Don't know how you are able to produce such problem. I'm testing this profile right now and everything is running smoothly. Are you sure you have portal to checkpoint in town?
Thanks Nazair for keeping this updated for me, just came back to D3 and DB and was happy to see someone had kept it going =)
This profile will be up to date as soon as Demonbuddy is up and running, been doing this legit in patch 2.01 and it seems to be pretty decent exp.
Cannot replicate that issue, there is nothing in the code that should cause it to do that. Did you start Act 1 Quest 6 - talk to Alaric and get to the Crypt checkpoint before running the script?
Np man, I should have added info for setting it up in my OP, which I have now done. Enjoy the profile.
Don't know how it works for others as it's uploaded in the first post. I had to add the command to take the town portal at the begining before it worked properly. <TakeTownPortal questId="72738" stepId="12" />
I just downloaded the latest version I have posted(to double check) and that step was already in there.
Huge fan of your work. I have some feedback on this profile as well. It seems that the bot does a LOT of backtracing and ignoring enemies when it goes down the stairs in the dungeon. other than that it works perfectly
I actually fixed the backtracking issue before I went to work today and forgot to upload the profile. As for ignoring enemies I will look into that when I get home, it should be able to be fixed by just changing combat settings in Trinity.
It doesn't seem to be picking up the exp bonus wells(the orange healing well thingies). I tried changing some stuff in trinity, without luck. Haaaalp? :-(
I was wondering if you could help me figure out how to disable picking up rares , and to goto town and sell them for money and only pick up common debris / legendaries. / set items / gems / plans please let me know if you can help. Thank you.
You should be able to handle all of this on the "plugins" tab of the bot select Trinity and hit the "config" button to the right of the plugin list. Go to the "items" tab and from there you can handle looting/town runs.