Xalyx haha, this is a great profile for hardcore botting if you wanna get T1 items, wich are ONLY availible in T1, there are 0% chance at countering an elite pack, and thats says is all, if it was only white mobs and no chest i would still run it on my HC char. Sanrun: THanks for the tweeking, i know every safety meassure makes this profile slower, but to be honest i dont see the reason why people on softcore would want to run this, first of all you dont get any death breath, the new demonic essence, and you need ALOT of em. Then i belive there are other reasons but i just woke up and im to tired to write haha If any hardcore botter out there who got skills in making profile would like to take this project and make it a hardcore one, i would love it! thanks again sanrun, great job!
When I Load the .XML it tells me that Failed to load profile: Element MoveToMapMarker is not supported. Please check your XML and try again. (<MoveToMapMarker questId="1" x="615" y="269" z="-5" markerNameHash="0" actorId="176002" interactRange="20" pathPrecision="50" pathPointLimit="250" isPortal="True" destinationWorldId="306549" statusText="" />) Line 31 System.Exception: Element MoveToMapMarker is not supported. Please check your XML and try again. (<MoveToMapMarker questId="1" x="615" y="269" z="-5" markerNameHash="0" actorId="176002" interactRange="20" pathPrecision="50" pathPointLimit="250" isPortal="True" destinationWorldId="306549" statusText="" />) Line 31 at ..(PropertyInfo , XElement , Object ) at Zeta.XmlEngine.XmlEngine.Load(Object obj, XElement element) at ..(XElement , Type ) at ...(XElement ) at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectEnumerableIterator`2.MoveNext() at System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection) at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source) at ..(XElement , PropertyInfo ) at ..(PropertyInfo , XElement , Object ) at Zeta.XmlEngine.XmlEngine.Load(Object obj, XElement element) at Zeta.Bot.Profile.Profile.Load(XElement element, String path) at Zeta.Bot.Profile.Profile.Load(String path) at Zeta.Bot.ProfileManager.Load(String profilePath, Boolean rememberPath) [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block GetDisplayWindow took 354.34ms. [Trinity] Saving Config file I use Demonbuddy v1.1.1729.346 I use [Trinity] Initialized v1.8.11 Do i need another plugin or what ? thanks
Good job OP, been using it (ignore mobs variant) for an hour on my 70 barbarian - no legendaries so far, but a buttload of gems - which is going for me One thing I noticed is that my character would get stuck/faceplant at the openable gate, swinging at nothing - had to manually open it. Not an AFK-able run, for sure, but works 98% of the time.
would it be possible to make this afk-able ? like farm to the part where you can actually stash your loot ?
works pretty well. sometimes the toon is not picking up the gold which comes out of the chest. thanks for contributing
Just a quick fyi, the "File Type: xml A5 - Chest exploit - ignore mob - exit safe.xml (1.6 KB, 475 views)" one doesn't have KillMonsters set to false, so it isn't ignoring mobs. Edit: after looking at it more, it looks like that's intentional and you were just blacklisting all the mob IDs. I geeeeeeeet it now. Ignore me.
When I Load the .XML it tells me that Failed to load profile: Element MoveToMapMarker is not supported. Please check your XML and try again. (<MoveToMapMarker questId="1" x="615" y="269" z="-5" markerNameHash="0" actorId="176002" interactRange="20" pathPrecision="50" pathPointLimit="250" isPortal="True" destinationWorldId="306549" statusText="" />) Line 31 System.Exception: Element MoveToMapMarker is not supported. Please check your XML and try again. (<MoveToMapMarker questId="1" x="615" y="269" z="-5" markerNameHash="0" actorId="176002" interactRange="20" pathPrecision="50" pathPointLimit="250" isPortal="True" destinationWorldId="306549" statusText="" />) Line 31 at €..(PropertyInfo , XElement , Object ) at Zeta.XmlEngine.XmlEngine.Load(Object obj, XElement element) at €..(XElement , Type ) at €...(XElement ) at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectEnumerableIterat or`2.MoveNext() at System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerabl e`1 collection) at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source) at €..(XElement , PropertyInfo ) at €..(PropertyInfo , XElement , Object ) at Zeta.XmlEngine.XmlEngine.Load(Object obj, XElement element) at Zeta.Bot.Profile.Profile.Load(XElement element, String path) at Zeta.Bot.Profile.Profile.Load(String path) at Zeta.Bot.ProfileManager.Load(String profilePath, Boolean rememberPath) [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block GetDisplayWindow took 354.34ms. [Trinity] Saving Config file I use Demonbuddy v1.1.1729.346 I use [Trinity] Initialized v1.8.11 Do i need another plugin or what ? thanks
it's not nerfed... it's just SHIT. I don't mean profile but the IDEA. THis is usefull only if u need gems and recipes for Legendaries better do A1 or A3
Just started but working nicely for me. Wish it had a way to run it 8 or 10 times and then change to another mission so that it could start or port to town and sell/salvage everything and then start over. Otherwise this is only good for about 20 - 30 minutes before inventory fills up. It was funny because I found a legendary on the the very first group I got to. A few runs later I found a legendary plan. RNG at its finest Runs take me right at 2 minutes total on T3. Doing about 150 mil XP/hour. Not a ton but it helps.
This is a Good profile for Gems hunt, if you have a barb best settings would be Threatning shout - fear 3 sec (Good when you get close to chest to fear em so you can loot your gems) War Cry - 50 fury - (Right from start it give you 50 fury for sprint and other) Sprint - 40% increase speed for 4 sec (The faster you collect gems the better, some gold drops from chest too) Whirlwind - gain 1 fury (When you start the path some minions in the way, it will wind right through them) Tips 1. Disable corpse flip 2. put your magic and rare on "None" (If you wont you cant really AFK, there is no store in act 5 and your stash will get full fast) 3. ignore destruction 4. Wear all items that give vitality and life% 5. wear 1 item "YOUR ITEMS BECOME INDESTRUCTIBLE" (Spaulders of zakara - fall out a lot, its a shoulder piece, if you have it wear it) FOR PASSIVE SKILLS Unforgiving - increase fury by 2 Animosity - regain 10% of fury Nerves of steel - 50% armor Tough as nails 25% armor Main thing max out your bars on the scoring on all, it will still pick some yellows up but rarely, you should easily go over 24 hours. Enjoy Edit: Main thing i forgot to mention, pick "Ignore mob profile" This will solve your gems problems
I'm trying to run this while I AFK but I can't because salvage/sell doesn't work because you can't TP so the bot just stands there with a full inventory and tries to TP home. Could someone link me to a Legendary only loot rule(Lego+MarquiseGems), I've been trying to make my own but I'm quite confused. Any help would be appreciated.