldn't be sub 100k dps, I'm always top or near top (fight depending ofc) of the damage meter, fights like Protectors, Galakras and Spoils I tear it up. Nuroshen, Sha, Jugg, and General are top 5 every time. Bot > players when it comes to dotting stuff up hehe. You want to be casting frozen orb manually as frost where possible. Maybe if I get chance this evening I'll make a quick run through my settings and how I play with the bot. It's nothing fancy though tbh.

      All I can think of is maybe it's constantly pausing thinking a key is being pressed or your lag is high, also set your DOT damage minimum level to around 3M (Mines at 4), this stops it dotting things you shouldn't (that dies too fast in a raid to warrant dotting it). Frost is pretty stable dps to be honest.

      As a quick note I play the following with the bot and how it performs and a quick note etc. This is probably not what most hand play mages will say but obviously it's a bot so you play it different. I've put the DPS figure in brackets from our last raid (Heroic) 17.6k mastery and 13.2k haste (hybrid build), reason for the 13.2k breakpoint is i can get the extra LB tick in Arcane gear using Mage Armor and am also over the 12684 frost breakpoint.

      Immerseus (370k) - Arcane or Frost, usually Arcane. Both top 5 dps but never top due to locks/warrior add spam. Time frozen orb for adds (manual cast). Usually take LB but frost bomb is viable here too. Set add dot value very high to avoid dotting little adds. take arcane explosion and coc glyphs.
      The Fallen Protectors (448k) - Arcane (or frost high haste build, 19k+ haste), usually arcane, usually 1st on dmg, if not then top 3 (monk/warlock can do well here obviously), cleave is epic with the bot, i run with CoC and Arcane explosion as the bot tends to PAD in bubble phase :) it's on farm so no1 cares in our guild, use NT obviously.
      Norushen (344k) - Arcane or Frost, usually arcane, remove DOT minimum dmg value. take LB. rapid displacement / blink glyphs are handy
      Sha of Pride (404k (some padding on adds) - Frost due to high movement, save orb for adds (mostly for procs to fire at corrupted fragments), if you are on farm feel free to cheese meter with blizzard. rapid displacement and blink glyphs handy, use LB

      Galakras (495k) - Same as protectors.
      Iron Juggernaut (325k (run away tactic)) - Frost or Arcane, high mastery build preferable for both. Take LB. If your guild does the run away tactic frost will probably be better as elemental can still pew pew boss.
      Kor'kron Dark Shaman (344k) - Frost due to high movement, if you stack bosses take NT, otherwise take LB (this will gimp your opening DPS slightly but thats not important here really). Take NT if you stack them. Save orbs for foul slimes. set add dot value high to avoid dotting slimes.
      General Nazgrim (376k) - Arcane + LB seems to give me great results here, pray assassins don't target you

      Malkorok (361k) - Frost due to high movement, take LB. Can safely auto cast orb, save it for adds if you want slight dps increase but it doesnt really matter too much. take rapid displacement.
      Spoils of Pandaria (355k) - Arcane, same as protectors :)
      Thok the Bloodthirsty (no kill this week, only 2 raid nights :( ) - Frost or Arcane, Frost is easier due to the silences and running about tbh. If you are lucky your RL will let you stand in melee as arcane instead.

      Only killed the following on Normal.

      Siegecrafter Blackfuse - Frost, crazy movement, runes are a nightmare on belt, try and get out of belt duty. use LB, rapid displacement is handy.
      Paragons of the Klaxxi - Opinion is split on the use of NT here, some think it's padding some not, I use Arcane and LB, glyphs not greatly important
      Garrosh Hellscream - take LB, frost is easier here from my experience due to constant moving about. time orbs for adds.
    10. samoday

      samoday New Member

      Nov 27, 2012
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      As per your request. I paused and unpaused at every lag spike.
    11. Mitrexe

      Mitrexe Member

      Jan 11, 2014
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      @Jabba: Do you manually cast your CDs as Arcane or do you let the bot automatically do its thing (e.g. Arcane Power set to "On Boss or Player")?
    12. RownX

      RownX Member

      Jan 21, 2012
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      Hey there, starting to equip my 505 mage now and I'm curious which talentbuild you recommend for frost (or is arcane the better choice?)
      Starting with the free version for now, is it up to date?
    13. samoday

      samoday New Member

      Nov 27, 2012
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      Arcane/Fire arent all that viable until you get a higher iLvl. Stick with frost imo.
    14. dilbog

      dilbog Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      At your ilvl frost is your best bet and go for a mastery build your stats will prob be garbage but hey your ilvl is very low.
    15. dilbog

      dilbog Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      Heya Millz

      For some reason as of the last update or maybe one before that it has stopped saving my custom profiles. Have to set them up every time I go to use them any ideas?
    16. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Looked through the log, but there's nothing obvious in there at all. Could try reducing the ticks per second (TPS) down a bit? 15 or 20...

      Reasonably up to date yeah.

      No idea, what happens when you try to save it? Make sure you save to a different file, and not over the default ones (or they'll reset on SVN update). Nothing changed with this code.


      - Whitelisted ourselves as a friendly unit.
      - Once a unit has been detected as targeting someone in our party or raid, it is now whitelisted for 60s. If not, it is re-checked every 500ms. Improves speed at detecting multi-DoT targets.
      - [Frost] Blizzards logging output is now at Info level, rather than Diagnostic.
      - Potential fix to help prevent pausing when first entering combat when manual cast detection enabled.
      - [Fire] Now logs when cancelling alter time.
      - [Fire] Now performing the correct Alter Time combo again when PoM is talented.

      I say potential, because I can't recreate the issue any more, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's completely resolved. Need feedback :)
    17. dilbog

      dilbog Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      Heya Millz

      Wish I knew m8 it will save and ok to use untill I restart honorbuddy then it is always reset for some reason.
    18. amputations

      amputations Active Member

      Jan 6, 2011
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    19. samoday

      samoday New Member

      Nov 27, 2012
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      I've tried that as well. I was actually thinking that maybe it was an addon that was somehow interfering with my memory or something. I then turned them all off and played with the basic wow UI and nothing changed. The only time I get these spikes on wow is when I play with HB. As you seen in the log, it happens quite often. My computer is by no means a top of the line one, but it's not anything to scoff at either. Another thing is, it didn't always do this, but I didn't pay attention to which release of HB or your CR that it started doing this.

      You suggested "YourRaidingBuddy" for my hunter. I've tried all the hunter routines on this site. None of them get me even close to 200k. With my stats, and gems, and reforging, MaxDPS.com states that I should be pulling 310k easily. So in short, from my experience, all of the hunter CR's are crap. I've just stopped playing my hunter at all. /shrug
    20. amputations

      amputations Active Member

      Jan 6, 2011
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      Remember you have to edit simcraft to not include every single raidbuff & flasks food & pots & heroism etc, so you're only selfbuffed. otherwise ofcourse there will be a huge difference from the simcraft-results to your actual dummy-results.

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