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  • Bad plays list - things to improve

    Discussion in 'Hearthbuddy Forum' started by Fibula, Apr 9, 2014.

    1. Fibula

      Fibula New Member

      Apr 7, 2014
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      I want to start a list with all the bad plays that bot makes so that in future someone might fix them :)

      If someone will add anything new I'll add it to the following list:

      1. Turn 1 coin + hero power - that's never good
      2. Mulligan does not work good at all - it leaves 4 mana cards in hand
      3. Leeroy Jenkins is attacking Whelps after the bot drops him :D
      4. Although there was a 5/1 mob on board bot decided that better target for Leeroy is that Whelp - it would be nice to implement a rule: if enemy mob attack > 4 then kill that mob ASAP
      5. bot used morph into sheep twice on the same minion, wasting one of them obviously
      6. attacked enemy minion instead of killing the enemy hero
      7. tries to attack twice with the same minion without active windfury
      8. bot is dropping cards, especially minions, on the field when we already have enough combined attack power to finish the game by going directly for the enemy hero
      9. Hunter's Mark locking out the game for both players when there is no enemy minion to target, the timer runs out but opponent cannot play anything as the target for it is still present in board.
      10. Abused sergeant and others being played then returned constantly, if that doesn't alarm people to detecting a bot, I don't know what will.
      11. Bot will play a charge minion but not use the charge upon placement.
      12. Hero will not attack with equipped weapons
      13. If the bot has Knife Juggler on the hand he should play that minion before playing other minions. (for the passive proc)
      14. There are certain minions that should never trade if it is not highly favorable (because of their passive). (will make a list later). Best solution would be if we could have a list that we can edit on our own. Like lootrules in Demonbuddy.
      15. Paladin Repentance is no good card early. Should play it after turn 4 or 5.
      Last edited: Apr 11, 2014
    2. laria

      laria Well-Known Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      there is too much to list here, the guys already know many things and are working to get them fixed. I think it is too early in the beta to make such a list
    3. Fibula

      Fibula New Member

      Apr 7, 2014
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      It's easy to get lost or to miss something when you don't have one. Also isn't beta made for this?
    4. laria

      laria Well-Known Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      point taken.
      I will tell you my favourites then:
      - bot used morph into sheep twice on the same minion, wasting one of them obviously
      - attacked enemy minion instead of killing the enemy hero
      - tries to attack twice with the same minion without active windfury
      - bot is dropping cards, especially minions, on the field when we already have enough combined attack power to finish the game by going directly for the enemy hero
    5. Fibula

      Fibula New Member

      Apr 7, 2014
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      Bot tried to attack stealth creature

      Is it normal that bot is trying to attack a stealth creature and because of that he just sits there trying to do it? I mean is it bug or am I lucky or is it meant to be atm?

      Chochlik krwi = blood imp with stealth on it

      And kinda offtopic - bot didn't used warlock hero power - why?
    6. AutomaticCoding

      AutomaticCoding Banned

      Dec 20, 2011
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      I feel the last one is far from a priority, all it does is slow down the game by a few seconds, not huge, the rest of them are a lot more important, and, I have no idea why you think it's too early to make a list, it's never too early.

      I fully agree with all the ones in the OP (I can't verify some of them, however, due to my limited card range, so, taking your word for it), except for the last one, which, seems rather moot.
    7. kelu

      kelu New Member

      Apr 7, 2014
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      As I stated in another topic - The coin should be dropped on turn one before everything else. It should be fairly easy to implement and this way the bot would cast cost 2 minions instead of just wasting the Coin after playing Cost 1 minion.
    8. AutomaticCoding

      AutomaticCoding Banned

      Dec 20, 2011
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      As for the main issue, obviously, logic issue which I can't resolve, but, I can answer your second question, the reason for not using the Warlock hero power is, unlike other hero powers, it actually has a pretty negative side effect, it will literally kill you if you use it incorrectly, at this time, the logic isn't in play to use it, so, it simply doesn't use it. I've found, however, this also causes the bot to idle with Warlocks, as, it knows there's something it can play (The hero ability), but, refuses to play it (As it doesn't know how), causing the bot idle until your turn is over by force.

      On the plus side, I suppose, I've had quite a few people surrender to me because I literally make them wait a minute and a half per turn, quite a dickish move, however, and, I do feel bad for the other player who just wants to have a fast paced fun little game on Hearthstone.
    9. kelu

      kelu New Member

      Apr 7, 2014
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      I had the same issue. I think playing warlock atm isn't an option - it seems it has trouble with using the hero power on warlock.
      And about the stealth it's broken for me too, I hope they will repair it soon. Not that many warlocks on lower levels though, so not that much of a problem ;)
    10. AutomaticCoding

      AutomaticCoding Banned

      Dec 20, 2011
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      I wouldn't say it isn't an option, I'm running 8-7 currently on my run, it's basically a bunch of Murlocs:-

      Didn't really put much thought into it, spent a grand total of about a minute clicking on random cool-looking cards, seems to work okay in casual.

      Note:- I tried to keep the mana cost lows, HB has no idea how to play cards in order, so, I tried to just allow it to play as many cards as possible per turn.

      Also, as I was typing it, this happened:-

      And Hearthbuddy froze.
      Last edited: Apr 9, 2014
    11. kelu

      kelu New Member

      Apr 7, 2014
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      I dont have warleaders :p Im saying that warlock is a bad idea because of the hero power which doesn't work atm. When every turn lasts max time it's very slow progress even if u do over 50% ratio ;)
    12. smellymoose

      smellymoose Member

      Aug 8, 2012
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      So little logic

      I've run into so many problems with this bot:

      • Hunter's Mark locking out the game for both players when there is no enemy minion to target, the timer runs out but opponent cannot play anything as the target for it is still present in board.
      • Abused sergeant and others being played then returned constantly, if that doesn't alarm people to detecting a bot, I don't know what will.
      • Bot will play a charge minion but not use the charge upon placement.
      • Update: Hero will not attack with equipped weapons

      There are constant other logic issues here that aren't even near advanced logic that I'm a bit tired to recall exactly at this hour, will edit as I come across, I understand that logic will be terrible at the start but this bot is currently unplayable unless you sacrifice a lot of game winning cards due to so many restrictions to which cards actually work. Its definately alpha at best and unsure whether the sales value for such a rough release should be marked along the price of the other buddy releases.

      I'm not being funny but the early version release of Bot of Stone played more cleanly than this.
      Last edited: Apr 9, 2014
    13. jotd

      jotd Member

      Sep 27, 2010
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      Well, that highly depends on the deck you are playing. If you have very less 1/2/3 drops it makes sense to leave 4 mana cards in the hand.

      That rule doesn't make sense. I would make it that way: Calculate a minions weight by adding current attack and defense. If your minions current attack+defense is lower than the enemys attack it!
      I also always cringe when the enemy has a 5/1 mob on the board and my 1/1 paladin minion goes for the face. :)

      Card dependend problems I found:
      - If the bot has Knife Juggler on the hand he should play that minion before playing other minions. (for the passive proc)
      - There are certain minions that should never trade if it is not highly favorable (because of their passive). (will make a list later). Best solution would be if we could have a list that we can edit on our own. Like lootrules in Demonbuddy.
      - Paladin Repentance is no good card early. Should play it after turn 4 or 5.
    14. polskiftw

      polskiftw New Member

      Apr 17, 2013
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      Similar to Honorbuddy, we won't see amazing logic until the API is released and the community creates amazing profiles/plugins. I will happily pay for premium logic for this bot, just as I did for Honorbuddy.

      That said, some interesting things I have noticed the bot do is try to attack the enemy hero when they have a taunt creature out, tries to play minions with target battlecry and it doesn't know what to do (this is a known bug, but some cards apparently do work), and also play buffs at the end of the turn (including buffs that are one turn only).
    15. The Fifth

      The Fifth New Member

      Apr 11, 2014
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      1) In my warrior deck it won't play the card "Cleave"
      2) Several times there have been an enemy minion with taunt that 1 of my minions could easily 1 hit kill, but instead it will use lower minions first to attack and destroy them all before using the bigger minion. For example, if enemy minion is 3/5 Shieldmasta, HearthBuddy will use Leper Gnome to attack, then Harvest Golem, then Leeroy Jenkins, losing 3 minions to 1.
    16. ziggs

      ziggs New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      So I've just purchased a trial of this bot to see how well it works. There are quite a few things that still bother me. I've made a hunter deck that I've tested with multiple (free) bots from Ownedcore, and it maintains about a 95% winrate vs normal AI. The same deck works with heartbuddy, but a lot less efficient.

      A few things that bothered me from the start:

      If an enemy taunter is at 1 hp and you have 5 minions, it just seems to pick a random one, instead of a minion with 1 attack. I.E. it will use lord of the arena instead of a murloc to kill a taunter totem.
      The coin + hero ability opener.
    17. The Fifth

      The Fifth New Member

      Apr 11, 2014
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      They said it's in beta and they are not done with it yet.
    18. Fibula

      Fibula New Member

      Apr 7, 2014
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      Beta is when you have stable version with some bugs. Hearthbuddy is not working at this moment at all - it crashes every mulligan and it have a lot of bugs. I am using Bot of Stone now which was bought by Buddy team because HB was supposed to be better and safer version of BoS is not working at all. I wasn't bitching when I played HS beta and there were bugs, but the game was stable 90% of the time at least. This is just luring people to buy your bot in promise of better future so that they wont buy any of competitors bots.
      It would be all ok if only they didn't call this beta but alpha or just very early stage that is not reliable nor stable.
    19. AutomaticCoding

      AutomaticCoding Banned

      Dec 20, 2011
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      I'm perplexed at how many people are having huge issues with it, mine works fine, then again, that's what beta is.
    20. Fibula

      Fibula New Member

      Apr 7, 2014
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      It is beta, but still they are lying to customers or at least mislead them into buying a product that is not stable at all.

      Also the whole page says nothing about this being beta phase - Hearthbuddy - The Bot for Hearthstone
      Either I am blind or it is nowhere stated that this is beta. It also isn't stated anywhere on checkout - you do not get any warring at all that you are buying beta software in price of full product. That's just lying. It's probably the reason why they are not selling it in Germany - in fear of law suit or anything.

      I am giving it some time but they need to push it to a usable level in next week.

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