I was looking for a plugin that increased the safety of the bot by adding some humanizing or random things while gathering or questing. One idea I had was for a plugin that changed your title every 1-2 hours and another that targeted other players within 'X' radius around and did a /emote that you could set up yourself like /wave or /nod or maybe a random emote, maybe also set it to only do emotes to enemy players that way you could avoid conversations with same-faction people. Anybody have anything like this that isn't "re-emote control"?
That would be good the only drawback is if you were gathering your Nodes Per Hour would go down. The idea for the plugin that I had in mind is to deter players who are inevitably going to see you out and about gathering or doing whatever - not so much throw off blizzard by seeing that you weren't just gathering for 18 straight hours although that concern is legitimate as well but I think HBrelog can do that.
it's really hard to be more human without looking like a bot, what happens if your extra actions caused people to try and speak to you.. best just to make sure you've got the bot setup.
If you're worried about the bot acting like a bot, then use the bot to bounce around. don't do a circle, after all that's the best way to use the bot to gather randomizing your route and not worrying about trying to be "human".
The occasional emote wouldn't be too bad but as mentioned it would run the risk of possible convo attempt . Not sure the bouncing idea does or doesn't increasing "human-ness" coz frankly the few times I do get bored enough to farm I mostly fly laps made using Routes