juat to let you guys know be careful with useing honorbuddy to do BGs on Wow ive just been banned for 72 hours
eeeehhh dude that's nothing new. BG's have always been the highest risk and since you can clearly filter out the buddybots, even more.
Just stay away from it, use a nice CC instead with Tyreal.. you have to control you character instead tho.. but it lowers the ban rate by a hell of a lot.
wont b using it for BGs anymore like i got ready for arena so cant really complain just wanted to give everyone the heads up shame like i wont b using honorbuddy anymore cant afford the risk
lol, I'm pretty sure there's a bunch of threads stating that Honorbuddy does not support Battlegrounds and Arenas due to the butt hurt nature of the pvpers. So as a new kid on the block you should have done some searching around or asked the community about what to do with the bot before running it and AFKing.
Lol, it says It doesn't support arenas it does support bgs if it didn't it would have a bot base called "bg buddy" lmao genius