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    Discussion in 'Hearthbuddy Forum' started by Fibula, Apr 9, 2014.

    1. AutomaticCoding

      AutomaticCoding Banned

      Dec 20, 2011
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      The Buddy Team offer a one week no-questions asked refund policy, just so you know, so, if you really think they lied to you, I'd take them up on that offer.

      Other than that, the only issue I see here is a slight stability issue at your end (And poor logic), don't get me wrong, it's not your fault, but, it is something you're going to have to live with until it can be addressed, it's not a fundamental issue in the code, as, the bot works amazingly for me (Left it on and got 30 wins over the period of a day, for my 100 gold reward, not a single crash, ~ 60 games in total).
    2. bigboy54

      bigboy54 New Member

      Apr 30, 2012
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      i havent crashed yet either over 20 games so far
    3. Fibula

      Fibula New Member

      Apr 7, 2014
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      I'm sure they do. Not that it matter at all I am sure they would give a refund without any problems at this point. It's just unfair and I am quite sure also illegal in EU to mislead your customer into buying a beta product without notifying him about that.

      Crashing at every mulligan is a "slight" stability issue? :D My end? From what I see on support forums it's not just "my" end - it's many people "ends".

      Have you done it on release .17? Because that's the one I had problems with. It's unfair to quote a guy on an old version and claim it's working for you when you'r using updated one :p Today I found out that there was update, now I have .22 currently checking it out. At this point it crashed only 2 times out of 5 mulligans. We'll see how it goes :)
    4. AutomaticCoding

      AutomaticCoding Banned

      Dec 20, 2011
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      Yes. It's a slight issue, it doesn't effect everyone and it's in beta software, I never said it was great, but, it's what I'd consider slight. 'Many people' are just as good as saying your end, you all have something in common, maybe you're not using the English Hearthstone client, or, not using a x64 operating system, or, using a slightly newer version of .net that Hearthbuddy crashes on. It's beta software, I can't tell you it's not annoying, as, it must be, but, it's still something unique to you(r group).

      I've used all of these versions extensively with a grand total of three crashes, all three of which occurred when I was either starting, or, stopping, the bot:-

      On, I'm currently on the eight hour mark without touching it, 50 total games, 26 wins, 24 losses:-

      I got something similar on, however.
      Last edited: Apr 13, 2014
    5. hankerspace

      hankerspace DEVELOPER Buddy Core Dev

      Apr 4, 2014
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      Actually, game localization and kind of OS (x64, x86...) has no influence on bot crashes or issues.

      The only crash reason can be a reallllly slow computer : if your game loading (once game found in queue to the mulligan display) take more than 30secs, some behaviors can be unexpected...

      If its your case, just tell us, maybe we can add a "slow computers" checkbox to handle and manage such behaviors...

      And actually, a low-memory virtual machine can have the same issues...
    6. zuche

      zuche New Member

      Feb 11, 2012
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      My computer is not slow but who knows, may be it will help. Also Im using mine main pc so no problems with low memory, so dunno why its happening
    7. Fibula

      Fibula New Member

      Apr 7, 2014
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      AutomaticCoding - we have different idea of what "slight" issue is. What if it's the other way around - maybe it's you and few others that are "special" and their bot actually works? May be it's something in your spec and settings.

      It's not slow nor is it top tier. It's just regular ;p I also thought about that waiting time but I failed to see any connection between that. I also played with resolution and details level to see if it will help - nothing changed. If it's easy to add that "slow" option then you should add it, especially for VM uses. If it wont solve the problem it will at least tell you something. Also it's a nice feature. Still your Bot of Stone is working without any problems for hours and only crashes from time to time. I know it's different injection method, etc. I just wanted to let you know.
    8. DaSoul

      DaSoul Well-Known Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Dude seriously...

      Nobody, absolutely nobody forced you to buy a bot that IS NOT finished. Seriously what the **** do you expect?

      Either you don't know what a beta is, then it is your fault buying something you don't know what it means/is or you have some serious big understanding problems what a beta version is.

      And seriously complaining about ~20€ you paid for a lifetime product... ridiculous.

      You know how i see this? With this pre-sell we support them, we help them getting new developers paid(if needed) for faster or more qualified work(4-eyes principle).

      Some people these days ...

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