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  • [Q*3] Multiple Hearthstone windows & Hearthstone and Hearthbuddy on different users

    Discussion in 'Hearthbuddy Forum' started by AutomaticCoding, Apr 13, 2014.

    1. AutomaticCoding

      AutomaticCoding Banned

      Dec 20, 2011
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      1. How on earth do you actually run two Hearthstone clients at once without running two user accounts? I can get it running (Click me!) (Screenshot is over two screens, same time, for reference, not two stitched together images) if I run two accounts (runas /user:hearthstone "C:\Program Files (x86)\Battle.net\Hearthstone\Hearthstone.exe"), but, that's kind of annoying to have to have a dedicated user account for a program on Windows (I wouldn't mind on *NIX, but, on Windows, it means I have to manually select my user on login)
      2. Can Hearthstone and Hearthbuddy be running under different Windows users (Assuming the Hearthbuddy one has permission to inject/modify memory)?
      3. Why does Hearthbuddy store it's Patch data in C:\Windows\System32?
      3. B. Why is C:\Windows\System32\PatchTrack.dat so well hidden I can someone how have one copy of it with nothing in it:-


      While apparently also having stuff in it:-

      Last edited: Apr 13, 2014
    2. Apoc

      Apoc Moderator Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 16, 2010
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      The PatchTrack.dat should not be writing to the system32 folder. What user account are you using? (FYI; PatchTrack.dat is for our usage, so we can track the original bytes for certain Win32 API's that we hook. Since OS's are different, and there may be patches in place, we need to be able to restore them. That's what that file holds.)

      We wrote Hearthbuddy to only support "single instance", because the Blizzard launcher blocks any access for more than one. (The launcher handles login, and startup of the client) We're not fond of patching the client to force multiple logons.

      Your key is not bound to any computer, user, etc. So if you want to make it run on multiple users, you can do so for as many sessions you have available.
    3. hankerspace

      hankerspace DEVELOPER Buddy Core Dev

      Apr 4, 2014
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      Launching Multiple Hearthstone and multiple Hearthbuddy sessions on the same computer is impossible (even using multiple Windows sessions). The only easy way is to create X virtual machines on your computer (one Hearthstone instance running per virtual machine).
    4. AutomaticCoding

      AutomaticCoding Banned

      Dec 20, 2011
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      I did manage to launch two Hearthstones (Refer to image in OP) first try, without sandbox/VM/etc..., but, now I can't seem to recreate it. Dammit.

      Oh well, even if I did get it working, the way I got it working was a huge pain (running one battle.net, and, one hearthstone, under the same battle.net account). I somewhat feel this makes the three key version of HB a little less useful, if, you've got to throw it across three different installations of Windows.
    5. Apoc

      Apoc Moderator Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 16, 2010
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      Some users who use VMs make use of all 3. That's why it's available.

      Unfortunately, the game isn't allowed to run more than 1 copy, without some patching of the game client, and replicating the login system.

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