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  • [Profiles] Adventure Mode Bounties - Community Edition

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by sychotix, Apr 4, 2014.

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    1. Oksehode

      Oksehode Active Member

      Apr 3, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Getting alot of errors running Act 1.

      2014-04-10 15:45:28,115 [Main Bot Thread] INFO  ProfileManager (null) - Loaded profile Act 1 - Loader
      2014-04-10 15:45:28,115 [Main Bot Thread] INFO  ProfileOrderManager (null) - Game joined, Resetting profile caches.
      2014-04-10 15:45:28,115 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG ProfileOrderManager (null) - Resetting current behavior.
      2014-04-10 15:45:28,115 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG GridSegmentation (null) - ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      2014-04-10 15:45:28,115 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG GridSegmentation (null) - ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      2014-04-10 15:45:28,155 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG Actor (null) - Parsing parent type table: 0
      2014-04-10 15:45:28,165 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG TreeHooks (null) - Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] ebe0a866-40ee-42e4-9be9-84687e795f11
      2014-04-10 15:45:28,185 [Main Bot Thread] INFO  Logger (null) - [Trinity] Starting up Generic Cache Manage thread
      2014-04-10 15:45:28,185 [Main Bot Thread] INFO  Logger (null) - [Trinity] Starting up Generic Blacklist Manager thread
      2014-04-10 15:45:28,475 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block TargetCheck took 307.36ms.
      2014-04-10 15:45:28,475 [Main Bot Thread] INFO  Logger (null) - [Trinity] Loading new profile.
      2014-04-10 15:45:28,635 [Main Bot Thread] INFO  ProfileManager (null) - Loaded profile Act 1 - Loader
      2014-04-10 15:45:28,965 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG Logger (null) - [Trinity] New profile found - updating TargetBlacklists
      2014-04-10 15:45:28,995 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG TreeHooks (null) - Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 3468e093-9e54-45ab-b04e-8ba074413272
      2014-04-10 15:45:30,595 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG TreeHooks (null) - Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 2b64ae40-730d-4e12-9dc8-be271857175d
      2014-04-10 15:45:31,145 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG TreeHooks (null) - Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 95d47e47-a5bf-493d-bad4-352949a68f03
      2014-04-10 15:45:31,155 [Main Bot Thread] INFO  LogMessageTag (null) - Blah
      2014-04-10 15:45:31,175 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG TreeHooks (null) - Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 9e586153-421c-42bd-a686-3d8ddb7aa2b7
      2014-04-10 15:45:31,175 [Main Bot Thread] INFO  Logger (null) - [Trinity] Loading new profile.
      2014-04-10 15:45:31,335 [Main Bot Thread] INFO  ProfileManager (null) - Loaded profile Clear Khazra Den Bounty
      2014-04-10 15:45:31,645 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG Logger (null) - [Trinity] New profile found - updating TargetBlacklists
      2014-04-10 15:45:31,675 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG TreeHooks (null) - Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 58352acf-cb5c-4021-9ec5-fbb1f9c35fdf
      2014-04-10 15:45:35,395 [Main Bot Thread] INFO  UseWaypointTag (null) - Using Waypoint Waypoint_Town-130 Number:8
      2014-04-10 15:45:38,045 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG GridSegmentation (null) - ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      2014-04-10 15:45:38,045 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG TreeHooks (null) - Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 7c1da5d0-202e-44f7-a559-d6bf0be5394d
      2014-04-10 15:45:38,535 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 407.09ms.
      2014-04-10 15:45:38,535 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget.HandleBasicMovement took 408.49ms.
      2014-04-10 15:45:38,535 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget took 418.62ms.
      2014-04-10 15:45:48,075 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget took 312.75ms.
      2014-04-10 15:45:50,905 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget took 319.57ms.
      2014-04-10 15:45:52,785 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget took 309.63ms.
      2014-04-10 15:45:54,455 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget took 329.47ms.
      2014-04-10 15:45:56,355 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget took 384.60ms.
      2014-04-10 15:45:58,245 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget took 331.41ms.
      2014-04-10 15:45:59,515 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 314.59ms.
      2014-04-10 15:45:59,515 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget.HandleBasicMovement took 315.01ms.
      2014-04-10 15:45:59,515 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget took 333.10ms.
      2014-04-10 15:46:01,145 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget took 383.11ms.
      2014-04-10 15:46:02,975 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block RefreshDiaObjectCache took 269.82ms.
      2014-04-10 15:46:02,975 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget.CheckForNewTarget took 270.25ms.
      2014-04-10 15:46:03,165 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget took 461.44ms.
      2014-04-10 15:46:04,735 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block RefreshDiaObjectCache took 268.50ms.
      2014-04-10 15:46:04,735 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget.CheckForNewTarget took 268.94ms.
      2014-04-10 15:46:04,895 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget took 429.93ms.
      2014-04-10 15:46:10,205 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block RefreshDiaObjectCache.AvoidanceCheck took 280.12ms.
      2014-04-10 15:46:10,205 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block RefreshDiaObjectCache took 301.93ms.
      2014-04-10 15:46:10,205 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget.CheckForNewTarget took 302.15ms.
      2014-04-10 15:46:10,375 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget took 470.35ms.
      2014-04-10 15:46:15,345 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block RefreshDiaObjectCache.AvoidanceCheck took 261.12ms.
      2014-04-10 15:46:15,345 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block RefreshDiaObjectCache took 275.67ms.
      2014-04-10 15:46:15,345 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget.CheckForNewTarget took 275.88ms.
      2014-04-10 15:46:15,495 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget took 432.21ms.
      2014-04-10 15:46:16,935 [Main Bot Thread] INFO  Logger (null) - [Trinity] System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
         at Zeta.Bot.Navigation.MainGridProvider...ctor(Scene scene)
         at Zeta.Bot.Navigation.MainGridProvider.()
         at Zeta.Bot.Navigation.MainGridProvider.Update()
         at Zeta.Bot.Navigation.DefaultNavigationProvider.(Vector3 , Boolean )
         at Zeta.Bot.Navigation.DefaultNavigationProvider.GeneratePath(Vector3 destination, String destinationName, Boolean useRaycast)
         at Zeta.Bot.Navigation.DefaultNavigationProvider.MoveTo(Vector3 destination, String destinationName, Boolean useRaycast)
         at Zeta.Bot.Navigation.Navigator.MoveTo(Vector3 destination, String destinationName, Boolean useRaycast)
         at Trinity.DbProvider.PlayerMover.NavigateTo(Vector3 moveTarget, String destinationName)
      2014-04-10 15:46:17,355 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget took 404.33ms.
      2014-04-10 15:46:19,345 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget took 420.09ms.
      2014-04-10 15:46:19,685 [Main Bot Thread] INFO  Logger (null) - [Trinity] Attempting to avoid death!
      2014-04-10 15:46:19,995 [Main Bot Thread] INFO  Logger (null) - [Trinity] Attempting to avoid death!
      2014-04-10 15:46:20,295 [Main Bot Thread] INFO  Logger (null) - [Trinity] Attempting to avoid death!
      2014-04-10 15:46:20,645 [Main Bot Thread] INFO  Logger (null) - [Trinity] Attempting to avoid death!
      2014-04-10 15:46:20,975 [Main Bot Thread] INFO  Logger (null) - [Trinity] Attempting to avoid death!
      2014-04-10 15:46:21,285 [Main Bot Thread] INFO  Logger (null) - [Trinity] Attempting to avoid death!
      2014-04-10 15:46:21,595 [Main Bot Thread] INFO  Logger (null) - [Trinity] Attempting to avoid death!
      2014-04-10 15:46:21,895 [Main Bot Thread] INFO  Logger (null) - [Trinity] Attempting to avoid death!
      2014-04-10 15:46:22,195 [Main Bot Thread] INFO  Logger (null) - [Trinity] Attempting to avoid death!
      2014-04-10 15:46:25,625 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget took 389.48ms.
      2014-04-10 15:46:27,575 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget took 371.62ms.
      2014-04-10 15:46:29,785 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget took 359.94ms.
      2014-04-10 15:46:40,405 [Main Bot Thread] INFO  Logger (null) - [SafeMoveTo] Initialized 
      2014-04-10 15:46:40,415 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG TreeHooks (null) - Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 89672270-9042-4600-96ff-c57c9208689a
      2014-04-10 15:46:47,415 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block RefreshDiaObjectCache took 254.63ms.
      2014-04-10 15:46:47,415 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget.CheckForNewTarget took 255.03ms.
      2014-04-10 15:46:47,705 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 283.28ms.
      2014-04-10 15:46:47,705 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget.HandleBasicMovement took 283.68ms.
      2014-04-10 15:46:47,705 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget took 541.24ms.
      2014-04-10 15:46:54,375 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget took 372.99ms.
      2014-04-10 15:46:57,215 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget took 350.68ms.
      2014-04-10 15:46:59,125 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget took 360.79ms.
      2014-04-10 15:47:05,645 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 1049.79ms.
      2014-04-10 15:47:05,645 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget.HandleBasicMovement took 1050.23ms.
      2014-04-10 15:47:05,645 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget took 1281.82ms.
      2014-04-10 15:47:06,995 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget took 401.24ms.
      2014-04-10 15:47:09,395 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 309.95ms.
      2014-04-10 15:47:09,395 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget.HandleBasicMovement took 310.37ms.
      2014-04-10 15:47:09,395 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget took 311.33ms.
      2014-04-10 15:47:12,105 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 269.97ms.
      2014-04-10 15:47:12,105 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget.HandleBasicMovement took 270.40ms.
      2014-04-10 15:47:12,105 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget took 271.31ms.
      2014-04-10 15:47:13,095 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget took 351.03ms.
      2014-04-10 15:47:15,025 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget took 381.42ms.
      2014-04-10 15:47:18,965 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget took 281.21ms.
      2014-04-10 15:47:21,365 [1] DEBUG Belphegor (null) - Events Detached
      2014-04-10 15:47:21,365 [1] DEBUG RoutineManager (null) - Assemblies is reloading, pausing bot for 3.5 seconds.
      2014-04-10 15:47:21,466 [1] DEBUG AssemblyLoader`1 (null) - Reloading AssemblyLoader<Zeta.Bot.ICombat> - RoutineManager.Reload
      2014-04-10 15:47:22,148 [1] INFO  RoutineManager (null) - Chose Trinity as your combat routine
      2014-04-10 15:47:22,149 [1] DEBUG TreeHooks (null) - Replaced hook [RoutineCombat] a8b1db6c-507f-4a59-8a33-f23b03391663
      2014-04-10 15:47:22,149 [1] DEBUG RoutineManager (null) - Routines were reloaded. New routine list:
      2014-04-10 15:47:22,150 [1] DEBUG RoutineManager (null) - Belphegor All-in-One v1.1.1782.381
      2014-04-10 15:47:22,150 [1] DEBUG RoutineManager (null) - Trinity v0.0.0.0
      2014-04-10 15:47:22,150 [1] DEBUG RoutineManager (null) - Generic v1.1.1782.381
      2014-04-10 15:47:22,355 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 1041.94ms.
      2014-04-10 15:47:22,356 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget.HandleBasicMovement took 1042.42ms.
      2014-04-10 15:47:22,357 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget took 1213.53ms.
      2014-04-10 15:47:27,222 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget took 291.30ms.
      2014-04-10 15:47:29,110 [1] INFO  Logger (null) - [Trinity] Saving Config file
      2014-04-10 15:47:32,528 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 298.99ms.
      2014-04-10 15:47:32,528 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget.HandleBasicMovement took 299.42ms.
      2014-04-10 15:47:32,528 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget took 301.71ms.
      2014-04-10 15:47:33,138 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget took 290.93ms.
      2014-04-10 15:47:36,208 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget took 313.16ms.
      2014-04-10 15:47:39,038 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget took 314.70ms.
      2014-04-10 15:47:41,518 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget took 293.33ms.
      2014-04-10 15:47:43,288 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 258.12ms.
      2014-04-10 15:47:43,288 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget.HandleBasicMovement took 258.56ms.
      2014-04-10 15:47:43,288 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget took 264.72ms.
      2014-04-10 15:47:44,158 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 360.57ms.
      2014-04-10 15:47:44,158 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget.HandleBasicMovement took 360.99ms.
      2014-04-10 15:47:44,158 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget took 361.86ms.
      2014-04-10 15:47:44,458 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget took 281.34ms.
      2014-04-10 15:47:46,288 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget took 250.27ms.
      2014-04-10 15:47:50,998 [Main Bot Thread] INFO  Logger (null) - [SafeMoveTo] ReachedDestination! 
      2014-04-10 15:47:51,018 [Main Bot Thread] INFO  Logger (null) - [SafeMoveTo] Initialized 
      2014-04-10 15:47:51,018 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG TreeHooks (null) - Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 94eadf53-82a7-4821-92fb-f49baa23ab73
      2014-04-10 15:47:51,018 [Main Bot Thread] INFO  Logger (null) - [SafeMoveTo] ReachedDestination! 
      2014-04-10 15:47:51,058 [Main Bot Thread] INFO  Logger (null) - [SafeMoveTo] Initialized 
      2014-04-10 15:47:51,058 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG TreeHooks (null) - Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 06d00aaa-5cdf-4b1d-a579-bc807c9a60da
      2014-04-10 15:47:54,104 [1] DEBUG Belphegor (null) - Events Detached
      2014-04-10 15:47:54,104 [1] DEBUG RoutineManager (null) - Assemblies is reloading, pausing bot for 3.5 seconds.
      2014-04-10 15:47:54,204 [1] DEBUG AssemblyLoader`1 (null) - Reloading AssemblyLoader<Zeta.Bot.ICombat> - RoutineManager.Reload
      2014-04-10 15:47:54,894 [1] INFO  RoutineManager (null) - Chose Trinity as your combat routine
      2014-04-10 15:47:54,894 [1] DEBUG TreeHooks (null) - Replaced hook [RoutineCombat] 865d712d-7604-4a1f-bfa9-c988447bcf4a
      2014-04-10 15:47:54,894 [1] DEBUG RoutineManager (null) - Routines were reloaded. New routine list:
      2014-04-10 15:47:54,894 [1] DEBUG RoutineManager (null) - Belphegor All-in-One v1.1.1782.381
      2014-04-10 15:47:54,894 [1] DEBUG RoutineManager (null) - Trinity v0.0.0.0
      2014-04-10 15:47:54,894 [1] DEBUG RoutineManager (null) - Generic v1.1.1782.381
      2014-04-10 15:48:10,403 [1] INFO  Logger (null) - [Trinity] Saving Config file
      2014-04-10 15:48:14,128 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 477.18ms.
      2014-04-10 15:48:14,128 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget.HandleBasicMovement took 477.61ms.
      2014-04-10 15:48:14,128 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget took 478.53ms.
      2014-04-10 15:48:14,258 [Main Bot Thread] INFO  Logger (null) - [Trinity] System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
         at Zeta.Bot.Navigation.MainGridProvider...ctor(Scene scene)
         at Zeta.Bot.Navigation.MainGridProvider.()
         at Zeta.Bot.Navigation.MainGridProvider.Update()
         at Zeta.Bot.Navigation.DefaultNavigationProvider.(Vector3 , Boolean )
         at Zeta.Bot.Navigation.DefaultNavigationProvider.GeneratePath(Vector3 destination, String destinationName, Boolean useRaycast)
         at Zeta.Bot.Navigation.DefaultNavigationProvider.MoveTo(Vector3 destination, String destinationName, Boolean useRaycast)
         at Zeta.Bot.Navigation.Navigator.MoveTo(Vector3 destination, String destinationName, Boolean useRaycast)
         at Trinity.DbProvider.PlayerMover.NavigateTo(Vector3 moveTarget, String destinationName)
      2014-04-10 15:48:23,848 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget took 340.47ms.
      2014-04-10 15:48:34,618 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 386.24ms.
      2014-04-10 15:48:34,618 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget.HandleBasicMovement took 386.67ms.
      2014-04-10 15:48:34,618 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget took 394.28ms.
      2014-04-10 15:48:36,768 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget took 290.13ms.
      2014-04-10 15:48:38,658 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget took 323.59ms.
      2014-04-10 15:48:47,538 [Main Bot Thread] INFO  Logger (null) - [SafeMoveTo] ReachedDestination! 
      2014-04-10 15:48:47,558 [Main Bot Thread] INFO  Logger (null) - [SafeMoveTo] Initialized 
      2014-04-10 15:48:47,558 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG TreeHooks (null) - Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] f8184e02-8510-4bed-9560-ee9d46af709b
      2014-04-10 15:48:47,558 [Main Bot Thread] INFO  Logger (null) - [SafeMoveTo] ReachedDestination! 
      2014-04-10 15:48:47,598 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG TreeHooks (null) - Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] f0737736-e697-4200-8ceb-8d253b54adef
      2014-04-10 15:48:48,698 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG GridSegmentation (null) - ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      2014-04-10 15:48:49,008 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG TreeHooks (null) - Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] a52a5d60-2ef2-4487-878c-d0f5dcaf3e18
      2014-04-10 15:48:51,518 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG TreeHooks (null) - Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 6d826038-9755-4a08-b9be-e89e5745206d
      2014-04-10 15:48:52,532 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG GridSegmentation (null) - ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      2014-04-10 15:48:52,678 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG DungeonExplorer (null) - DungeonExplorer has new areas to explore. Generating new route.
      2014-04-10 15:48:52,688 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG DungeonExplorer (null) - Returning route!
      2014-04-10 15:48:52,688 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG GridSegmentation (null) - ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      2014-04-10 15:48:52,688 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG GridSegmentation (null) - ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      2014-04-10 15:48:52,698 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG TreeHooks (null) - Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 7ec42a11-cc47-4b77-b727-b5105506b94f
      2014-04-10 15:48:52,722 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG GridSegmentation (null) - ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      2014-04-10 15:48:52,748 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG DungeonExplorer (null) - DungeonExplorer has new areas to explore. Generating new route.
      2014-04-10 15:48:52,748 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG DungeonExplorer (null) - Returning route!
      2014-04-10 15:48:53,268 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 484.66ms.
      2014-04-10 15:48:53,983 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 433.80ms.
      2014-04-10 15:48:54,526 [1] DEBUG Belphegor (null) - Events Detached
      2014-04-10 15:48:54,527 [1] DEBUG RoutineManager (null) - Assemblies is reloading, pausing bot for 3.5 seconds.
      2014-04-10 15:48:54,627 [1] DEBUG AssemblyLoader`1 (null) - Reloading AssemblyLoader<Zeta.Bot.ICombat> - RoutineManager.Reload
      2014-04-10 15:48:54,643 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 391.54ms.
      2014-04-10 15:48:55,329 [1] INFO  RoutineManager (null) - Chose Trinity as your combat routine
      2014-04-10 15:48:55,330 [1] DEBUG TreeHooks (null) - Replaced hook [RoutineCombat] 74db8b49-1281-4230-9b1f-605cf526bde5
      2014-04-10 15:48:55,330 [1] DEBUG RoutineManager (null) - Routines were reloaded. New routine list:
      2014-04-10 15:48:55,330 [1] DEBUG RoutineManager (null) - Belphegor All-in-One v1.1.1782.381
      2014-04-10 15:48:55,331 [1] DEBUG RoutineManager (null) - Trinity v0.0.0.0
      2014-04-10 15:48:55,331 [1] DEBUG RoutineManager (null) - Generic v1.1.1782.381
      2014-04-10 15:48:58,969 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 463.65ms.
      2014-04-10 15:48:59,803 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 420.57ms.
      2014-04-10 15:49:00,839 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 395.27ms.
      2014-04-10 15:49:00,840 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget.HandleBasicMovement took 395.67ms.
      2014-04-10 15:49:00,840 [Main Bot Thread] ERROR PerformanceLogger (null) - [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block HandleTarget took 401.80ms.
      Running latest DB .381 and Trinity .18 fresh install.
    2. sychotix

      sychotix New Member

      Dec 13, 2013
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      Act 1 is currently unsupported. Working on getting Act 4 working, especially after all the problems presented yesterday/today.
    3. Oksehode

      Oksehode Active Member

      Apr 3, 2014
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      I'm getting the same errors in Act 4 aswell. Alot of them.

      Something in .380/.381 screwed up the bot.
    4. sychotix

      sychotix New Member

      Dec 13, 2013
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      Trust me, I know that .380/.381 screwed up the bot =P Most of the issues can't be fixed by me though.

      Changelog of new version:
      Plugin now informs the user which quests are not completed at the end. Izual profile disable due to pathing problems with new DB. Possible fix not turning in caches in act 4. (rev 86)
    5. Yoriyagami

      Yoriyagami New Member

      Apr 2, 2014
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      For me the rev.82 work better than rev.83 (on 83 he leave the game after 5th bounty and dont complet on tyrael) :/

      and ALL have the same issue, It's not AFKable because somes times the profile bug but they work hard to resolv it imo. So be patient and babysit your DB, be ready to close db and restart him with bountyprofile. I play only on A4 (too furious profile ^^)
      If you do this, the profile work "good" :)
    6. Tobaunta

      Tobaunta New Member

      Oct 27, 2013
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      It always gets stuck in the following spot and tries to run instead of clicking so it can pass.
      Screenshot by Lightshot
    7. sychotix

      sychotix New Member

      Dec 13, 2013
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      Known DB Bug since release of RoS. Nothing I can do about it. Use Act 4 instead. That is way more stable at the moment, even with the large amount of bugs that DB is experience over the past two patches.
    8. sychotix

      sychotix New Member

      Dec 13, 2013
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      New plugin version out. (0.0.15)

      Changelog: The explore tag will now stop exploring if we find out the active bounty is glitched (detection via questSNO range).
      Last edited: Apr 10, 2014
    9. Yoriyagami

      Yoriyagami New Member

      Apr 2, 2014
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    10. kurt83

      kurt83 Member

      Mar 10, 2014
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      [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 280.73ms.
      [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 265.73ms.
      [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 282.70ms.
      [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 252.61ms.
      [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 261.70ms.

    11. xyber

      xyber New Member

      Oct 2, 2012
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      @sychotix, is it possible to have a quickfix workaround until db fixes the bounty detection? I tested 8 out of 8 times that the first bounty will succeed and failure will happen subsequently after the first round. Is it possible to script a full profile/db reset after every run? (I'm not sure if it will help cos I tried profile resetting yesterday to no avail)
    12. sychotix

      sychotix New Member

      Dec 13, 2013
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      DB's (or less likely Trinity's) problem, nothing I can do about it.
    13. sychotix

      sychotix New Member

      Dec 13, 2013
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      Reloading the profile will not fix the bounty corruption. Only leaving the game and remaking, or restarting DemonBuddy as far as I know. I can only handle it by doing the first.
      Last edited: Apr 10, 2014
    14. Yoriyagami

      Yoriyagami New Member

      Apr 2, 2014
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      @kurt83 >> maybe because i take control of barb without pause or stop the bot? ^^

      On rev82, aspect of suffering is not good, he dont know him, jump him and restart game :)
    15. rav3ncy

      rav3ncy New Member

      Dec 30, 2013
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      Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 280.73ms.
      [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 265.73ms.
      [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 282.70ms.
      [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 252.61ms.
      [Trinity][Performance] Execution of the block NavigateTo took 261.70ms.

      People please read the previous posts before posting something like that (your wasting Sychotix's time replying to you). Sychotix we all really appreciate the time and effort you put into this profile since day 1 u wrote it.
      Any error your get its either Db or trinity fault, there is NOTHING wrong with Sychotix's profile (Iam using this Act 4 since day 1 he wrote it been perfect before patch 4-5 caches/h) so give the Devs sometime too fix these issues.
      P/s Some1 explain to me how to donate.
    16. sychotix

      sychotix New Member

      Dec 13, 2013
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      Thanks =) And I only have donations via paypal atm. If you can't use paypal, don't worry about it! Donations are just a way of saying thank you lol. Basically you click the button on the first page, and follow paypal's instructions.

      Other than that, I can say that SOME of the problems are related to my profile/plugin, but I am trying to fix those as fast as I can. From my testing so far, Act 4 seems to work just fine other than the pathing issues introduced in the newest DB version, and the bounty info corruption introduced in the last DB version. I have hopefully fixed the tyreal turning in problem that some people were experiencing.

      Also @Yoriyagami, we are currently on rev86 I think. Please update.
    17. wan4l

      wan4l New Member

      Apr 1, 2014
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      Do the dev's even know that we are having a problem?
    18. sychotix

      sychotix New Member

      Dec 13, 2013
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      No idea. I made very detailed posts in the beta thread. We can only hope.
    19. iclutcha

      iclutcha New Member

      Apr 10, 2014
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      If your inventory is full when the final bounty is completed the bot goes back to town, stores your items and leaves. It does not talk to tyrael. Is this an issue with DB or this script?
    20. sychotix

      sychotix New Member

      Dec 13, 2013
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      I'm not sure. People have reported this, but I am still not sure what causes it. It is kind-of hard to track exactly how the townrun interacts with the profile. Are you updated to the latest rev? (rev 87)
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