Storm, if we switch talents do we have to close HB and then reopen? I thought at one time PR or HB (a while ago) would refresh when a talent changed, but I'm not noticing the message any more.
There's an issue with Rabid (pet ability) for hunters. It looks like it's not seeing the cooldown on Rabid. I tried to get a log, but switching to Diagnostic leaves the log empty for some reason. Here's my diagnosis though: Spell.CastPetAction("Rabid", ret => HunterSettings.UseRabid && Me.HasAura("The Beast Within")), Here, Rabid will cast right when we hit Bestial Wrath, but that's the only thing that casts. It continues to want to use Rabid until Bestial Wrath is up, causing the CC to completely pause until we lose The Beast Within buff. Spell.CastPetAction("Rabid", ret => HunterSettings.UseRabid && Me.HasAura("The Beast Within") && !Me.Pet.HasAura("Rabid")), This works, but once again if Rabid is on CD and we enter Bestial Wrath, the CC pauses due to it wanting to use Rabid (even if it's on CD). Using a cast macro works, but it's really not ideal. Even if I put it on a 90sec CD, it could still get thrown off if we cast Rabid our self.
Rogue, combat spec, do not use in the rotation Rupture - Spell - World of Warcraft P.S Apply and maintain Rupture with 5 Combo Points. Dropping Rupture from the rotation simplifies it, but it sacrifices about 1 or 2% of your DPS.
mcdeman, I'll take a look at the Combat rotation later tonight. Until it's updated, here is how to make it work for now: Rupture is used when - Combo Points = 5 AND - Aura Deep Inside is up AND - PveRupture is set as rotation in the Rogue Settings AND - Roation Key is pressed once (second press returns back to default rotation)
Using Rupture in combat isnt the 'best' rotation. At least give it an option to use rupture during the rotation. I'd prefer if my combat rogue didnt use rupture for many reasons
Absolutely. The method it uses now works, but IMO it's a lot easier to just have an option in the settings to enable or disable the usage of Rupture. That's my goal, at least.
Rogue testers: Please try this and let me know how it does. If we have Anticipation, we hold off on Eviscerate unless we have +4 stacks of Anticipation or we have 5 combo points and Deep Insight. If we don't have Anticipation, we continue the rotation as normal. Rupture is now an option in the settings. It will only apply it if we aren't hasted (blood lust) and aren't AoEing. Two files to download and overwrite. Place this in your PureRotation\Classes\Rogue folder: Place this in your PureRotation\Settings\Settings: Storm: This is betaish, don't commit to PR yet.
Special Key: Assigned to Expose Armor Rotation Key: Switch between PVP and Rupture Rotation Details: Expose Armor is casted when - Special Key is pressed once (enabling) AND - Glyph Expose Armor is used in your talents screen AND - Expose Armor is enabled in the Settings AND - unit has no debuff for weakened armor Rupture is used when - Combo Points = 5 AND - Aura Deep Inside is up AND - PveRupture is set as rotation in the Rogue Settings AND - Roation Key is pressed once (second press returns back to default rotation) ----------------------------------------------- don't get me wrong ... this is stated at startup from combat rotation, and it is exactly what u want ... to use rupture only when u want it (press the key once will use it, press the key twice will not use it) the only difference is ... we decide to use it at the best moment (so we are checking the auras too) instead of using it instantly at 5 cbo points. Nothing wrong with it. Pressing the key twice returns to default rotation and will skip rupture, exactly what u want! no need to change anything
this is for all hunter speccs? rabid ... which pet? (my hunter is atm at 89 and i have no intention to level him up to 90 for debugging, cause all my accounts are canceled and i won't do a new subscription until wod) can this be tested below level 90? with any pet? (or do i need a specific one?) -> i've no clue bout hunters^^ but it looks (from your description) as if we have a bug in the core, which can't see the cooldown of the petactions (which could be a problem with HB or PR)
found another bug in the rotation after the AoE rotation and does not turn off automatically Blade Flurry - Spell - World of Warcraft Blade Flurry
Any ferocity talented pet. Don't think you have to be 90 but not positive. Definitely seems like a core issue though. Going to try with singular tonight see what the results are. Going to play with the combat cc for rogues more. I noticed the blade flurry issue as well... I think blade flurry had always been a problem but I think there's a way around it that I used way back when. Can't see the error you have on my phone but I'll pm you later.
this cr for SV hunter is doing awesome. i did 351k dps on iron juggernaut at 568 ilvl, way above my simulations. I changed some logic with thrill of the hunt though. Also I removed anything related to barrage and binding shot because it doesn't know when to use them at the right time.
I've updated BM Hunter, Ele Shaman, and Combat Rogue. I need some testers to try them out, and PM me feedback. I've been using the Ele Shaman and BM Hunter constantly, and haven't had any issues. You need to place the class file in: PureRotation\Classes\(class)\ (BeastMastery.cs goes in Hunter folder, etc) You need to place the settings file in: PureRotation\Settings\Setting
I set Rotation Mode to Semi-Auto Mode and tried the different keys. None of them seem to do anything. How do I use this feature?
been using honorbuddy a week now and alot of info to soak in and learn. I have downloaded it using SVN but how do i use this ingame? can i do it in firelands killing random mobs for drops?
Shadow priest is a bit broken it tries to spam mind flay but starts cast then cancels and starts cast over and over again it reapplies dots OK and mind spikes etc but Flay is broken.
If you set up a modifier key, it seems that key needs to be pressed along with the hotkey you set for cooldowns etc. (This worked for me, based of what I've seen here I'm not totally sure this is correct for all though)