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  • Bethany's Guide to Maximizing HonorBuddy Profit: The AH Way! [WiP]

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by UnicornFart, Mar 31, 2014.

    1. UnicornFart

      UnicornFart New Member

      Feb 14, 2013
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      Bethany's Guide to Maximizing HonorBuddy Profit:
      The AH Way! ♥♥♥♥♥​

      Using GB2, PB, AA2, GrindBot and Various Plug-ins together in Harmony​

      Hello there! I've been a proud HonorBuddy member for over a year now, and I think it's the right time to give something back to the community! Many Many MANY people ask me, "How did you do it? How did you make over 5 million gold so far with HonorBuddy?" Well, a MAJOR chunk of that was made due to early MoP Skyshard/BoE Epic grinding, though, that's not a very viable way to make gold anymore. So I reverted back to my Cata days of Hardcore Pwning the AH only this time, I did it with the help of HonorBuddy! So sit back, grab a drink, and enjoy my Visual How-To Guide. =]

      (Disclaimer: THIS MAY NOT WORK ON EVERY REALM! I AM ON A HIGHLY POPULATED RAIDING REALM WITH RICH PEOPLE WHO THROW GOLD AT EVERYTHING. In fact, I highly doubt most people can match the bulk amount I go through, though scaled down versions will work amazingly)

      I use Personal Profiles for nearly everything I do. And no, sorry, I won't share them, but I will recommend some public profiles to use. However, I claim no responsibility for Banned Accounts using Public Profiles.

      I wrote this, assuming that you have toons with all of the professions needed. That being said, I can't expect everyone to have Multiple 90's with various maxed-out professions, so find a guildie to help you if you don't have one of the professions needed.

      If anything is underlined, it's hyperlinked to Wowhead.com for your convenience. And again: Choose to do just 1 aspect of my weekly shuffle, or ALL of it. It's up to you! :D <3


      1 Honorbuddy Key (3 recommended)
      1 WoW Account (3 recommended)
      1 Level 90 toon (5 recommended)
      Gold to spend on Materials needed (up to you, spend as little or as much as you want, I usually drop an extra 30-60k a week on stuff)
      Wow Add-On: Auctionator


      Herbing Profilez: zonpan2lol/Lbniese
      Mining Profilez: zonpan2lol/Lbniese
      Skinning Profilez: Russ618

      If my guides or profiles are ever of any use to you, you can show your appreciation by donating to the Bethany LOVES Starbucks Fund
      Last edited: Apr 5, 2014
      Soeski and sdihi like this.
    2. UnicornFart

      UnicornFart New Member

      Feb 14, 2013
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      Like all things in Honorbuddy, the first step comes down to farming. YOU MUST HAVE A LEVEL 90 TOON WITH HERBALISM/MINING (Druid preferred)!!!! IF YOU DONT, AND CHOOSE TO JUST BUY ALL OF YOUR ORE/HERBS, YOUR PROFIT MARGINS ARE KAPUT!!!

      I like to run my Sexy Farm toon about 6 hours a day, usually in 2-3 different short sets, which also ties in nicely with farming the three different types of herbs we need: Snow Lily, Silkweed, and Fool's Cap.

      Snow Lily is best farmed in the Mountains of Kun-Lai, Found here:


      Silkweed is best farmed in Valley of the Four Winds, Found here:


      Fool's Cap is best farmed in Dread Wastes, Found here:


      Recommended Public Profile: [GB2] [N] 50 Profiles for Each Zone with Random Hotspots!

      Recommended, simply due to having 50 different routes to work with per zone

      Along the way, You will pick up a fair amount of Green Tea Leaf. On my realm, there is intense competition with almost no profit for making Shoulder chants, so I just skip the hours it eats up milling and crafting and sell the GTL on AH/Trade. The gold I make from Selling the GTL goes directly to buying Golden Lotus, something you can never have enough of. But, feel free to use herbs to make shoulder chants if it's profitable on your realm.

      Take all of the Snow Lily/Silkweed/Fool's Cap/Golden Lotus that you farmed and send it to your Flask Specced Alchemist. Craft:

      Flask of the Warm Sun x80
      Flask of Spring Blossoms x80
      Flask of Winter's Bite x40

      Sell in stacks of 3, though you'll want to list these in the afternoon/early evening, since its one thing people buy BEFORE raids.

      You want to maximize your profits, so even if you have horrid luck and get just 1 extra procced flask in a batch of 100, is better than making flasks on a Potion or Transmute Specced Alchy and getting zero. This is also where I send the Golden Lotus I buy from my GTL sales.

      It should look something like this, note that I ~occasionally list Flask of the Earth if it's over 45g ea, which it rarely is.


      "But Bethany, Why don't you use your GTL and leftover good herbs to make Stacks of Potions?"

      Ah, thanks for asking! To maximize my Transmuting and Flask Making, I need all of the "Free" Golden Lotus I can get, which come from GTL Gold. Lots of competition on my realm for potions, but not nearly as much for flasks, not sure why. Also, I don't even have a third alchy that is Potion Specced :D


      Ghost Iron Ore & Black Trillium Ore/White Trillium Ore is found in every zone (No Trillium in Jade Forest), and you will pick it up along the way in each zone we are going to be farming herbs in.

      I also recommend trying to find a constant supplier of Ghost Iron, for around 30-35g (or shoot for whatever is 10-20% less than the average price of Ghost Iron on your server). This will help supplement the gems you get, but can definitely be skipped if you're looking to do a small scale of my shuffle.

      I'm not going to repost the route pictures to farm the Ghost Iron Ore, as they are ~basically the same as the herbing ones. And since the herb profile I recommended has 50 routes per zone, you will pick up Ghost Iron Ore along the way, as well.

      Recommended Public Profile: [GB2] [N] 50 Profiles for Each Zone with Random Hotspots!

      Recommended again, simply due to having 50 different routes to work with per zone.

      Turn all of your Trillium Ore into Trillium Bar, it takes two of each color to make 1 bar. Turn about 20%-30% of your Ghost Iron into Ghost Iron Bar and send them + the Trillium Bars to your Transmutation Spec Alchemist. Craft Trillium Bars and sell in stacks of 6 on AH. (if you intend to make 553 crafted gear, save your trillium and head down to post three under 'Blacksmithing')

      Send the rest of the Ghost Iron Ore to your JC and prospect it. Vendor Lapis Lazuli.

      AH the Alexandrite, Tiger Opal, Roguestone, Pandarian Garnet and Sunstone. Or, save them if you have an enchanter, and you want to do the optional part of the Enchanting section.

      (Optional: If you have the means to buy Hundreds and Hundreds of Golden Lotus do so, then send the lotus, Roguestone, Alexandrite, and Tiger Opal to your Transmute Alchy. Transmute all stacks of those 3 gems with your Golden Lotus, then Transmute: Primal Diamond. Keep some of the Primals Raw and send the rest back to your JC and Cut into the gems you see below. I will usually Transmute all of my Pandarian Garnet into Primordial Ruby as well, only cuz when cut they sell like hotcakes)​

      Take the Rare Quality gems that you got from Prospecting (and Primals if you crafted any) and craft the following: (again, like everything in this guide, do the research to make sure all of the gems actually sell.) I will put the # of each I create next to each gem, so you can see ratios.

      Agile Primal Diamond x40
      Burning Primal Diamond x40
      Reverberating Primal Diamond x20
      Revitalizing Primal Diamond x20

      Brilliant Primordial Ruby x80
      Bold Primordial Ruby x40
      Delicate Primordial Ruby x100

      Adept Vermilion Onyx x20
      Artful Vermilion Onyx x20
      Deadly Vermilion Onyx x40
      Fierce Vermilion Onyx x20
      Potent Vermilion Onyx x40
      Reckless Vermilion Onyx x40

      Fractured Sun's Radiance x60
      Quick Sun's Radiance x60
      Smooth Sun's Radiance x60

      Energized Wild Jade x20
      Piercing Wild Jade x40
      Lightning Wild Jade x40
      Sensei's Wild Jade x20

      Sparkling River's Heart x20

      Glinting Imperial Amethyst x40
      Purified Imperial Amethyst x20
      Veiled Imperial Amethyst x20

      Take those gems and list 2 stacks of 1 at a time (in heavy traffic times, I will list up to 5-6 reds at a time and about 3 of each of the others) Also, I don't keep all those gems in my bags, but enough to where i dont have to waste time logging to an alt.


      Enchanting Mats:

      Coming Soon!


      Coming Soon!
      Last edited: Apr 9, 2014
    3. UnicornFart

      UnicornFart New Member

      Feb 14, 2013
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      Wanna go above and beyond? Wanna squeeze every extra gold that you can out of your time spent playing WoW? Below are some "advanced" tactics that I do, though they require a fair amount of gold to really excel at it.


      Magnificent Hides are hot sellers, no matter the size or composition (PvP, Raiding, or RP) of your realm. Farming Exotic Leather will allow you to convert hundreds of stacks into a few stacks of Hides. Sell these on AH and watch the gold roll in. Or, keep them and follow the steps below if ilvl 553 gear sells well on your realm.

      Recommended Skinning Profile: Russ618's Exotic Leather Farming Profiles

      Tested all three profiles and work flawlessly. Nice to have three zones to hop around.

      Skinning/Leatherworking (the way i use it) is an optional step for those of you who have access to mass amounts of Spirit of War, and want to craft Leatherworking ilvl 553 Belts/Legs. This is one of those things you have the choice to sink extra gold into. I myself buy hundreds of spirits a week, along with additional Exotic Leather/Magnificent Hide the right price. I will buy Spirits up to 140g, but like to stay around 120g.

      Turn the Leather into hides, take the hides and spirits and craft 553 gear- Belts or Legs, I only do belts. Gorge Stalker Belt (Mail Agi) and Snow Lily Belt (Leather Agi) gear seems to sell the quickest, but often Pennyroyal Belt (Leather Spirit) and Krasari Prowler Belt (Mail Spirit) sell for a bit more but at a slower rate.

      I tend to use 420 Magnificent Hide, and 210 Spirit of War to craft 4 Gorge Stalkers, 4 Snow Lilys, 1 Pennyroyal, and 1 Krasari Prowler


      If you want, I guess you could make some Leg chants. One of my best friends uses leg chants as her main source of income, so i avoid it altogether, but DONT DISCOUNT IT!!! There is pretty good profit margin in it.

      Simple enough, no?


      I Transmute 6 Trillium Bars into Living Steel on the daily on my Transmute Alchemist. On average that nets me 10 Living Steel a week, which may be enough for you. If not you have two choices:

      1- Simply buy Living Steel in AH/Trade when its a good price.

      2- Spend time spamming trade that you are looking to buy other Transmute Alchemist's Living Steel Cooldowns. I tend to lean towards: "WTB Transmute: Living Steel & Riddle of Steel 75g per mute/125 per proc PST!!!" You wont get very many people using their Spirit of Harmony to craft Riddles, but occasionally you'll get a sucka :D

      When you've collected the amount of Living Steel that you want, turn your Living Steel into Living Steel Belt Buckle, and Living Steel Weapon Chain. I tend to do about 80/20 in the crafting (usually 40 buckles and 10 chains)

      (Super Advanced): Again, like the Leatherworking, 553 belts/legs can be profitable here. Avenger's Trillium Waistplate (Plate DPS) sells the quickest, but usually for the least % profit. Protector's Trillium Waistguard (Plate Tank) and Blessed Trillium Belt (Plate Healer) sell slower, but often for higher % profit.

      I tend to use 210 Trillium Bars and 210 Spirit of War and craft 10 at a time, usually 5 Avengers, 3 Protectors, 2 Blessed


      Or you can go crazy and make this much:



      This is another optional section that could require some extra gold being spent, if that's something you choose to do. A bit more in-depth and time-consuming research than some of the others, let's take a look at how to utilize Ironpaw Token and Raid Foods.
      While these three professions go hand in hand, they are often overlooked in many players (and botter's) eyes'. But MAJOR gold profit is to be had here. DEFINITELY ONE OF MY FAVORITE WAYS TO MAKE GOLD, SINCE ITS SO DAMN EFFORTLESS.

      I used to turn most of my Stacks of Meat/Fish into Ironpaw Tokens and then buy the mats needed to make Black Pepper Ribs and Shrimp, Sea Mist Rice Noodles, and Mogu Fish Stew. Recently though there have been a lot of people realizing the profit margin here and have drove prices down. I've taken up just buying the three "Big" Ingredients: Rice Flour, 100 Year Soy Sauce, and Black Pepper as well as some high demand Veggies/Meat like Witchberries, Mogu Pumpkin, Scallions, Green Cabbage, Red Blossom Leek and Raw Crocolisk Belly. But again, go the Raid Foods route if its' profitable.

      Fishing is simple enough, there are three things you can do for fishing/meating (a fourth would be standing still and fishing open water, but with the amount of Golden Carp you fish up, it's not really worth it).

      1- Find some single zone or multi-zone profiles you like and fish up multiple stacks of various fish, save the fish to turn into tokens, or if raid food sells good on your realm, save the ones you need for that. Remember, it takes 4 full stacks of meat/fish/veggies to get 1 full stack of another from the vendor. So Bundle Carefully!!!

      2- Simply talk to Ben of the Booming Voice in Halfhill and find where the Fish of the Day is. Each day, a random location is selected (though, the locations never change per fish) and you will see 100+ pools, ready to be nonstop fished. Fish it all up, and turn into tokens. He is located here:


      3- Use the AH to buy stacks of meat/fish. I tend to buy everything under 30g a stack(10g a stack for Golden Carp). Auctionator has an AWESOME feature called "Shopping List." Simply search an item, and add it to a list you've created, and you can then search the AH and get reults for all items in your list. I have one for Fish/Meat and one for Veggies (among a dozen or so others)

      Here are a few screenshots of some inventory I have gathered, just by fishing up thousands of stacks of fish, and buying out thousands of stacks of Meat/Fish on AH:




      I hoped this guide was helpful for those of you who feel like you're essentially a slave to others with selling your raw GB2 Materials. Or even to those of you who have thought about using your HonorBuddy materials like this, but needed to see it in a visual way.

      I will do my best to reformat and keep the guide updated as the weeks go on! If you have any questions or IMPROVEMENTS, please, leave a comment and I will address it ASAP!!!


      Lots of Love- Bethany
      Last edited: Apr 10, 2014
    4. Mirabis

      Mirabis Community Developer

      Jun 14, 2010
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      Looking forward to a good read :)
    5. kabishmann

      kabishmann New Member

      Apr 12, 2010
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      Looks very interesting.
      I will definitely be trying it out.

      Thank you very much for the guide.
    6. UnicornFart

      UnicornFart New Member

      Feb 14, 2013
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      Hey there, thanks for the feedback!! It's barely halfway done, I still need to fill a bunch of content, but it's coming along quite nicely!! :D
    7. Frayman

      Frayman Member Legendary

      Apr 5, 2013
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      Posts like this are really awesome, and imagine all it took was to search the forums haa so simple..thanks UnicornFart for your efforts here
    8. UnicornFart

      UnicornFart New Member

      Feb 14, 2013
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      Hey thanks! I've been working on this for about a week now! I'll upload the enchanting and grinding sections, along with a compact guide on what to buy from AH/Trade tonight!!!! Damn work :p
    9. Frayman

      Frayman Member Legendary

      Apr 5, 2013
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      I eagerly await, and totally understand ..I currently am slaving away at the gas plant! don't tell my boss I'm checking the forums though haa
    10. UnicornFart

      UnicornFart New Member

      Feb 14, 2013
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      As long as you don't tell mine that I'm on my cell phone!!! ^^
    11. oceanicws

      oceanicws New Member

      Mar 7, 2014
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      Thanks for the guide. Nice to have someone go into a bit more depth rather than just saying "play the AH" or "shuffle".
    12. UnicornFart

      UnicornFart New Member

      Feb 14, 2013
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      Hey thanks for the compliment! I know I myself am guilty of telling people "shuffle and play the AH" just figured it's time people had a bot-friendly, all-encompassing step by step guide that they can turn to.

      I will be updating a lot more content in a couple hours, namely specifics and public profile linking.

    13. oceanicws

      oceanicws New Member

      Mar 7, 2014
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      Cool I am looking forward to it.
    14. solo1420

      solo1420 Member

      Oct 13, 2011
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      A chick that bots? I am in love.
      Thanks for the awesome read! I look forward to more.
    15. UnicornFart

      UnicornFart New Member

      Feb 14, 2013
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      Updated w/ moar pictures, added a few public profiles to get you steered in the right direction, and added about 50 bajillion hyperlinks. Changed some poor grammar and spelling. 5 AM this time, sheesh!!!!
      Frayman likes this.
    16. Mirabis

      Mirabis Community Developer

      Jun 14, 2010
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      I have some kind of apple deal for u, please PM me ur skype :)
    17. Ajesto

      Ajesto New Member

      Apr 1, 2014
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      Awesome thread!

      sent you a PM
    18. UnicornFart

      UnicornFart New Member

      Feb 14, 2013
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      Thank you! PM responded!
    19. zBorry

      zBorry New Member

      Mar 26, 2014
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      awesome post, i'm waiting for the enchants part^^

      i've sent you a pm ;)
    20. Owneth

      Owneth Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Gay Maleness.

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