I was told I have to learn Java for android, asp.net and SQL server for web, c# and c++ for desktop, objective c for iOS, and a few things I've never heard of. There's a list... They don't have anyone that really specializes in one thing. We're supposed to learn as much as we can about a bunch of different things and keep on top of new stuff.
Grats on the new job! Same thing happened to me with IT consulting. Was given an opportunity like yours and i ran with it, now i have a new job, drive a 30,000$ car and am closing on a house this month. Not bad for 25. Best of luck! Lets see if RNG is on my side. MAY THE LIGHT GIVE ME STRENGTH
C# ftw Edit: This is really messing with me..a bunch of people I can't even contact if they win because they're not registered anymore. Even Galaxy (that won the first key) is "Guest" now... Think I should just wait until next week and remove anyone that hasn't reregistered by then.
I mean reregister to the forums. Some people have to sign up again. http://www.thebuddyforum.com/buddy-bots/announcements/151396-board-downtime-info.html#post1416599
members should be an easy as hell fix as long as they have the original back up closes to the corruption.
Well it seems since I started in the last 30 days that I had to sign up again. I was wondering why I couldn't log in to check my messages any longer. Now I have to figure out who was messaging me in the first place! Congrats on the position! I know you will do great!