Well since WoW put a patch out today, honorbuddy doesn't seem to be working at all. Hopefully dungeonbudy will be updated once honorbuddy is.
from what iv read it shouldnt alter anything with hb. Patch 4.0.1a Bug Fixes Originally Posted by Ujumqin (Source) The following issues have been addressed in the 4.0.1a minor patch. * Using a "/cast!" command no longer disconnects players. * Mousing over objects that generate a cogwheel should no longer cause the client to freeze or disconnect. * Guild Tabards should no longer display on characters not actually wearing the Guild Tabard. * Floating combat text should always appear. * NPC Health Bars/Nameplates are now appearing correctly.
Hi, not sure if the plugin is bugged from the update or if it's my fault but I'm installing it exactly like you say but the plugin doesn't appear under the plugin menu in honorbuddy. I can post a log if you need it.
I got it to work by editing the file, it's a crude and probably extremely incorrect "hack" that broke a bunch of shit I'm sure. I don't want to post it if the author doesn't give me approval of course. So yeah, if you want me to post it let me know, otherwise looking forward to the update!
I PMed the guy who said he knew how to edit it to work, I can't really figure out how to do what he did. Maybe one of you can figure it out heres his quote "when you have dungeon buddy loaded up, it will give you an error on a certain line, just comment out every line that gives you an error until it works. // < thats how you comment out a line " I don't know how to load dungeonbuddy up when its not even under the plugins menu.
commented out more than 70% of it line by line, i gave up then... someone please post a temp fix or something.