I'd love to see a simple update to life cocoon: LC on tank if < X hp (example 40%) LC on raid if < Y hp (example 25%) i like to use it as an emergency cooldown for tanks, but sometimes it is casted on player that does not really deserve it And ofc, now that PQR and PE are deads (or at least PQR), lightweaving could also be implemented (even the routine performs well in any case)
Keep the value of LC but substract -7% (good tested value) hp of any tank in the raid for increase healing priority on them, work very well. Lua example: UnitGroupRolesAssigned(t) == "TANK" and UnitThreatSituation(t) == 3 then return HPpercent -7
Anyone have an issue where the routine just sits there...? Start and stop the bot...prime it buy hot keying starting Tyareal I am using Tyrael, and at this point im more comfortable with my Tuahana SE as I it is causing no wipes...(guild is casual, and still on normals)
Hi, I'm ilvl 552, and barely pushing 60k HPS on most SoO boss fights (except Malkorok -> 220k HPS). I'm using Ski's general and class settings, unmodified. See attached for my current specs. Any recommendations on how I can improve my HPS? Thanks View attachment 119341
Is it common for Ski's settings to run you Oom with the 7k spirit early in the fight? I have been running LFR SoO and it is doing that fairly regularly, then I am running on fumes the rest of the fight.
Umm, some times yes, some times around the same. Do you think it is just LFR being LFR? That's completely possible. I just wondered if I needed to adjust the settings back a bit somewhere, I don't have surging or healing spheres going out. Edit: If you use the targettable Expel Harm glyph, will it use it on someone else instead of just yourself? Edit 2: If you load the Thok boss settings, is it supposed to stop casting in order to not get interupted, it certainly wasn't in LFR for me.
Start a new post since it is a couple days later now. Would it be possible to set a mana threshold at which it stops using Soothing Mist on targets with 100% health, if you have that option ticked. Also, maybe an option for if it is using the over 100% SM, to use it on the current tank.
MW Monk High Crit/Low Spirit MW Monk High Crit/Low Spirit This is a High Crit/Low Spirit Build and Runs with Oracle exceptionally well in 10 and 25 man normal.... Depending on fight and other healers in raid group average 140-210k HPS. The Beauty of this you NEVER RUN OUT OF MANA. The bad...you may stop healing for up to 2 secs when using mana tea...If you need to get an emergency heal off..just take a step Do not use Glyph of mana tea... Here is my Setup 557 MW Monk Mastery: Get rid of as much as you can Crit Breakpoint: 35-40% buffed Haste Breakpoint: get what is achievable to maintain 35-40% Crit in my case I am at 12138. 9158 and 6141 work well for lower geared players Spirit: Whatever Gear Allows, I have run as low as 6k LMG: Get it for mana free casts. View attachment OracleSettings_aicgod99-Rev1.0.0.322_Monk.xml View attachment OracleSettings_aicgod99-Rev1.0.0.331_generalformonk.xml
Looks about like how mine runs glad it works for you! Sent from my XT1080 using TheBuddyForum mobile app
Thanks for sharing! I am curious.. where does this crit breakpoint come from? I am unable to find any supporting threads in the internetz.
Not really a breakpoint just that high and you proc lots of mana tea. Sent from my XT1080 using TheBuddyForum mobile app
I've tested this out last night, fully went for Crit (got to about 32,85% because I could not get all the gems (missing 8), bought the entire stock from AH ) and 17% haste (about 4K, I can not reach 6K or more if I want to reach 35% crit). No Mastery (well, from gear) and 6.5K spirit, no LMG. Went in LFR. Truth be told; I did not go OOM whatever I tried. You burn mana FAST, but by the time you sit at 40% mana you have 18 stacks of mana tea so a few seconds later you're full again. This cycle repeats itself. Problem is that the healing CAN be great, but usually it's "ok". On Iron Juggernaut I outhealed a 547 druid and a 533 paladin (I am 522 MW Monk) doing 86k HPS avg. On the other fights (Dark Shaman, General) I lagged behind them, only doing about 50-60K hps. Still; it seems to work well and I just need a bit more crit and haste! Thanks for sharing the settings.
Yep.. just get gear... I am at ~568 and got around 37% and 12k haste... really funny but downtimes (mana tea channel) need to be planned wisely in hc content.
Yes is problem in hm fight... for example I use glyph on thok hm, no downtime. But other fight make me crazy when i channel mana tea.
I try to put the downtime in thok fight.. at the beginning and end of kiting phase. works got for me. I will never use MT glyph again.