Since lootfilter doesn't work at all with 4.0.x I was wondering what players are using to minimize looting and selling at vendors? Before changing to lootfilter I used a couple smaller addons before, but truly lootfilter was great for the past year. Thanks
While leveling they are great. At this point I have farmers for pets, etc - where they could spend more time grinding mobs if they didn't have to run back to the vendor every so often.
I found it last updated on wowinterface on 04-05-2010 03:01 PM Where might you have downloaded yours at? I only run NPCSCAN, POSTAL and lootfilter, however lootfilter no longer works, hrm.....
curse has an updated version of lootfilter
When I searched for it on wow, I must have gotten an old version, like 3.x or something, apologies. Thank you!
Same Here, Frosweave Bags = Autofinancement for my toons In addition Auto Equip helps alot for new accounts that doesnt have heirlooms.
the white and blacklist work on lootfilter SVN again, however they do not take priority over the other filters, so i have another addon to take care of those pesky items that lootfilter cant handle AutoDelete(tho it sorta stops working sometimes).
Had same problem but fixed that with addon named Sell-O-Matic. If your toon won't even walk to vendors then I don't know :b