Thanks for this awesome profile! Works perfect so far(only 30min). A tips is to change your free slots in bag for like 7-8 so you dont miss any loot from azmo, because if you get full the bot teleports to town to salvage/sell than leaves game. (if you're inside azmo)
Holy fuck your dmg and tough... thats amazing, Would you mind uploading a collage of all your gear so i can go over in detail what i need to upgrade? Or pm me a pic of a collage of them all?
Is it only me that get disconnects when running theese profiles? I have botten 80+ hours on other profiles but cant leave this profile on for more then 30mins without disconnect? Tried 2 times sofar..
bug?: its having some problems with cursed chests, its start the event but after it dont open the chest anyone els or just me? edit: Its only sometimes.. not profile but: setting free bag slots to 8 doesnt help if you meet the limit inside azmo he still teleports without loot and than quite, DB problem?
Same error here too and if he try to sell stuff, get another error line on db -.-, only on ur Profile all other goes well. No one other have this problem?
Stats after 2 hours on Torment 1: Games: 20/h Gold 1.5-2 m/h (sells rare) XP 250-350 m/h Legendaries: 2.5/h Lyekurn's diary: 1/h Wizard with 1.8m dps, 5.6m toughness buffed. Only tried 2 hour so far so can change alot.
Not sure why but still getting stuck in act 1. either runs into the corner behind the rift statue or all the way to the entrance on the right. Restarting the bot ended up fixing it.
ow i can chance the start position of the adventure mode? I always start in act 1, i tryed to start game, go to act3 get chekpoint restart, but im start again on act 1-.-, i think thats why my db wont start the game with the profile =(
Is it possible to write in profile that manages(disables/ebnables as needed) this option in trinity - Attempt to avoid AoE. (i coudnt find xml to do that , if there is any at all) I have problem with mage. This has to be enabled in trinity to avoid those elite effects (especially corpse explosion) , otherwise my mage dies too much (5.5M toughness). But when i come to Azmodan, it starts to act stupid and runs itself into fence. I would like to disable it when i'm fighting Azmodan (i can kill it and survive meteor hits), but enable it rest of the time.