Hello Guys do you have any idea if is still possible to get the shendelar rep up if i start now from the begining? I dont really have that much gold to buy all the diamonds since they are rly expensive at our realm Any tips what to do ?
You talking about those world drop pristine black diamonds? They are expensive on every realm, i always had good luck in BRD farming them up, but I think the drop rate is way worse. Morga
Yes the diamonds :/ what to do ... ? 1 month and 5 days left :/ is it possible to farm them up? since prices here are 1500g for 1 -.- soo for 82 it woul take 123k :/ If it isn't normaly possible i won't even start it :/ no use to farm 20h per day and then at end to see i can't make it :/
Because when cata hit, you can't earn exalted with that faction, and that means u can't get the insane anymore
It has been posted by a blue that the Insane title will still be fully available once Cataclysm hits.
http://blue.mmo-champion.com/t/27401643624/blizz-quot-the-insane-quot-and-cataclysm/ that dosent sound fully available to me...
They lied. Bloodsails and Shen'dralar are being removed. There is word that Steamwheedle is as well, but no definitive confirmation. Kiyumi, if you feel any better, I'm in the middle of Shen'dralar/Steamwheedle right now too. A tip, to go from 0 Neutral to exalted you will need to do the Pusillin quest, then turn in your class book, and then 82 librams. If you do not have the 82 librams/diamonds before patch 4.0.3 hits, put them on AH. If you have them, turn them in together, otherwise just make a profit. Also, it is not a guaranteed month, as patch 4.0.3 is the Sundering and that is when the rap changes happen. More information about patch 4.0.3 is coming on Tuesday according to blues, and the patch is live on PTR. I don't see us completing the grind, sadly. If you haven't already, go ahead and do "Avast ye, Admiral!" and get the Bloodsail Admiral title and the hat, because those are going away, and one title out of it is better than none, IMO.
it will still be available for the factions that are remaining... as far as the pristine black diamonds... Stratholme will drop 2-3 per run (or at least it does for me). Maybe im lucky. I ran some toons through there 7 times and came up w/ 18 pbd's
Exystredofar ty for your post =) i did the avast admiral and i'm honored But those diamonds are killing me -.- soo farm stratholme?
I highly recommend Strat myself. Having run it over 272 times for the Baron mount (skipping most trash as I am a warlock), I would kill maybe 1/10 of all the trash, and I got at least 3 diamonds a week. So kill all trash, roughly 30 diamonds a week.
Exystredofar how many runs is that 30diamonds a week :O? Since if it's like that i can somehow still manage it =)
I usually got fed up after 5 runs, so I would wait about 5-6 hours and then run it 5 more times, so roughly 10 runs a day, if I felt up to it.
i guess i would commemorate its existence, and i find no better way, then to listen to this. [video=youtube;zAlNrtcPCLw]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAlNrtcPCLw[/video]
Kiyumi, it also drops in Dire Maul and BRD. Supposedly the most successful drop area is BRD, but Strat has more mobs that it has a chance to drop from.
They said they are removing insane in the membrane but they are going to create something equally brutal to get