These kind of basic questions are the kind that usually incite nerd-rage among the forum trolls, so if you're one of those people that get mad over questions than just don't answer. First of all, is it currently online? I know on the homepage it says that it's offline for the patch, but the patch was a while back, so I'm wondering if they just haven't updated the page. Secondly, how exactly does it work? Does it only level through the BG's, or can it grind/quest as well? Third, is it undetectable to warden? For the price, I hope it is. Finally, and this is a vague question I know, but how does it compare to mmoglider? Thanks to those who take their time to answer.
Its the most intelligent bot out there, it has like a GPS system for all WoW zones: Meshes. It can grind /quest and do bgs or it can mix it them. The Developer Team wont release a risky bot, so , ye its undetected for Warden. And Yes, its updated.
yes it is online right now as well. in some aspects it's much better than glider, in others not as good. it's very good overall, and by far the best out there publicly available.
1. It is online, yes. 2. HB will grind, quest, or pvp - depending on the setup and profile used. GB is mostly used for making money via gathering and can do mailing, guild vaulting, etc. 3. It is undetected, however you can still be banned by other methods (reporting, server-side flagging, gm observation, etc). 4. Glider was great and had a huge community. HB/GB are a great continuation off that project, but both are still in relative infancy in terms of timelines - as a result, they are not as polished as glider was in its peak. They are getting there, however.
To correct one of ski's points; HB/GB are currently undetected. (Not undetectable) We take certain precautions to avoid detection, however as with anything breaking the ToS of a game, its up to you if you want to risk your account. HB/GB haven't seen any real banwaves. (There was a small wave a little over a year ago, due to a hack that clashed with the bot out of coincidence.)
GB / HB rocks, point blank. Other bots may be up a few hours or a day ahead ... but its the old "pathing" set up, instead of mesh, as well as it injects into the memory. But our dev's keep us very protected... the only thing that will get you banned is a player report, so you have to set your bot up smartly (is that a word?).
Thanks to all the intelligent posts. I can tell you have a strong community and will now take some time to consider whether or not to lay out the money. Off topic: If I RAF an account of my own, and that account is caught for botting, could my main account be banned?
don't worry, i used glider, i bought many bots.....and now i use HB, i think, i'm really honest saying it, it's the best. And really easy to use.
If I get you correctly: RAF acct is RAF'd to your main acct? and if your RAF gets banned, will it connect to your main? No -- this has happened to me, it does not affect your main at all.