I am in the process of re-writing that whole section of code so it works correctly right now, I will post here when it is done and the svn is updated. Ninja patch as I was finishing the Black Knight chain, hopefully HB is back up tomorrow and I can try to get it done.
Now it's trying to pick up Aspirant's quests when I'm supposed to be completing Valiant quests (25 seals).
Had to take the wife and daughter shopping, then set up the crap they bought, then go help my Mom with her TV, just now getting home at 11PM. Back to working on the profile now. LOL! It will TRY to pick Aspirant quests, then it will move on to Valiant, so long as you have one of them in your log, I have yet to code the portion to make the bot pick the individual ones up. This profile is still very much a work in progress, although it is much closer to done than when I started it.
this is awesome and I have wanted this for over a year since i saw something similar release for horde....didn't see this till now I just came back a week ago with ultimate pvp sutie and salesman.
I got tired of no Tournament Dailies for Alliance, so I took what little work had been done Alliance side and expanded and changed it so it worked for the most part, then started combining stuff and soon it will be not just Alliance, but ANY toon that uses this profile. Added support tonight/this morning for the ability to start the profile if you have never been to the tournament before and it will do the one time only quests then start the aspirant chain. In two more days I will be debugging the Aspirant turn-ins so that hopefully the profile can do it all for Alliance, then I will start on the horde ones.
I'm already done with the aspirant quests but it's still trying to pick them up. I tried putting a valiant quest in my log (A Valiant's Field Training), but its still trying to pick up Aspirant quests that don't exist. It does not move on, as you say it should.
True, same thing happens for me. The culprit is this line (and the following ones): Code: <PickUp QuestName="Training in the Field" QuestId="13671" GiverName="Avareth Swiftstrike" GiverId="33646" /> there is no HasQuestAvailable check...
Well, since I can't connect to WoW at the moment, some issue on their end, I am recoding some of the quest behaviors to work for Horde and Alliance in the hopes that they will add them to the next release of HonorBuddy! Among the Champions quest behavior is going to be a major overhaul I think and may be awhile. That behavior does work, it is just stupid as hell and takes forever.
Really? It actually works really well for me and only takes a few minutes. Which part is the stupid one? The actual fighting or when it's choosing the champion to fight?
The actual fighting, mine runs in little tiny circles and ends up having to do 8 or more tries to get 4 marks.
Interesting... why 8 tries? Are you dying to the enemies or do they just evade/run out of the field? Because that's actually a valid tactic: - Among the Champions - Quest - World of Warcraft
On day 5/5 for valiant, its finally doing the quests However, for the quest Winter's Edge, it gets to the lake and can't navigate to the middle of it. Keeps running around bot-like and mounting/dismounting, but never goes to the middle of the lake to use the item on the NPC.
Also, not sure if it's because I had to stop/restart the profile to get around the Winter's Edge issue, but once it flew back to camp it went through the same routine as the beginning. It went to pick up quests, checked black knight for completion, flew to Hrothgar's Landing to get the Kvaldir Attack Plans (but realized it already has them once it got there, and turned back around to fly to camp). Why does it go pickup the attack plans? It doesn't seem to use the item to start the quest or turn it in, and it doesn't do anything for the progress of the tournament (just some Argent Crusade rep). Lastly, why does the bot force you to do "The Valiant's Challenge" manually? Lol @ [Profile Message]: Quest Behavior seems stupid but it works so why mess with it. Haha I'm pretty decent at these duels but the QB does much better than I do! Finishes with 90% health or more against the valiant competitors. Edit; Confirmed. start/stopping the profile at any point will force the bot to go back and start from scratch and quest pickups/checks.
It's interacting with Jaelyne Evensong to try and pick up the quest "Valiant of Darnassus" but it's not accepting the quest. Just repeatedly opening the dialog. If you manually accept it, it does the same thing on the "complete quest" dialog. Edit: It's doing this with all of the champion dailies too. Also, it's reporting the black knight chain complete, but it's not. "The Black Knight's Fall" is an available quest now.
Weird.... I don't have those issues. Have you tried a clean install of HB (uninstall, delete folder (!), re-install)?
Hell no all my other profiles workin fine. i suspect it's an issue with transitioning between valiant and champion stuff, which you've probably already done
The bot does go back to the "start" and try to grab everything again, that is just in case you missed something first time around, or had to stop/restart. The Winter's Edge quest is a weird one, I haven't had an issue with it yet. Will double check your log and the corresponding code. I have to finish coding a couple of things still, turn-in from aspirant to valor and from valor to champion are the two biggest ones, as well as re-code the second half of the black knight chain. Bear with me, I'll get there.