Meh a little late But next time you dont have to do that Hmm just tested app and website. Could i get an HB Log (here or PM me), please? Does your charname or servername use some special letters (everything besides a-z is special)?
Hey thalord! Als erstes - Glückwünsch für diese tolle Arbeit! Funktioniert FAST alles wie ich es will. 1. 2. Wenn ich eine Nachricht sende im Gildenchat, kriege ich eine Benachrichtigung auf meinem Handy ABER, sieht man auf dem handy auch irgendwo den Chat? ;o EDIT: 1. Punkt hat sich erledigt! Geht jetzt doch! Liebe Grüße xALP1NE
Oh man Hatte alles versucht aber wohl nicht gründlich genug! Werde dir noch was donaten ; muss nur gucken wann!
New Android App Version (3.3) is on the way. Google just have to release it, usually this take some time (1-3 hours). It should fix the most Bugreports i got,but it resets the database for that so your bots in the app will be gone, until the app gets new bot data from HB The bots on the website stay and will not be erased, so dont panic
Is there a setting required to get the profile and change it? "Get profile list" dosen't seem to work -----Just Bought the App. Nice work. ---
Code: Error please contact thalord! (/home/buddycon/public_html/protected/components/Controller.php:35) #0 /home/buddycon/public_html/yii/framework/web/CWebApplication.php(282): Controller->init() #1 /home/buddycon/public_html/yii/framework/base/CErrorHandler.php(332): CWebApplication->runController('site/error') #2 /home/buddycon/public_html/yii/framework/base/CErrorHandler.php(205): CErrorHandler->render('error', Array) #3 /home/buddycon/public_html/yii/framework/base/CErrorHandler.php(130): CErrorHandler->handleException(Object(CHttpException)) #4 /home/buddycon/public_html/yii/framework/base/CApplication.php(713): CErrorHandler->handle(Object(CExceptionEvent)) #5 [internal function]: CApplication->handleException(Object(CHttpException)) #6 {main} EDIT: started to work again
Sorry but i dont understand. Is it shown in the app? If its in the APP. Try reinstalling or specify the problem more, please. Logs and Screenshots are helping too.
Sorry for the dump question, but when I have everythings working with the buddycon website, what to used and how to use it to push, from the HB plugin to my android, where I have the apps ? I am missing this.
But there is no chance to use the "reply to user" function without the app or web interface ? (i.e. i would like to use irc/gtalk or something like that, to reply, because i only have a old blackberry atm.)
You need the app from the play store. Then login there and restart HB. Hmm no BC doesnt have IRC or gtalk support. But i think there was a Plugin where you can you use IRC and another for gtalk. Should be in this forum.
Yeah there is Sharp Messenger for GTalk Support, but didnt work properly with my blackberry, so i'm checking the alternatives
It's not that easy to get apps verified by apple as it is by google. Also there is a bigass fee for developer functions for iOS Also the website is down ATM.
Yeah the apple app store sucks for devs. Yeah was done, had to restart somethings. Its working now. Sometimes i think the server wants to annoy me. I was online at ~18:00 an 15 minutes later it stops working.
Love what you're doing here OP. I get crashes most of the times I open the Android app and the Show Bot button rarely works. What can I do to supply you with info to help your improve the app? BTW, I'm on Android AOSP 4.4.2.