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  • [PAID] [Warlock] Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE/PvP]

    Discussion in 'Warlock' started by Millz, Jul 10, 2013.

    1. Dominci

      Dominci Member

      Oct 3, 2013
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      BGFarmer doesn't seem to be working, can't work out why.

      Attached Files:

    2. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Will check this out when I'm at home.
    3. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      Ooops! Sorry about that Millz. The toon I'm referring to is (was; just got my second piece of T16 last night) a 509 (now 511) worgen destruction warlock.

      I managed to up my DPS, but I had to load the settings file for dungeons and scenarios to squeeze out more dps. The only difference in what I see between my raid settings and the dungeon ones that ship with Demonic are the HP values for DoTs and other things. The dungeon file is a lot lower, so I think it's doing more DoTting in raids now. I don't know what could have changed since I know you made some changes to the DRTracker, and nothing really to do with the DoT Manager. It's all jibba jabba to me since I can't code. I just know the new version is doing less DPS than the one before it, and that's with the exact same settings and no changes made to them.
      Last edited: Apr 9, 2014
    4. amputations

      amputations Active Member

      Jan 6, 2011
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    5. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      Yeah, that's how I had it set up for raiding, lol. I followed the guide and it improved my DPS. Before the revision I would go in a raid at ilvl 509 and was doing AoE DPS of 270k+, and a sustained single target of 140-150k (depending on how procs lined up and raid buffs). But, after this new revision I dropped a good 20-30k DPS for some reason. My setup is still like what's shown in the guide, which is odd. I ended up using the supplied PvE (Scenario, Dungeon, etc) settings file and ended up doing more DPS than with the raid settings, which I can't figure out.

      Sadly, I was a late bloomer, and decided to work on getting my legendary cloak way late in the game. Right now I'm on the portion of the quest chain where I have to grind out 3000 Valor. I've just gotten my legendary gem for the Sha-Touched weapons, which is useless, but that's the way things go. I'm slowly mocing along in the chain, so I'll get my meta and cloak eventually. I also have terrible luck with gear drops, which is why my warlock is still so low. I farm SoO every week in LFR (can't get into Flex or higher due to ilvl and lack of people, even oQueue and OpenRaid are useless for me), and I use my bonus rolls too, but all I ever get is gold. So, I'm doing what I can with what I have. :/
    6. amputations

      amputations Active Member

      Jan 6, 2011
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      I feel ya there, when you get enough gear from Celestials/Ordos and lfr-drops you'll be over 520+ and more than fine for flex, and when you start getting gear from there you'll see changes ^^

      Bosses to coin for you outside of the obvious ones that drop tier are:

      Immerseus - BiS-trinket, even lfr-version is worth it
      Sha of Pride - Gaze of Arrogance, great 2hstaff
      Dark Shamans - Kardris Toxic Totem, second BiS trinket
      Siegecrafter Blackfuse - Lever of the Megantholithic Apparatus, another great 2H-staff.

      I listed the staffs since you wont need to farm offhands that way
    7. Dominci

      Dominci Member

      Oct 3, 2013
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      Seems to be working now, however I can't choose the Random Battleground option which is odd. Specific queuing works fine though, and as its WSG bonus atm I don't really mind too much :D

      How could I turn off the option to randomly /emote at people btw? It's starting to look kinda suspicious.

      EDIT: I found the toggle, it's in the Behaviours tab for anyone who is interested. Disable 'random emote usage'
      Last edited: Apr 9, 2014
    8. Staffix

      Staffix Banned

      Dec 20, 2012
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      Hmm, i just updated Demonic again..
      567 ilvl, doing 400k burst (maxed), 260-275k steady dps (using a dummy, so it does AOE with Chaos bolts sometimes).
      I'm using my old settings, so that part should be "good" enough, i'm using a 4 set bonus, fully enchanted/gemmed/reforged.
      I'll post a masked armoury and a log after i'm done testing it ;P

      View attachment 2612 2014-04-09 19.57.txt

      Masked armory;
      Level 90 Undead Warlock | WoW World of Warcraft Armory Profiles | Masked Armory

      Idk why it's not updated, but i have my gems, 170+ mastery enchant on my gloves, and the meta gem.
      (mrrobot is a 100% optimized)

      Any suggestions?
      Ofc. i don't have bindings yet, but it shouldn't be the issue since i always pushed 300k + 2 weeks ago. And 600-700k burst.
      Last edited: Apr 9, 2014
    9. Dominci

      Dominci Member

      Oct 3, 2013
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      Have you reloaded your Aura List? To my understand it's been altered somewhat.
    10. Staffix

      Staffix Banned

      Dec 20, 2012
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      Yeah, i always reload it after a svn update.
    11. Mysigt.

      Mysigt. New Member

      Sep 18, 2011
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      Guys if you are struggling with getting gear then do some pvp, it's not that bad tbh.
    12. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      For me, I loathe PvP, so it's very bad. I can't stand PvP at all, and when I find myself in a PvP situation (accidental flag on Timeless Isle) then I just get up and walk away from my computer and let the Horde farm me until they get bored with it. It's an aspect of the game I wouldn't miss at all if it were taken out. So, for me, getting gear is done completely through PvE situations like LFR, Flex, and whatever else way will allow me to obtain gear for raiding. PvP gear and PvP can stay over there, where it belongs.
    13. healzzz

      healzzz Member

      Jul 10, 2013
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      I feel the same way. The best suggestion I can give you: Find a PvE server. So much more enjoyable game experience if you truly hate PvP.
    14. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      I agree. I have RL friends that love PvP and are stationed on PvP realms. They beg me to join them in playing, so I do, then I get camped and I never go back. I've got a toon lower than level 10 on almost every PvP server. My main (home) server is a PvE server, but it's kind of dead. It's a medium population server. If it wouldn't cost me so much money I'd move all my toons to a new PvE server, probably Proudmoore or something, but at $25 a pop, and I have 11 level 90s to move? Nah, I'm OK. I'll stay where I'm at now.

      The gear is coming, it's just coming excruciatingly slowly. I have the worst luck with the RNG and getting gear drops. I once went six months of raiding without getting a single piece of loot. It was all gold bags, even with the bonus rolls. That's 24 weeks of running all the raids, not just certain ones, without getting any loot. Then, on my 25th week I actually got a ring that was a minor upgrade to what I already had. It's always like that. I've been running LFR ever since SoO was put into LFR, and I only have two pieces of my T16 set. I've run Celestials countless times and I've never gotten anything from them. I just have really, really bad luck, lol. It's coming though, just really slowly.
    15. Dominci

      Dominci Member

      Oct 3, 2013
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      Just farm JP and convert it to honor. Did it earlier got a friend to boost me on his 577 lock, I queue as tank for fast queues and they demolish the instance. Even though you only get 250 honor for 500 JP i was still getting over 2k honor each hour.
    16. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Re: Destruction

      I'm changing Immolate again to move the priorities around, believe this is the cause of the DPS loss. Should fix the issue. Will be up later tonight.
    17. AZPC

      AZPC New Member

      Oct 22, 2013
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      Black Blood of Y'Shaarj is way better than Kardris Toxic Totem imo ...even simcrafting with it shows better dps so i dont know where they came up with Kardris Toxic Totem being bis.

      also the 4set in any soo raid is great for locks


      Aff with no buffs bursting @ 800k on 5 target dummies with 10300 haste .... whatever you did, I like it
      this 10300 haste is also pulling 430-450 sustained in Destro with no gear changes whatsoever

      My current stats:
      Average ILvl563
      Intellect 23727
      Stamina 34049
      Mastery 18181
      Spell Power 13576
      Spell Hit 15.00%
      Crit 5765
      Haste 10300

      My Gear :
      Main Hand
      Gaze of Arrogance
      Off Hand
      Hood of Swirling Senses
      Ashflare Pendant
      Mantle of the Horned Nightmare
      Xing-Ho, Breath of Yu'lon
      Robes of the Horned Nightmare
      Bracers of Broken Causation
      Gloves of the Horned Nightmare
      Belt of Ominous Trembles
      Leggings of the Horned Nightmare
      Bone-Inlaid Sandals
      Ring 1
      Extinguished Ember of Galakras
      Ring 2
      Signet of the Dinomancers
      Trinket 1
      Purified Bindings of Immerseus
      Trinket 2
      Black Blood of Y'Shaarj
      Last edited: Apr 10, 2014
    18. bigcorn

      bigcorn Member

      Mar 19, 2014
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      Hello millz.
      No presure or somthing but how is it going with the inhale soul swap thing soon done?
      Its much better now but could be better in 3s and rbg
    19. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I'll explain in a little more detail why affliction was broken, and why my code was seemingly correct but breaking.

      Affliction only does *crazy* dps when you extend the duration of DoTs using Soul Swap for as long as possible, i.e. removing the need to refresh to DoTs, and keep buffed ones rolling for as long as possible.

      This video explains it in a little more detail: [GUIDE] Multi-dotting Affliction, One Button Victory! | Sparkuggz

      Before anyone jumps on the 'this is pve only, what about pvp' train - this absolutely does work in PvP too, and the same method applies (it's just harder to pull off in PvP because of all the other stuff going on).

      So on to Demonic... It's basically finding 2 units, an inhale unit, and an exhale unit. The inhale unit needs to match a certain criteria (DoTs of a good strength, good duration, and then filter to find out which of those units are the best), and the exhale unit is just the one with the worst active DoTs - we always find an exhale unit.

      We inhale the DoTs, cast another spell in between, and exhale the DoTs. The exhale was being performed right before the buff dropped to maximize the damage that could be done from MG etc in between.

      What was happening, is that the routine attempted to cast exhale (onto the worst available unit) slightly too late (and by slightly we're talking low milliseconds), where the Soul Swap buff dropped from the toon before the cast actually started, so it cast Inhale instead. The Exhale/Inhale code works in a sequence to prevent casting something else in between (you'll notice the logging saying 1/2, 2/2). So it picked up some bad dots, and then got stuck in a loop trying to dump the bad dots until all of the good DoTs were gone.

      I've changed this to add some timing thresholds in, and it appears to be working much, much better. It appears to miss the cut off point though in PvP more than PvE, and allows the buff to drop. It then needs to do a fresh Inhale (and gets stuck casting lots of inhales, and not many exhales).

      I could cheat and just do inhale -> exhale, without having any delay at all between it, and that resolves the issue, but if I can get this version working perfect, the damage is higher by a massive amount (because it's like having Dark Soul, any trinkets/buffs etc active for the whole duration of the fight).
    20. wehrmann

      wehrmann New Member

      Aug 14, 2012
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      Destruction AOE isn't toggling on manual AOE toggle key and it doesn't seem to recognize that there are 4+ mobs so it just single targets and/or chaos bolts while there are aoe adds to do.

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