This still works as no areas have been changed yet, when they do change I will eventually re-release these profiles. With any luck flying will be enabled which will help me get it done faster and of course add Outlands and Northrend.
I assume they will change the title when we can fly in Azeroth, it needs to be done now before the patch so you have an achievement you cannot get anymore. Now HB is up and running again I will be running this until I have the title. G
Having some real troubles with this today Did Eastern Kingdoms fine, what I would do is when I had explored an area I would then delete the positions from the xml, start HB again and continue on my merry way, this worked sweet. I am trying to do this with Kalimidor (main), now when I delete the Darkshore and Ashenvale to do Felwood and start HB again it runs back to the starting point in Auberdine ?? any suggestions ? G EDIT: stopped and started again, all good, weird. Ofcourse I had done this and shut HB aswell about 5 times.
tedrasill profile works fine here ! thx, imma try out the other ones EDIT : i tried kalimdor-main, works fine for me, only thing is it forget 2 spots in mulgore, The venture co. mine and thunder bluff
Just one problem and I've run the entire thing. It didn't discover Thunder Bluff in Mulgore. Thanks, great work!
Gonna try this on the eastern kingdoms and kalimdor when I turn 60, will report amount of deaths. -- edit - Profile runs through the horde village of stonard in the swamp of sorrows.
Aye, just so everyone knows... You will be unable to obtain the "Explore Mulgore" achievement since the 4.01 patch. You will find yourself with "Discover Thunderbluff" if you're watching the screen and Alliance will become PvP flagged, but you get no credit towards the achievement. The tricks of deleting the Cache or WTF or whatever directories will not solve the problem. Dancing at the top of the Thunderbluff rises will not help you. The problem exists for Alliance, and perhaps Horde also. This is a known Bliz bug, and quite a disappointing one I may add. The official remedies are to: Petition a GM with "Unable to 'Explore Mulgore'" as your subject. (Not going to happen for me, since I bot) Wait for a patch to fix the problem (and hope the patch occurs *before* Cata) References: Blue post (#62) on Petitioning (World of Warcraft - English (NA) Forums -> Question re: Exploration) Issue confirmed here--search for 'Explore Mulgore' (World of Warcraft (en) Forums -> Patch 4.0.1 – Known Issues) Just FYI. cheers, CJ
Does this profile work in Cata? It doesn't look like there has been any updates to it for a looong time.
it probably would miss a few places being that the whole exploration system changed, worked with land mount prior to cata