I'm no expert and can be corrected here but it reads that the bot you are using is "Combat Bot" which will NOT automatically Q you for anything, maybe you meant to use BGfarmer or perhaps the default BG bot HB comes with?
It's weird because in the drop down I have the BGbuddy selected and showing when I hit start. When I started this morning the only bot that I selected was the BG one, later because it wasn't working I changed to the Combat Bot to do some dallies. Every time I start HB I select BGbuddy so I can queue for BG's, it goes through the initialization routine but won' queue so I change over to combat bot to do other things. Thanks in advance. here's a hb restart with a new log file.
No, it won't queue and just sits there. Not sure what the issue is. I did a clean install after the last update, thanks for checking back.
dont use portal, try using singular. also make sure in your bot settings you have it set to the battlegrounds you want to queue for.