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    Discussion in 'All in One' started by wulf, Aug 30, 2013.

    1. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      Just ran Immerseus on my Resto Shaman, and I have to say I'm not too happy with the results. It doesn't seem to be healing party members that need healing. It only seems to be healing me, when I need healing. The only time party members were being healed was when I dropped my healing stream totem and a couple, or more, times when I casted Chain Heal. I had to cast Healing Rain manually, but that's my own fault because I have the Chain Heal glyph, which causes Healing Rain not to be cast. But, the lagging and FPS drops weren't there on this fight like it was when I was using it in ToT to run those fights. I don't think this is the routine's fault though, because I've noticed this in a lot of healing routines. When the entire raid group is spread out so far apart, the ones that are near you that need healing don't seem to get healed. Perhaps this is due to the routine's settings maybe? I'll upload my log, but as far as settings go I'm just using the General Default and Shaman Default settings that come with Oracle. The routine is also up to date because I update twice daily via SVN.

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    2. glidarkatten

      glidarkatten Member

      Nov 5, 2010
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      This would I also love to see. Im pleased wih the genaral settings in normal mode, but dont know if they work on hc mode also? Havent the knowlege to setup the settings by myself as resto have only been botted in my shammy.
    3. bennyquest

      bennyquest Community Developer

      Dec 6, 2010
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      zeldrak, I just glanced at your log today and from what i see it is healing people, i cannot say adequately cause i was not there. I also removed all the hooks from your log and it is attached that way you can see the actual casts that it does and shows the range of people it is trying to cast on.

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    4. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      Thanks bennyquest. It just seems odd that it was leaving people with missing health almost the whole fight. I guess, perhaps, I just couldn't keep up with the damage? My shaman healer is ilvl 500 right now. According to the log it shows a ton of healing going out, but according to the Blizzard default raid frames, the people in range of my healing were bright green, the people out of range are a dark green (I'm color blind, so I run in color blind mode). The bright green health bars were never fully healed. It seems that they were only healed up to about 80-85%, and the bot also seemed to let some of them die off. That's why I was concerned. I'll just chalk it up to not being able to keep up with damage versus healing for now then. Unless you can suggest settings, or something else?
    5. amputations

      amputations Active Member

      Jan 6, 2011
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      Zeldrak to be fair you shouldnt worry about the performance on your toons at ~500 ilvl, thats far below the gearlevel where you can reach appropriate stats and hastecaps & what not.

      get more gear and correct itemization & stats for your toons (icy-veins & askmrrobot helps) and you'll get way better performance I can assure you ^^
    6. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      That's understandable, but it seems to always go back to the root of the problem. That being that you can't get better gear without advancing into higher content. But, you can't advance into higher content without better gear or fabulous numbers from the gear you've already got. This is where I stand on my realm. I have no groups that will carry me like on the higher pop realms with the big guilds that help their members gear out for progression. I have to scrape and fight for everything I've got, and if I can't produce decent numbers in what I'm wearing, then I can't move into better content. It's just a nasty Catch-22 that I'm in. I understand what you're saying, and it makes perfect sense, but for me I'm just trying to push ahead and get better gear through the means that I have. It's just a rough grind.
    7. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
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      it is currently only using FoL with the settings (for fast needed heals) OR when nothing else is to do, it sorts the current avaiable players be their IL buff and starts building these shields to the max
      so what it does when everyone is at full health
      - take the player with the biggest IL which is not capped (cap is 33% of the max health of the paladin)
      - heal with FoL (when mana is good for it) or with Divine Light (when mana isn't that good)
      - take the next player with IL buff which is not capped yet
      - rinse and repeat

      this logic is in there since months but was very buggy and u couldn't control the FoL usage, with the current version (should be 332) u'll have more control over the FoL usage (took quiet some time to get this working)
      it is NOT (this is maybe your personal impression, but it isn't doin that, i tested it several days in a 10m hc raid before i pushed the update) healing the paladin only
      i'll check your other conditions and if i could add them to the current healing style

      but back to topic, the "weird" FoL usage is now only coming from the Building of IL (this wasn't the case before i pushed the update^^)

      dunno if it is worth atm, but will look at it while keeping my mates alive :)
    8. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
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      currently waiting for invite :) i've now a built which should reflect your suggestions much better, and write a more useful information to the log (which should make it more clear why we currently cast DL,FoL or HS(this one is only a Backup spell in the Logic to make sure we keep IL buff active AND getting some Holy Power if we are not maxed at this point))

      There was also another Bug in FoL casting related PreHeals ... i removed the whole FoL casting from the static heals, only Tanks will now get FoL in this part of the healing (well don't mess with it, the routine splits the healing currently in different parts with static healing (pre heals, which were tried to be casted before any calculations are done which could be the best spell), some dynamic healing (take the best spell for the current situation), post heals (we are done with saving the life of our mates), class specific stuff (building illuminated light buff, when nothing else is needed))
    9. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
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      some mo tweaks needed, but i'm quite confident that u'll be more happy with it
    10. difozenn

      difozenn New Member

      May 1, 2012
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      Just gave it a go on thok flex and at the last phase it just cancles everything mid cast not knowing what spell to use first leaving everyone to die in the end at full mana
      Last edited: Apr 11, 2014
    11. bennyquest

      bennyquest Community Developer

      Dec 6, 2010
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      thok logic is not perfected...also in setting do you have stop casting enabled?
    12. saltychip

      saltychip New Member

      Jan 11, 2013
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      I noticed it doesnt seem to pop Holy Avenger on CD but only when stacked with Avenging Wrath.

      Avenging Wrath is 3 minutes (unless ret)
      Holy Avenger is 2 minutes

      so 1 minute of lost CD time

      Just wondering what the classic logic goes by for that skill.
    13. klb2948

      klb2948 Member

      Sep 29, 2012
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      Just boosted a Holy Paladin. Does anyone have some custom settings? Seems like I'm not using any mana and it's putting me 4th-6th in healing. Any help would be appreciated.
    14. saltychip

      saltychip New Member

      Jan 11, 2013
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      you can always look at icy veins or elitist jerks if you want to try custom settings but generally the default holy spec is pretty good. If you arent using any mana its probably because everyone is topped off Oracle is good at trying to minimize overhealing and only heal when people actually need it. Check the overhealing meters you might be a lot lower than others which is a good thing. =)
    15. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
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      no log, no help
    16. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
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      the current code is
      Spell.Cast("Holy Avenger", on => Me, ret => PaladinCommon.HolyAvengerPct>0 && PaladinCommon.HasTalent(PaladinTalents.HolyAvenger) && (HealTarget.HealthPercent(HealTarget.GetHPCheckType()) <= PaladinCommon.HolyAvengerPct) && !Me.HasAura(DivineFavor)),
      so basicly it does it not use on cooldown, it will use it when:
      - it is not disabled in the settings (the HP value has to be > 0)
      - ur toon has the needed Talent
      - the Healtarget is below or equal the setting
      - ur toon doesn't have divine favor up

      no conditions for AW or anything else so far
    17. Soeski

      Soeski Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Don't use cancel casting when you're properly geared (ilvl 520+, gemmed, enchanted). You will have too much mana left and won't top meters :)
      You want to snipe that heal away from others, overhealing in the process of course. No one cares about overhealing as long as you don't go OOM anyway.
    18. wulf

      wulf Community Developer

      Dec 29, 2010
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      You are right. But everything will change when WoD hits. No more AoE smart heals spamming to top meters...healers will be...skillful!
    19. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
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      well ... depends on your gear and your gearing strategy :) i'm sure that my personel settings will burn your mana AND u'll have bad results in healing ;)

      all in all 4th-6th in healing without beeing out of mana sounds legit for me :)
      but try to disable/adjust in general settings (not the class specific ones)
      - Stop Casting -> false (this is causing to interrupt the healing when everyone is above the limit)
      - Stop Casting Percentage -> 99
      - Enable heals per mana -> false (in the current Addon (MoP) it is not necessary anymore, this one is more or less only useful when WoD hits us)
      - Exclude Players above -> 99 (100 -> depends on your spirit and mastery)
      - Predicted Health -> false (in the current Addon (MoP) it is not necessary anymore, this one is more or less only useful when WoD hits us)

      if it is still not performing the way u think it should ...
      - compare the gear between you and your opponents
      - attach a log
      - explain what's going wrong
    20. Soeski

      Soeski Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Whoa... you need to explain this to me (please :)). You say "Heals per mana" is no longer necessary but more for WoD; same as Predicted Health. But these features (calculations) was/is what makes Oracle spectacular right? They were designed for MoP, because at the time no one even heard of WoD let alone what changes it would bring.
      Now you're telling us not to use them at all... How come? Why are these features no longer needed? I always leave them on, assuming the advanced calculations/formulas behind them is what makes Oracle superior to others. Enlighten us (me).
      Secondly, you disable stopcasting and then set the percentage to 99. Probably not needed, if you disable stopcasting, it won't even look at the percentage? :)

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