Is it possible to add Swap Tanks to Mushroom Efflorence ? So he takes the tank closest to you. Would be handy in some encounters.
Whats the best way to add movement with this for Dungeonbuddy. IWantMovement doesn't seem to work with this.
I believe theres a bug in Honorbuddy atm that makes that happen for restodruids, but still you should:
sorry if this has been answered here already but i noticed double spells in the config for druids ie regrowth 70 and 96 im trying to firgue out whats what i wanna disable regrowth inless free cast is up but idk whats what
Is it possible to disable casting efflorence when moving ? It looks so noobish now to cast efflorence when you are moving and you set efflorence to be cast on yourself.
Oracle II Released After many months of toil, its finally released!
Archiving this thread at developer's request. He is offering updated products through the Buddy Store. cheers, chinjade